The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 330: (330) Sure enough, people’s joys are not the same

Chapter 330 (330) Sure enough, people’s joys are not the same

They left, all three of them, and no one stopped them.

As for the investigation, it will be done when Li Ming returns to Beijing.

 “I’m telling you a joke, you are Yunyun’s friend, please come in.” Shen Limin calmed down his emotions, turned to Li Ming and said.

"Uncle, you're welcome. I just want to give something to Shen Yun." Seeing Shen Liming being so polite, Li Ming felt a little nervous for no reason.

“Hurry into the room, it’s okay to stand here.” Shen Limin pulled the person directly towards the room.

The Shen brothers quickly came over and took the woven bag that Li Ming had placed on the ground into the yard.

"Aren't my grandparents at home?" Shen Yun asked Shen Jian curiously when he entered the old home and didn't feel the presence of several people at home.

"I went out. I said I had nothing to do at home. I wanted to go for a walk in the fields and then go for a walk in the mountains. I'll probably be back soon."

“Okay, let’s take a walk to keep yourself healthy.” Shen Yun stretched out his consciousness a little further, and sure enough he saw a few elders on the mountain walking down with baskets on their backs. The baskets were full, and he didn’t know what they contained.

"Grandpa and grandma are back from the mountains. They probably got something. Go and see if you can help." Shen Yun reminded.

"Okay, then we won't accompany the guests." Shen Jian called to his brother in front, and the others greeted Li Ming and walked directly towards the mountain.

"Uncle and aunt, you are busy with your work. I really don't need to accompany you. Our minister asked me to deliver something to Shen Yun, and he told me that there was no rush." ​​Li Ming sat there and looked at Shen Limin sitting opposite. The couple really didn't know how to let go of their hands. They had never been so nervous before. The way the other party looked at him was a bit strange. His keen radar couldn't help but move.

"Mom and Dad, I know about this. Minister Yan told me about this before. I know, and I will definitely do it as soon as possible." Shen Yun knew it by looking at the contents of the woven bag.

"Okay, as long as you know what's going on, I won't accompany you. I'll go to the kitchen to see what to make. It's almost noon, so I'll stay for dinner later." Yang Cancan stood up first.

“Hey, no need, I have other things to do.” Li Ming quickly stood up and refused.

“Hey, I don’t want to be like this. If we leave after eating, we won’t have room to put our faces. We also know Captain Yan. We have been to my house before and have eaten here.

 Don't worry, you and Yunyun are both colleagues. It would be outrageous not to eat when it's dinner time. "Yang Cancan quickly stopped the person.

 "I...this..." Li Ming glanced at Shen Yun.

“Okay, there’s still enough time for a meal. If you don’t have enough time, I’ll send you a ride later.”

After Shen Yun said this, Li Ming nodded and responded, "Okay, then I'll have a shameless meal today."

After a while, everyone in the family came back, and Shen Yun saw that his grandparents were carrying bunches of small grapes, "Grandma, you went up the mountain to pick grapes. It's so heavy. Why didn't you call my brother and the others?" ah."

"This weight is nothing. Although your grandfather and I are old, we can still do this job." Yang Xiaocao said happily.

"Next time you still have to call me brother. Your grandchildren are young and strong, so you should also feel sorry for my uncle and the others." Shen Yun whispered into Yang Xiaocao's ear. "Yes, my granddaughter is right." Yang Xiaocao said happily.

As soon as I turned around, I saw Li Ming standing in the yard. He was tall and pretty good-looking. "Oh, we have a guest at home. Who is this young man?"

“Grandma, this is my colleague Li Ming, come here and give me something.” Shen Yun introduced him smoothly.

“Oh, it turns out to be a colleague of ours. Hello, hello. Come in and sit down.” Yang Xiaocao greeted with a smile.

 Others also said hello.

Li Ming recognized everyone one by one before returning to sit in the living room again. This time there were more people accompanying him.

 After lunch, Li Ming didn't stay long and left directly.

“So, is your colleague good-looking?” Wang Aifen asked casually, looking at the look Yang Cancan gave her.

"Yes, the colleagues in our department are basically monks, and they are not bad looking. This practice has further improved their temperament, and their appearance has become more beautiful. Look at my brother and the others, you didn't notice Well, I've been getting better and better in the past few years. If my brother hadn't been more upright, he probably wouldn't have brought many people back with him," Shen Yun said with a smile.

Hearing what Shen Yun said, Wang Aifen knew what Shen Yun meant. The girl was still young and had not yet figured out what she was doing. It was also because they, the adults, had too many things to worry about.

"What's the use of your brothers and their faces? Your second aunt and I are both anxious to death, and we don't see your third brother and fourth brother bringing someone back. If it's like what you said, at least I still have hope, there is someone Choosing a partner, now that your brother and the others are like this, as long as I can find a partner, I will do it." Speaking of the partner, Wang Aifen immediately complained about her son and nephew.

 The three young men of marriageable age next to me stepped back.

"I want to announce a big news. I have someone." Shen Heng took two steps back. It felt wrong. He had just confirmed the relationship. Why should he step back with the two of them? He immediately took two steps forward and said proudly. .

 “Traitor.” The two people behind were immediately dumbfounded. They agreed to be brothers who would advance and retreat together, but ended up secretly looking for a partner behind their backs.

As soon as these words came out, the second uncle and second aunt immediately looked at each other angrily.

"You have the nerve to say Shen Heng, you two come here." It was nothing at first, but now that the three children of the eldest uncle's family are accounted for, including two of their own, the second aunt suddenly felt even more angry.

"Oh, you are really hiding it. When did it happen? Where is the girl from? When will you bring her here to meet you? We are not in a hurry. As long as your relationship is stable and your marriage is planned, it will be fine." said the eldest aunt. I'm not in a hurry, but I can't wait to hug my granddaughter. The two eldest sons are brats in the family. Seeing that there is no hope, there is still a younger son that I can count on.

"Mom, we have just confirmed our relationship. We are both young people in the new era. How can we talk about marriage so quickly? It will definitely take a while." Shen Heng said embarrassedly.

"Don't think your mother doesn't understand. In the new era, flash marriages are all about flash marriages. When can you go over and ask the woman what her requirements are so that we can prepare in advance." Wang Aifen didn't care about this. She just wanted to get her daughter-in-law in as soon as possible.

“Okay, okay, I’ll ask you later, I’m really embarrassed.” His shy look was in sharp contrast to the two brothers in the next room who were being scolded.

 Sure enough, people’s joys are not the same.

 (End of this chapter)

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