After the physical training is over, those who should cook go to cook, and those who should practice sit there and calm down.

"I think you are already very proficient in the physical refining skills before. When you go back, I will give you the physical refining skills during the Qi training period so that you can continue to improve." Shen Yun looked at the person sitting next to him. The man said.

"Really? I thought that was all. I feel like I have a different feeling every time I practice my body. This is really a good exercise. If I can continue to practice upward, then my physical strength will be very powerful. ?" Shen Chen asked with interest.

"Of course, there are records in the records where some people directly cultivated themselves into immortals with this skill, so practice hard. Even if you don't use spiritual energy, your physical strength will be comparable to a top-quality weapon." Shen Yun said patiently.

 Those who heard Shen Yun's words couldn't help but take a breath. Becoming an immortal was something that they had never dared to think about before, but now they suddenly felt that they were very close.

The people including the three apprentices and two researchers were thinking differently from Shen Yun and the others. They suddenly thought that this thing that could be cultivated to become an immortal was something that the Shen family would not hide from them. It's so trusting.

 Suddenly, several people felt very excited.

 More determined to work hard in the future, the three teenagers decided to study hard and be filial to their master.

Although the two researchers do not have the qualifications to practice, they still want to practice hard, at least to strengthen their bodies, so that they can work better in the future.

Shen Yun didn't know that his words had completely made several people obsessed with him. He only thought about other knowledge besides this thing, and learned it slowly. He didn't expect people to become fat in one bite.

  After breakfast, the fatigue of those who had rested all night disappeared, and everyone continued on their way forward.

The place Shen Yun rented was very large. They could only check it roughly along one line, and today's trip was over.

 The other shortcut we took back was much faster than when we came here.

"This trip is really worth it. I didn't even know there was a small lake in this mountain. It's a really nice place. It will be good for us to live there in the future." Shen Guoliang said with satisfaction.

"Okay, I'll find a few people to come over and build a house there. You can live wherever you want in the future, or at home." Shen Yun responded with a good temper.

The place with the lake is indeed a good place. The surrounding mountains are also good. They are not too high or too short. The mountains are not that steep. In the future, we can build a few houses there as a place to live. The mountains are quiet and can be used as a retreat. A good place to practice.

Moreover, there is a blind spot on the back of those mountains, which is very suitable for raising the sky spiders in your spirit beast bag. It will also be very convenient to collect spider silk.

 If we set up another formation, we won’t be afraid of these sky spiders running around.

"You don't have to do it too well. Just build a bamboo house with the bamboo on our mountain." The old man didn't have high requirements. He spent all his money on the cutting edge. The house at home can still be lived in, but there is no need to live in this place anymore. What a house to build.

"Don't worry, I'll arrange this matter. You can just move here and live there when the time comes." Shen Yun said quickly.

"Okay, okay, you brothers and sisters, please take care of the arrangements. We are all big guys. If you have something to do, let them do it. Don't do it yourself, you know." Shen Guoliang did not forget to teach Shen Yun his experience.

“Don’t worry, I’ll definitely let them do anything. I don’t know anything about building a house.” Shen Yun agreed without any pressure.

“Yes, let’s do it.” The few people behind also responded in unison, and a burst of laughter echoed along the entire mountain road.

It was getting dark, and Shen Yun and the others walked through the bamboo forest in the village.

“I’m home now. Although I’ve learned a lot in the past two days, I’m really tired.” Uncle Shen said with a smile. "Boss, although you can't practice, you can't let go of exercise. Look at the second brother and your wife, they are much better than you." Hearing what Shen Libo said, Shen Guoliang immediately became educated.

"I know, Dad, am I too old? I just sigh and don't need to go online." Shen Libo said with a smile.

"Your mother and I are here, don't mention your age in front of us." Shen Guoliang immediately had a new topic.

 “Okay, okay, never mention it again.” Shen Libo surrendered immediately.

Shen Yun and the others were watching the excitement, watching the two elders bickering and laughing loudly.

Before anyone even entered the village, the laughter spread directly to the village.

"Hey, I'm back. Your parents are back." I heard someone talking in the distance, and it sounded like someone from the village.

Shen Yun glanced over with his consciousness and found a person he didn't want to see standing at the door of his house. The big bag of luggage looked a bit like an uninvited guest.

"Someone is waiting for us. Is Shen Xing back? I don't know when this kid came back. What happened?" Several other people also heard the voices below, but their consciousness was too weak, and they didn't know much about it. Habitually used.

Shen Yun watched a few people walking down quickly and slowed down his pace. He was going to see them sooner or later anyway, and he could only slow down by a few minutes if he stopped them now.

 I don’t care so much now.

  Relaxed myself, enjoying the cool evening breeze, still as relaxed as yesterday.

"Chen Yun, do you have any plans for the mountains for the time being?" The Shen family walked slowly down, and two researchers walked to Shen Yun's side. No matter what, they were invited by Shen Yun, and this place is also Shen Yun rented it, so he still had to talk to Shen Yun before doing anything.

"I just wanted to tell you that in addition to the places I mentioned before about raising things, you can arrange other places in the mountains. There are also a few flatter places in the mountains that can be used as experimental fields for you. "Shen Yun immediately explained his arrangement.

"Okay, we don't have many seedlings for the time being, and they won't take up much space. When you have arranged other places on the mountain, we will know how to arrange them." The researcher also has his own plan.

"Okay, anyway, if you have anything, you can talk to Third Brother. If I'm here, you can come over and discuss it with me." Shen Yun nodded.

 “Okay.” This matter is settled.

“Master, do we have anything to do?” After the researcher finished speaking, the three young apprentices came over.

 Shen Yun simply stopped.

"There is nothing for you to do at the moment. Take care of the things you can talk about during the meal first. In addition, don't let go of your cultivation. When your strength improves, there will be more things you can do." Shen Yun explained seriously. , he looks a bit like a teacher.

 “Okay.” All three people agreed obediently.

Let several people go back to rest first, Shen Yun directly sent a message to Shen Chen, and walked directly towards the newly built school with Xiao Bengqiao. He didn't know what was going on now. He, the nominal principal, should also Went over to take a look.

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