Chapter 348 (348) Demonic Qi

Those who dare to speak out like this for the first time often end up not getting what they want. Shen Yun was standing by and planned to watch them suffer a little, so as to gain experience for the rest of the journey.

 Watching a few people exploring in front, Shen Yun simply let them go first and paid attention to their situation with his spiritual consciousness.

She slowly approached the aura eye with her little jumping dog behind her. This place should have been a wasteland. After the aura eye exploded, the plants grew wildly. You can still see the dense vegetation before through the paths. .

Shen Yun picked up a trail and walked in.

 On the road, you can see some traces left by someone digging up spiritual plants. The country has released a complete encyclopedia of spiritual plants, but some people read the book and some don't, so it's really not popular enough that everyone can know about spiritual plants.

You could see the dug ones, and you could also see some uncommon ones hidden in the corners, but looking at their young appearance, they were too small to use for elixir making. There were these in Shen Yun's space and on the mountain at home, and she didn't pick them. , just skipped it and continued walking inside.

"Sister, look, there's someone fighting over there." Xiao Bengqie was not interested in spiritual plants or anything like that. Now that she saw people fighting, she immediately became interested and pulled Shen Yun to join in the fun.

Shen Yun glanced at him impatiently. Fortunately, he was strong. Otherwise, he would have been beaten so many times because he liked to watch the excitement.

"Don't go and watch. There's nothing interesting about the quarrel. It's just for profit." Shen Yun refused. She didn't like to go over and watch the excitement.

"No, people say that the person was robbed. I find it very interesting. Isn't the person going to get married? Just like the fourth brother and the fourth sister-in-law, how can they still be robbed." Xiao Bengqi was very puzzled.

Chen Yun glanced at it with his spiritual consciousness, and saw that it was nothing more than a drama between two men fighting for a girl. From the looks of it, the girl was still in her element, and the boy was just too angry to block the fight. But looking at the strength of both sides, this fight was not going to end. Someone must be at the disadvantage. After checking that there are supervisors nearby, this fight should not be fought, and Shen Yun is not going to take care of it.

"The partner may not necessarily get married. The partner can only be said to be a confirmed marriage partner. He is not married yet. But then again, you can get divorced after getting married. Children, don't think so much. Anyway, you are looking for a partner. It's still early." Shen Yun rubbed his bouncing head and said with a smile.

"I'm over 6,000 years old. Wherever I'm younger, I was hatched too late. Don't think I'm short now. When I advance to Nascent Soul, I'll be taller than you. Even if I'm small now, I'll find a partner. I won't be robbed by others," Xiao Bengqi said unconvinced.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment. Not to mention other things, Shen Yun really didn't expect that the number of 6,000 cubs in Xiaobengqi was true. She thought it was calculated based on the age when it was hatched, but she didn't know that the age of the phoenix was also calculated when making phoenix eggs.

Thinking about it, this person seems to be older than my ancestors, and I call him my brother every day. It’s a bit ridiculous to think about it, "Then I said you are my brother, why did you agree?"

Xiao Bengqi said without thinking, "It's just a title, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I'm shorter than you, so you call me brother. When I'm taller than you, you can just call me brother."

This is really the first time Shen Yun has seen someone like this.

“Once you are a younger brother, you will always be a younger brother. This cannot be changed.” Shen Yun looked at Xiao Bengqi and said firmly.

 “Is that so?” Xiao Bengtuo scratched his head and asked in confusion.

"Of course, you see, Shen Jian is taller than me now. Didn't he still call me sister? This cannot be calculated based on height." Shen Yun said affirmatively.

"That's true." Xiao Bengqie really didn't understand the world, so Shen Yun was able to deceive him as much as he wanted. The argument between Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqiao was over. The tense atmosphere over there was broken up by the arrival of the supervisor. They exchanged harsh words and walked in two directions.

 After feeling the position of Shen Jian and the others, Shen Yun continued walking forward with Xiao Bengqi.

 This aura eye has a very strong aura. Apart from this, I really can’t see anything else for the time being.

 Continuing to walk forward, you can see some rabbits running past quickly. They must have become monsters. The fast Shen Yun's eyes only caught a white light.

“There are a lot of monsters in such a small place. Is this aura eye the same as the one we saw on the plateau?” Xiao Bengqi felt it and murmured a little curiously.

“Maybe they came from other places. After all, places with strong spiritual energy are not only liked by cultivators, but also by monsters and beasts.”

"No, sister, be careful." Xiao Bengqiao stopped directly in front of Chen Yun, a small flame flew out, and suddenly a wisp of black smoke appeared in the air in front, and an unpleasant burning smell spread. Come over.

 Shen Yun's mind condensed and his whole body became on guard.

“Is that wisp of black and red Qi just now demonic Qi?” Shen Yun and Xiao Bengqie confirmed.

"Yes, when it encounters my Phoenix True Fire, it turns directly into black smoke, which is the demonic energy in the inheritance records." Xiao Bengqi said seriously with a straight face.

"How could there be demonic energy in this place? No, Shen Jian and the others are still inside. Let's go there quickly." Shen Yun picked up the little jumping duck and quickly moved towards Shen Jian and the others.

The hands kept moving, sending a message directly to the nearest supervisor to organize the personnel to evacuate here, and also to observe whether these people were infected by the devil's energy. This aura eye has been open for three days, and it is not known if there is any devil's energy. It hasn't spread yet.

The inheritance that Shen Yun received contained symptoms of demonic infection. In the mild case, he was mentally disturbed. In severe cases, he directly became a demon species with a brutal and murderous temperament. There are also some other situations that can only be cured by using special exorcism pills. Treatment.

Thinking of this, Chen Yun sent news to his family and school again. He had never thought of using the exorcism pill before and had never taught it. In this emergency, he could only pass the recipe to them and let them refine it first. .

The higher-ups above should also inform you that demonic energy is uncontrollable. If someone becomes a demonic species, it will continuously produce demonic energy and pollute more people.

Xiao Bengye also knew the seriousness of the matter. In the inheritance, a member of their Phoenix clan was contaminated by demonic energy, and almost destroyed the entire Phoenix clan's phoenix eggs. Even if they were finally stopped by the strong men of the Phoenix clan, the Phoenix clan's still It was a huge blow, and it took tens of thousands of years for the Phoenix clan, which had very few descendants, to recover from this blow.

“Sister, the people here are too scattered, and it’s difficult to control their comings and goings. If we rely on supervisors, these people will probably have gone out. Our Phoenix tribe has a spell called space blockade. How about I come?” Xiao Bengqie suggested.

"The space blockade will do too much damage to you. You are only at the Golden Elixir stage. This spell can only be cast at the Mahayana stage. If you use this spell now, it will consume your life." Shen Yun refused directly.

 (End of this chapter)

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