The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 302: (302) The strength is quite reliable, but the words are not very good.

"This is a way." Yang Xiaocao thought about it and it was not impossible. Although she was not very literate, she knew that cultivators were rare nowadays and it was not easy to be a sweeper by herself.

"Grandma, you can think about this matter at home slowly. I'll go out to do some errands first. Maybe you can figure it out when I get back." Shen Yun looked at the serious look on the old lady's face and quickly agreed.

"Okay, I have to go anyway, you go." Yang Xiaocao finally thought about it and waved his hand, signaling Shen Yun and the others to go.

Shen Yun took Shen Chen and Shen Hong to the city first. The funds for renting the land had to be transferred to a new account for them. Otherwise, he didn't know when he would be able to complete the task, and the time for paying the money would be delayed. Pretty bad.

The bank in the city has never handled such a large business several times. Even the president came over, checked Shen Yun's and his family's IDs, and then asked a lot of questions before handling Shen Yun's business. .

Thinking about going out, Shen Yun also withdrew two thousand yuan.

"Here, put the things away, and you can take this thousand yuan back with you." Shen Yun directly handed the newly opened passbook to his elder brother, and also gave him the thousand yuan.

"Do you need to transfer so much? Didn't you say it only costs more than 2 million?" Shen Chen asked in a low voice while looking at the more than 3 million in the passbook, and unconsciously looked to see if there was anyone next to him.

"Take it, you need money for your family life, and for the researchers you brought back, you can show them around after renting the land. If there is anything you need to buy, you can directly pay for it from here." Shen Yun explained.

 “Okay.” Shen Chen nodded and collected the money directly.

"Then let's go." Shen Yun greeted the two people and walked directly to the hidden place with Xiao Bengqi.

“You’ve spent your sister’s money, but you have to work hard when you get back, a man from a big family.” Looking at Shen Yun walking away, Shen Chen said to Shen Hong next to him.

"Let's go back. The spiritual plants I planted at home will soon be able to separate seedlings. I want to learn." Shen Hong didn't say anything, and showed it directly with actions.

 The two people here are rushing towards Baiyun Village.

 Over there, Shen Yun and the others found a secluded place and flew directly with their swords, heading towards the address they had set with Yan Han in the morning.

The location was not a big place, just a small fishing village on the East China Sea. If the severe cold had not given the address, Shen Yun would not have been able to find this place.

 Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqiao landed at the agreed place, and saw a small village not far away, the sea in the distance, and a small dock on the seaside. It didn't look like a place where a big ship could park.

 There is no one here at the moment.

"No one has come yet, let's wait for a while." Shen Yun looked around and saw that there were indeed people in the village, but at this moment there were only two people on the beach, Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi.

The two of them had been waiting at the beach for a short time when they saw a small boat speeding towards them in the distance.

"The people who picked us up are here, let's go." Shen Yun called to the little jumper who was playing happily with the seabirds over there.

  The two men did not wait for the boat to dock, but stepped directly across the water.

“Xu Lei, congratulations, the foundation is established.” Shen Yun saw an acquaintance coming over and said with a smile.

“Thanks to the pill you gave me before, otherwise I don’t know when I can build the foundation.” Xu Lei said proactively.

“Help each other, how many people are here for this mission?” Shen Yun sat on the boat, and Xu Lei turned around directly.

“A dozen or so, some of them with decent strength have come over, and the rest are waiting for support on the shore.” Xu Lei explained the simple situation.

“There are quite a few people here. There have never been so many people in Kunlun Mountain. Is the situation this time very difficult?”

"That's not true. The main reason is that we have only a little knowledge of the situation on the island. Bring more people to be safer." Shen Yun could only nod to this statement.

 “For the specific situation, I will meet with the captain later. The captain will tell you.” Xu Lei didn’t say much on the way.

The speed of the boat was very fast, and soon I saw a slightly larger boat.

 From a distance, you could see a man standing on the bow of the boat, and he shouted to them when he saw them.

“That’s our ship.” Xu Lei also pointed.

The three people moved directly from the small boat to the big boat. This boat was an old fishing boat, and it still had a distinct fishy smell.

Shen Yun knew most of the dozen or so people who came over. He smiled and said hello to the people he knew.

“Are you taking your younger brother with you on this mission?” said the person next to him, looking at Xiao Bengqi up and down.

Shen Yun looks like a familiar person, he should have joined the department later.

 “This is the little helper I brought here.

 Golden dragon, show off your skills. "Chen Yun said with a smile.

Little Bengtao actually cooperated. He was very willing to show off his skills. With a wave of his hand, a huge wave rose directly not far away.

"What's going on? The weather has changed. Change sail quickly." Some people saw this situation and immediately became nervous. After all, they had never lived at sea, so they immediately became nervous when they saw such a big wave.

 There are also those who attack directly over there.

“Okay, stop teasing everyone.” Shen Yun looked at Xiao Bengqi fondly.

“Okay, let’s not play anymore. I originally wanted to catch a few fish for you to eat.” The little jumper waved his hand, and the waves disappeared without a trace.

 The people on the boat looked at each other in confusion, "Was it this child's masterpiece just now?"

 “Is it a coincidence?” Some people don’t believe it.

"Don't underestimate people, Sister Yun. Let's go in and ignore these arrogant people. Don't let them see their true abilities. They really think they are invincible. They don't even think about what they are doing here. One by one You were talking nonsense just now." Xu Ling heard the movement on the deck and came out to see what was going on.

She has long been disgusted with some of the people in the team, but these people are pretty good and reliable in fighting, but they are occasionally a bit arrogant, and today they were finally hit.

“They are all young people, and they can understand even if they are young and energetic. By the way, where is Minister Yan, I need to find out more about the situation from him.” Shen Yun walked directly towards Xu Ling.

“Let’s go, I’ll take you there.” Xu Ling led Shen Yun directly towards the cabin.

"Did I offend someone just now? I really didn't mean that. I was just curious about how to take care of a child, nothing else." The person who just spoke just reacted after hearing what Xu Ling just said.

"It's okay, Shen Yun is not such a stingy person. After getting along for a long time, she will know that this is your tone." Xu Lei was familiar with this person and comforted him directly.

"That's good, Brother Xu, I see you are familiar with her, please help explain. We have a mission soon, don't make it unpleasant." The man said with a sad face.

“Okay, please be more careful next time when you speak.” Xu Lei looked around, warned, and walked towards the room. His teammates were all quite reliable, but they were not very reliable when talking.

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