“What on earth is this?” After a while, Jia Weihe’s voice sounded in the formation.

Shen Yun originally thought that he should be hiding somewhere else. After all, he had just hit him directly with the third move, which was enough for him. He didn't expect that he would hide in the black mist.

  Could it be that these are the big moves he wants to unleash, and he himself has become a part of it.

"Have you never seen it before? This is a formation invented by people in China, specifically to restrain heretics like you. Now there are many formations, swordsmanship, weapon refining and elixir refining methods on the mainland, and only the foundation-building elixir can be used to break through. It only takes one pill to complete," Shen Yun said deliberately.

"You are lying. There is a group of rigid people in the country, how could it develop so fast." When death was imminent, Jia Weihe still did not believe it.

“Do you think you are the savior, and the world will stop moving forward without you? Unfortunately, you are wrong. Even if you succeed in practicing a method like yours, you will be punished by God.

 I came up through normal cultivation. If you don’t believe it, how did I come up through cultivation? "Chen Yun continued.

"No, no, it's definitely not like this outside. The people who come to the island are all low-cultivation guys, and no one has ever said that the country is so good." Jia Weihe obviously still didn't believe it.

“Who among successful people would be willing to follow someone like you who hides his/her head and tail and does such stupid things? Those who follow you are people with poor qualifications and pretentiousness.”

The more Jia Weihe listened to Shen Yun's words, the more he felt that this was the case. The black mist inside the exorcism array became more violent, and the lightning inside became more powerful.

"No, it's impossible. I'm the only one who succeeded. You lied!" Jia Weihe always wanted to impress Zhang Qing'an. He always thought that if he became the number one person in the world in the future, Zhang Qing'an would find out how wrong he was back then. Who knew? All that was just wishful thinking. The world outside had changed in this year.

"I'm not panicking. Just try my swordsmanship and you will find out." Looking at Jia Weihe's angry figure in the black mist, Shen Yun did not hesitate. The spirit sword was attached with thunder and lightning and he threw it out. , directly inserted into the heart of Jia Weihe in the black mist.

"you you…"

"I'm just waiting for you to get angry, otherwise this little formation won't be able to destroy you." As soon as Shen Yun finished speaking, the exorcism talisman burst into a burst of thunder and then dissipated.

The howling sound stopped with the sound of thunder and lightning.

 The formation dissipated, and a few exorcism talismans eliminated the surrounding yin and black mist.

Jia Weihe was exposed lying on the ground, with the Qingfeng Sword stuck in his heart.

"Well done, Qingfeng." Shen Yun took back the Qingfeng sword, removed the stains on it, and put the scabbard back.

"Since you like to use other people's lives to do some research, let me use your life to compensate now. It will be easier for you." Shen Yun looked at the person lying on the ground. In order to prevent him from dying, he directly threw the Zhang Tianlei Talisman on it. , whether he is not dead, or whether his soul is leaving his body and turning into an evil ghost, this is solved.

Originally, Shen Yun planned to capture him and work for him for the rest of his life, but she changed her mind when she saw the black mist. When such people live in the world, every moment shows their incompetence.

Although Jia Weihe died, the formation he set up did not disappear.

 Shen Yun directly set up a small trap around Jia Weihe to avoid unpredictable problems from happening again.

 Then continue to look for the exit. This formation is really not simple. While looking for an exit, Shen Yun memorized the operation route of this formation.

In the end, he couldn't find an exit at the original door of life and death, but found an exit somewhere else. "This formation is really powerful, it's a pity." Shen Yun stepped out of the formation directly.

Outside is his own trap. Some puppets and people who are not surrounded by the inner formation are wandering around in the trap. Shen Yun is not polite. He directly knocks the person unconscious and knocks him down. The puppet is easier and can directly solve his pain. .

“Hurry up, my sister is inside.” Before the formation came out, a little jumping and anxious voice came from inside my head.

 Shen Yun directly put away the surrounding trapping formation, and the base of the formation was well received in his own space.

When they came over in the cold weather, they saw a messy scene, with many people lying underground.

He was stunned for a moment, "Shen Yun, are you okay?"

"You guys are here. I'm fine. Let's hurry up. This place should be a cave on the bottom of the sea. I don't know if it's strong enough. If it collapses, it will be broken." Shen Yun reminded her. Just now, she and Jia The movement that Wei He made inside was quite large. Although it only affected the formation, no one dared to prove what the structure of this place was like.

Anyway, Shen Yun could feel the sea water above and around him shaking violently while standing here.

"Oh, okay, okay." The people who came over immediately reacted and started to work immediately. Those who were still alive underground were handcuffed and taken away.

"Don't go that way, there is a formation over there." Shen Yun stopped those who wanted to go towards Jia Wei and the formation.

 “Okay, okay.” The other party quickly took a few steps back.

  Shen Yun and Yan Han talked about the situation at the scene and turned to look at the formation.

This still needs to be solved, otherwise we don’t know how long it will take until his spiritual energy is exhausted.

I had just figured out the formation's routine inside, but now it was easier to solve it outside. The social movement directly attacked the position of the formation eye. After a while, the calm scene in front of me seemed to have shattered the barrier, and the chaotic scene inside It leaked out. People and puppets, puppets and puppets were fighting together. There were still many people and puppets in unknown conditions lying underground.

"Is this situation so tragic? Why are these people fighting a civil war?" Xu Ling was a little confused about the situation.

“It’s because of the influence of the formation.” Shen Yun answered this question. "Don't think about this for now. Let's deal with those puppets and people first." Shen Yun saw that many of the puppets over there had already reacted and said quickly.

 “Okay.” It happened that these puppets were almost used up and could be used as training objects.

"Did you see that person? Jia Weihe, the person we arrested together before let people run away. Now he can't run away. A master of formation, but it's a pity that he doesn't follow the right path." Seeing that someone has been solved over there, Shen Yun pointed at Jia Weihe beside him and said, breaking the trap easily.

"I didn't expect that the person who ran away would have such a big impact. We have been wanted in the country. We didn't expect that he would run away here. You must know that he committed so many things after running away. We should have applied for execution immediately at that time. " Yanhan walked over and looked at Jia Weihe lying on the ground.

"Who would have thought that this man would go out and hide incognito, but continue to do bad things. Let's deal with the affairs of the research institute inside first and see how many people he has harmed." Shen Yun said comfortingly.

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