Chapter 350 (350) Don’t pretend to be fat.

"Not yet. There are other trapped people here. I need to check their conditions first." Shen Yun did not agree to the other party's request.

"No, it's very dangerous to go inside. Don't you care about our lives? Look at them. They are all injured. They will die if they don't get out." The woman couldn't accept Shen Yun's decision.

"They will not die. As for the danger, you should have thought of it when you came in. Even if you go out now, you will be in danger." Shen Yun carefully checked the situation of the trapped people and was infected by the demonic energy, but he has not yet In the most serious situation of becoming a demon, as long as the elixir is provided in time, there will be no problem. But now that the demonic energy is constantly infecting him, this is a problem.

“Qu Jing came over to check on his condition and see if there is any way to stop the evil spirit from continuing to infect.” Shen Yun directly greeted his doctor apprentice.

"Here comes Master." There were two brothers from the Jiang family on the other side, and Qu Jing ran over quickly.

"Yin evil enters the body..." Qu Jing began to speak professional terms as soon as he felt his upper pulse. Shen Yun respected his habit and did not interrupt him.

After he finished speaking, he asked, "Is there a solution? Or maybe we can temporarily control the spread and stop the spread."

"Yes, but I don't know if it will work. I'll give it a try first." Qu Jing took out his sewing kit and started to take action. He had learned from Qu Lao's true teachings, and his acupuncture skills were indeed very powerful. After a few stitches, the person would no longer be able to Struggled.

"You guys are not going to put people to death, are you?" The woman next to her was watching Shen Yun and the others' movements. When she saw that the people were not moving, she said immediately.

When Qu Jing heard what she said, his face immediately became serious, "Just because the person fainted, it means that my acupuncture method is effective. If you don't know, don't talk nonsense."

“Who knows? Anyway, we don’t understand. You seem to be stronger than us. If you want to kill someone, it’s not an easy matter.” The woman murmured in a low voice.

Qu Jing glanced at the woman with disgust, "You may not be able to match me if you want wealth, and you certainly don't have sex. I don't know what you are afraid of."

This sentence was a big blow to a woman's self-esteem, let alone a woman who prided herself on being beautiful. She stood up and rushed over in a womanly manner. Shen Yun flicked his hand, and people flew directly to those who were standing there. The person came forward.

"Take care of your people, my patience and time are limited." Shen Yun said directly to those people.

"We don't know her. She came here when she saw the boss fawning over her. Now the boss has injured all the brothers, and this brother can't do anything. It's up to you to do whatever you want with this woman." Several other people didn't want to take this woman with them. .

Their strength is low, and they will act like a monster if they bother the boss. Now it is important to save their lives, and they don't want to be burdened by this.

 “You heard me, just stay there and don’t look for trouble, otherwise you can choose to go out.” Shen Yun glanced at the woman and continued to watch the effect of Qu Jing’s acupuncture.

"The effect is pretty good. The demonic energy has been controlled and no longer wanders around, but I have no idea how to get it out." Qu Jing took back the needle and said.

"That's good. There will be a cure when we go out." Shen Yun nodded. This was the effect she wanted.

"Master, these people have all woken up. There is no problem walking. They are a little bit internally injured. They just need to go back and take good care of themselves." News came from several people over there.

"Okay." After Shen Yun finished speaking, he saw the disappearance of Xiao Bengqiao. The base of the formation had been placed, and he could form the formation now.

"You guys watch over me, I'll fix the formation." Shen Yun told the people on his side, and the people flew directly into the air and started to form the formation.

 Complex gestures were slowly displayed, and the space was directly sealed by Shen Yun.

“Everyone around the aura eye, please pay attention to the black-red gas in the air. It is a kind of demonic energy. Be careful not to be contaminated by it. If you encounter it, just use thunder spells to attack it.

 If you encounter someone going crazy, restrain them directly to avoid accidental casualties. "Chen Yun stood in the sky and said to the surroundings. Although his voice was not loud, it spread throughout the entire formation.

As for whether anyone knows thunder spells, Shen Yun still has some faith in human creativity. After all, she has seen many people in school who have developed weird spells on their own.

“Sister, it’s been taken care of here, do we want to move on?” Shen Yun came down and Shen Jian came over to greet her.

"Continue." Shen Yun nodded towards Shen Jian, "You guys hold on to your man, and two more people will come over and carry this man on his back. Let's continue to join the others." Shen Yun said to the person who was fighting just now said.

"He just wanted to kill us, why should we support him." They were unwilling.

"The demonic infection does not distinguish between people. If you are infected, the same situation will happen. This is not his original intention. If you want to be liquidated, you have to go out and avoid this section, otherwise you are now It's useless to be angry. If you want to get out quickly, just stay calm." Chen Yun urged.

  A few people looked at each other and came over reluctantly.

The three wounded men were able to walk on their own, and the two of them supported the strong brother and followed behind. Plus Shen Yun and others, they walked vigorously towards the nearest group of people that Shen Yun had just seen.

The woman who was yelling just now saw that she could no longer control the situation, and wisely moved closer to Shen Yun and the others. She really wanted to walk inside to a safe place, but everyone Shen Yun brought here this time was... When a boy saw a woman approaching him, he hid faster than when he saw a monster. The woman squeezed in several times and still couldn't get to the middle. She stamped her feet angrily on the edge.

"You grown men don't have any gentlemanly manners, and you don't know how to protect me. I'm a girl." The woman complained.

“I’m sorry, my master is also a girl, and we have to rely on her for protection. We don’t have the strength to protect you now.” Jiang Zhi said to the woman seriously.

Their master is also a girl. Now they have to rely on their own master. How can they protect others? This is not a matter of being a gentleman or not. This is not a matter of flattery.

"Then you have to take care of it. Otherwise, why are we still following you? Why don't we go on my own? It won't make any difference anyway."

"How else do you want to take care of me? I already have you with me, and I want to carry you on my back." Shen Xing is not used to him. Anyway, in this era, men and women are the same. Besides, the other person is also a cultivator. Why are you pretending to be weak? It’s not that I can’t take care of myself, this is just normal walking, so what else.

 (End of this chapter)

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