The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 327: (327) The master leads you to practice cultivation by yourself

 Chapter 327 (327) The master brings him in and practice by himself

"You're welcome. Master introduced me to practice this skill on my own. It's up to you to learn it later." Shen Yun told the truth. This is really her own experience. When she first started learning to draw talisman, it was Mr. Zhang who taught her the basics. Things, I mainly rely on reading books by myself later on.

Of the many things she has learned, only alchemy was taught step by step by her ancestors. As long as the elixirs are slightly more difficult, the refining methods are left in the jade slips of the ancestors. Even if there are no methods, there are also refining tips and points to pay attention to, so Chen Yun has the easiest time refining elixirs.

It is actually not that difficult for Huang Bin and others to learn this now. After all, he has some experience and can give them some advice on their cultivation journey.

"Okay, I'll definitely take a good look at it when I get back. If there's anything I don't understand, I'll ask you for advice." Huang Bin put the book away cherished.

 When they arrived at home, the two of them found a secluded place in advance and settled down.

As soon as he entered the village, he met the villagers. At this time, these people looked at Shen Yun a little strangely.

“Shen Yun, go back quickly. Your adoptive parents have someone coming to their house. I don’t know if they will pick you up to continue enjoying your life. Go and have a look.” The villagers kindly reminded them.

"Really, I really don't know about this, but it's really a joke to take her back. I'm not someone else's daughter. It's good for everyone to go back to their original positions now." Shen Yun said with a calm smile.

"You girl, I have raised you for so many years. I must have feelings for you. If you go back and say good things, go back as soon as you are asked. What a hard life you have in this mountain village. When you go back in the future, you will live a good life. , I can also take care of your parents. Times are different now. With so many brothers in your family not having money, it will be difficult to find a partner in the future. "The people who stay in the village are from poor families and have no money. They thought that the Chen Yun family was like this as well, so they kindly tried to comfort them.

These things are nothing to them. In the past, the family was poor, and it was not uncommon to give away the child. If the child lived well, then Bara would come up to recognize her, just for that little benefit.

"My home is quite nice. The air in the mountain village is fresh. What's wrong? Look, aren't you all still living in the mountain village? It's obvious that you are reluctant to leave here." Shen Yun asked with a smile.

"Yes, we just can't bear to be here anymore." He stretched out his hand to avoid hitting the smiling man. Since Shen Yun didn't expose their difficulties, there was no need for them to show off how poor their family was. Everyone was like this anyway, and no one was laughing at anyone. Shen Yun came up with a good reason, and he would just say that when people asked him in the future.

“Okay, then you can take your time and enjoy the cool weather while we go up and have a look first.” Shen Yun said goodbye to these people directly.

"This girl doesn't look very smart. I heard she's still a college student. If I were me, I would have to beg my parents for free. I would be better off if I could give them three melons and two dates. Ah." Seeing Shen Yun and Huang Bin walking away, the people behind started muttering.

“Isn’t it true? This university is all in vain.” There are many people who agree with this statement.

 “You don’t understand, this is called the arrogance of educated people.”

"Bah, you can make a living for yourself. I think this girl's life is probably not that good. I heard people say that even after graduating from college, you can stay and work in the city. You see, this girl comes back every three days. She must be out of work. It’s done.”

"Brother, let them talk. There is no need to be angry with this kind of person. The few people left in this village like to talk about people's differences behind their backs. This kind of karma has created too much, and it will have its own end." Shen Yun stopped him. Huang Bin wanted to go back to the theory.

 “Then let them say that about you?” Huang Bin said angrily.

"It's okay. Anyway, there is no missing piece of meat. They will say more after a while. It's hard to guard against what people say, unless you are so strong that they won't dare to say anything." Shen Yun said nonchalantly. Huang Bin was so angry that he didn't say anything. He glanced behind him and followed Shen Yun upward.

When I arrived at the door of my house, I saw the Shen brothers blocking the Ji brothers from the door. Next to them stood a crying Ji Momo.

  She has changed a lot since we haven’t seen her for so long. She has become a little fatter and slimmer, and her skin is actually a little whiter than before.

He is wearing small leather shoes, a short skirt, and a puff-sleeved top. It looks out of place in this mountain village, but it looks like he is going to a bar and dance hall.

"Why, haven't they been sent away yet?" Shen Yun stopped and asked directly.

"Chen Yun, what qualifications do you have to drive me away? I have lived here for more than ten years. I can come when I want and leave when I want." Ji Momo complained immediately when she saw Shen Yun, her resentful eyes couldn't help but look at her. Shen Yun looked over.

"Yes, I am not qualified, but I am qualified to prevent you from entering my home." Shen Yun said coldly.

"Yunyun, you misunderstood. Momo just missed her family so much. She just came back to see it. She didn't want to take your place. Just like we couldn't let you go, Momo also couldn't let go of her family. In the past, I'm always worried about your opinion, so I don't dare to come back. This time I just came back to see my parents and grandparents. Please understand." Before Ji Momo could say anything, Ji Ming said first.

"Hmph..." Shen Yun straightened his hair that was messed up by the wind, "You should know that my parents have been living in Beijing for more than a year. Why haven't you come over to see me?"

"Don't blame Momo. She was preparing for the college entrance examination. She had fallen behind too much in the past few years. She was making up for her classes. She finally got into a good college this year and told her family that she wanted to come back and have a look." Ji Ming looked at it. He glanced at Ji Momo, stared back at what she blurted out, and immediately found a perfect excuse for her.

If it weren't for Shen Yun's powerful spiritual consciousness, he really wouldn't have been able to see this scene.

"Okay, I believe you. I don't know why you came here. If you don't trust her, you can take her away now." Shen Yun directly pointed the finger at the two brothers of the Ji family.

"Shen Yun, I am also your brother, why don't you come and see you?" Ji Jin was also a little unhappy.

Shen Yun glanced at Ji Jin, then at Ji Momo, and then thought about Ji Shen's temperament of hating people and dogs. These three brothers and sisters were exactly the same. Why hadn't he noticed it before?

"No, haven't I told you before when we met that I don't want to see you? You can invite me back now." Shen Yun said calmly.

"Shen Yun, you have really wasted so many years of education in the Ji family. Look at how little quality you have now. You are worse than a shrew in the countryside. When guests arrive at your home, you directly drive them away. That's what the Shen family is like. A human being." Ji Momo shouted, not forgetting to look around at the Shen family.

"Those who are welcome are guests, those who are not welcome are uninvited guests. You'd better leave as soon as possible, otherwise I will deal with this matter of breaking into a private house on the spot." Huang Bin said on the side.

 (End of this chapter)

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