Chapter 352 (352) Going into battle

 The people next to the woman immediately looked at her in panic, but found that the other person's eyes were not red, and then realized that Shen Yun was mocking her.

"Can you say a few words less? We don't know what's going on here. If you left alone, you would have been torn apart by those monsters just now. How can you speak now? You can talk like this. After the fight just now Why didn't I see you when I came to help? I didn't want to hide, but this person didn't let you carry him on his back. If you have any objections, please hold back." The people next to me couldn't stand it either.

Except for a few students, most people here are out to make a living. Now is a dangerous moment. Who is weak is not the right one. Everyone hopes that the people around them will be stronger.

"You! Okay, you can take this murderer with you if you want. I won't help anyway." The woman turned her face and no longer looked at Shen Yun and the others.

 “It’s the same as what you have done to help me before.” The girl said disdainfully.

The situation here is quite tragic. Among the four people in the group, except for the one who was infected by the demonic energy, the other three are dead. In addition, there are monsters around, so the situation at the scene can be imagined.

Shen Yun and several people supervised the gathering of the deceased, buried them on the spot, and marked them.

"Okay, let's go. Let's go out first, send the wounded back, and then search for others on the other side." Shen Yun greeted the people behind him.

"Finally we can go out." The people behind were very happy when they heard Shen Yun say this.

This time, Shen Yun didn't let Shen Yun say hello and just followed him.

Because the formation was closed, Shen Yun had no way to send messages to people outside. He could only wait until he got out of the formation and then find someone to come over to help him. As he walked outside, he met a few people, probably because they were closer to the outside. Nothing happened at this moment. Seeing Shen Yun and the others injured and dizzy, I was a little curious about what happened to Shen Yun and the others.

When people here said that there was demonic energy inside, which was an unknown danger, several people did not dare to leave on their own, but they were also afraid that someone among Shen Yun and the others would be infected by the demonic energy, so they did not dare to approach. As they were chasing after him, the crowd was too large, and several supervisors could only spread out to protect these people. Shen Jian also picked up the one who was eroded by the demonic energy.

 Slowly walking to the edge of the formation, I saw some people waiting here, and others attacking the formation.

"Stop your hands." Shen Yun said quickly. When he set up the formation base, he did not expect to encounter such a large-scale change in demonic energy this time. This time the formation has expanded its scope and used It's so extreme. If a few more people attack, I don't know how long the formation can last. Maybe it could have lasted for a month, but it was barely enough after the attack for half a month.

"Who are you? Why do you want us to stop? An invisible barrier has appeared here. We are all trapped here. You still ask us to stop. Who are you?" The person opposite seems to have been delayed here. After a long time, I heard Shen Yun say this and immediately became impatient.

Shen Yun looked at his red eyes, coupled with the demonic energy leaking from Shen Yun, without any delay, he went over and knocked the man down.

With this move, the people waiting here suddenly became anxious, and they all made attack gestures.

"Don't act rashly. We are all supervisors. This person has been infected by demonic energy. If we don't control him, he will attack not the barrier but you. We are not trying to hurt him, but to attack him." Save him." The supervisor who was following behind saw Shen Yun's movement and came out to explain, "Look at the situation of the people who have fainted here. Their eyes are red. There is still hope. If they lose their minds completely, If it is, then it may not be possible to save him." As soon as he said this, some people on the opposite side believed it. The person who attacked the barrier usually had a gentle personality and would never do such a thing, but today they discovered that this He was inexplicably irritable, and he said things he had never said before, today.

At this moment, everyone is resting, but he keeps attacking the barrier. Something seems wrong. It turns out that he is infected by some kind of evil spirit.

Several people suddenly felt frightened and all of them withdrew their hands.

"Then do you have a way to get out? We have been stuck here for most of the day. If we don't get out, we won't have anything to eat."

“Don’t worry, I’ll let you out in a minute.” Shen Yun glanced outside. Coincidentally, there might be someone inside, and the people supporting him from outside were already here.

What is being said outside? Although you can't hear the sound, you can see the shape of the other person's mouth. The isolation area has been set up according to Chen Yun's instructions. The elixir is also being refined. The spiritual plants prepared in each spiritual plant cultivation base are guaranteed to be sufficient.

Seeing the people outside saying this, Shen Yun nodded confidently toward the outside. Since they were ready, these people were not afraid of any risks when they went out.

Made a gesture with the people outside, and watching the people outside quickly approaching, Shen Yun directly activated the formation and opened a gap in this place.

“Hurry, one by one, the wounded first.” Shen Yun supported the formation and called to those who were still stunned.

"Okay." The one who was close didn't care whether he was a wounded person or not, and rushed directly towards the place pointed by Chen Yun. He saw the first person going out. He had just been blocked by the barrier here for a long time, and he still had doubts in his heart. People immediately felt relieved, regardless of whether they were injured or not. Now they knew there was danger inside, and who didn't want to be the first to squeeze out.

"Qingfeng." Chen Yun shouted, and a sword appeared directly from Chen Yun's body. With a sharp sword wind, he rushed towards the people who were squeezing towards the gap. Suddenly, the people over there didn't care about squeezing anymore and hugged him. His head started to dodge the sword.

"I told the wounded to go out first and the rest to line up. If I see anyone pushing to the front, don't blame me for being rude." Shen Yun said sternly.

Looking at the flying swords flying in the air, no one dared to squeeze anymore. They all formed a line and walked forward obediently. They didn't even dare to complain. After all, Qingfeng's impact just now was avoided by others. , but five trees nearby were knocked down easily. Although they were cultivators, they had not yet reached the state of invulnerability.

 After all the wounded and those carrying people had walked out, the people behind quickly walked outside.

The few people brought over by Shen Yun saw that Shen Yun was still here and stood there for a while without wanting to move.

"Except for Qu Jing, all of you are going out. Jiang Zhi and you two are going out to help refine the elixir. Shen Jian, you stay here and I will still keep an eye on you. Hurry up and stop the ink stains." Shen Yun said urgently.

 (End of this chapter)

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