The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 332: (332) Are you sure we can teach people like this?

Chapter 332 (332) Are you sure we can teach people like this and won’t embarrass you?

“Sister, my tree house is ready.” When Shen Yun was looking at things at home that day, he heard a little jumping cry from a distance.

Shen Yun put away the thick information in front of him, turned around and accurately caught the little jumper that flew from the air.

"Sister, let's go over and have a look. I want to live in it now." Xiao Bengqie expressed her meaning excitedly.

"Okay, okay, let me go over and take a look." Shen Yun has been sitting at home for a few days and has seen almost everything. Now he can go out for a walk.

The two of them didn't waste any time. They reached the mountain without much effort. From a distance, they saw a looming treehouse in the middle of the dense forest on the top of the mountain. It had a dreamy feeling. If it hadn't been for seeing the design drawings in advance, Shen Yun would have thought he was here. It’s a small tree house where the elves in the fairy tale live.

 “It’s so beautiful!” Shen Yun praised sincerely.

"It looks good. The other little brothers in the family are very envious, but I can only live in this room. Unless I have a good relationship with someone, I can invite them to live in it." Xiao Bengqie said proudly.

"Okay, this is according to your preference. You can decide what kind of decoration you like inside." Shen Yun was casual about this. After all, he had a good relationship with his family, plus Human children are really not as strong as the little ones. Shen Yun won't worry about the little ones who live here alone, but the other children in the family live here. Shen Yun estimates that his sisters-in-law and his mother will worry about him at night. Neither could sleep.

"Then I'll make arrangements." Xiao Bengqi left Shen Yun where he was, and started running up and down by himself while asking others to help him make things.

Shen Yun looked at the entire valley and hillside. The buildings inside were basically in shape. The houses were hidden among the trees. He looked a little fairy-like and thought about the chickens his grandparents raised at home while the weather was good. It won't take long for the cubs and ducklings to be moved to the valley to be raised.

Looking at the busy family members among the workers, I really achieved the ultimate in saving money.

My family has paid for more than half of the labor. Now if I form a construction team to build a house for others, there will be no problem.

 My sister-in-law and my aunt did not have any pressure on the logistics work. The people in the construction team who were doing the cooking were all trying to recruit people.

 In just half a month, the buildings in the entire mountain were connected into one piece. The furniture that has been customized in advance is placed in the house, and it is ready for people to live in.

 After paying more than 100,000 yuan for the project, the construction team and the designer team withdrew from the valley.

Shen Yun directly sealed the formation. There was no problem in the test of the mountain-protecting formation, so he hid it directly and waited until the critical moment to use it. The protective formation was usually turned on to prevent outsiders from entering by mistake.

The sky spiders in the space were also placed in the selected place. Shen Yun directly set up a tight formation to prevent the sky spiders inside from coming out and people from entering by mistake.

Anyway, the only two people who can go in for the time being are Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqi.

 In the future, other people in the family can also go in and experience it little by little, so that the matter of gathering the threads can be gradually handed over to them.

 Half a month later, Shen Yun and a few other young people moved in first.

Each person has a small house, which is much more comfortable to live in than the house at home. In addition, Shen Yun has set up a large spirit gathering array in the mountain. The spiritual energy in the entire mountain is running towards the place where Shen Yun rents, and the spiritual energy seems to be... It's getting denser. It is more convenient for Shen Yun to live here. The subjects to be offered in the school have been decided, but the problem now is that there is a shortage of teachers, so the first purpose of this batch is to recruit a group of students who will be teachers in the future.

The trainer is Shen Yun himself, and there are a few teachers who have briefly seen it. Even Mr. Zhang Qingan, who had been retired for a long time because of Jia Wei and Zhang Qingan, was pulled out to teach talismans.

 In this first semester, they are teaching their future colleagues, which is a wonderful feeling.

Since they were all basic courses anyway, Shen Yun made a report and invited several people from his family to attend the class together, so that he could come back and teach it a second time.

 So on the first day of class, there were a few more people in the classroom than expected.

Several teachers came together. Shen Yun was in charge of alchemy, Zhang Qingan was in charge of talismans, and there was a monk in the foundation-building stage who was in charge of cultivation experience.

There is also a cultural teacher. Anyway, the curriculum configuration of this class is amazing.

 Four classes a week, each class lasts two hours. This is Shen Yun's new job. As for the principal, there are only dozens of people in the school for the time being, and there is nothing that Shen Yun needs to take care of.

In one semester, Shen Yun has finished teaching the basic things. The rest is for the master to lead him in and practice on his own. Shen Yun taught 10 basic elixirs, including spirit-boosting elixirs, solid elixirs, marrow-cleansing elixirs, etc. During the Qi training period Chen Yun did not hide any pills he could practice, but took the initiative to demonstrate them to others.

 Because the spiritual plants provided by the school are of very young age, even if Shen Yun takes action, it will be difficult for a clever woman to make a meal without rice and she can only refine some low-level elixirs.

As for the students below, there is nothing they can do about it. They are good at getting started, so what they have produced after training is just a ball of waste. However, Shen Yun is still quite pleased. The alchemy furnace issued by the school has not been refined and exploded. Then It's really gratifying.

"Okay, you will graduate today, and the recruitment of students will begin next semester. It will be the time to take the real chapter. I hope you will practice hard during this holiday. If you have any questions, you can come to me. Of course, I hope you will Discuss with each other and solve problems," Shen Yun said to the people below in the last class.

 The people below obviously knew what they were going to do in the future and were mentally prepared. However, looking at the black **** inside the alchemy furnace, everyone was a little unsure.

“Teacher, are you sure we can teach people in this way without embarrassing you?” the person below asked uncertainly.

"Master, let me in. Cultivation is personal. If you are not good at it, it only means that you are not good at learning. What does it have to do with me." Shen Yun immediately turned his face. Anyway, it was not because of his own teaching, otherwise his three little apprentices would not be able to do it. It must be their fault if you become a little fuzzy after practicing.

“Okay, I still have time for you to practice next summer. Hard work will always bear fruit. I don’t hope that when I teach you the elixirs that can be refined during the foundation building period, none of you will be able to learn them.

 It would be quite funny if you are surpassed by your own disciples. "Chen Yun continued to stimulate.

The people sitting below thought about the situation at that time. The students were better at learning than they were. After a few years, they became students and the students became their teachers. They suddenly trembled with excitement.

 (End of this chapter)

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