Chapter 354 (354) Inexplicably looks like a rabbit

 “How is it?” Shen Yun looked at Qu Jing.

"The situation is not too serious. I haven't lost consciousness yet. I'm lucky." In the past day, Qu Jing has taken over several cases. Now he has some experience. He adjusted the needle slightly and pierced the person directly. , this time no one fainted.

 “Is that enough?”

“We have it under control for the time being, but if we don’t take the elixir quickly, the evil spirit will still invade the body.

His symptoms were relatively mild, and I adjusted the position of the needle, so of course he didn't faint. "Qu Jing said confidently.

 Obviously, he knew nothing about his own evil in medical skills. In this day's work, he not only mastered the control, but also learned to change the method. Shen Yun couldn't help but praise his talent in this area.

"Yes, it seems that your medical skills have improved recently. When I go back, I will send an invitation to your grandfather to see if he is willing to come and live in our valley. This will not delay your study." Shen Yun said proactively.

"Then I would like to thank Master first." Qu Jing was extremely happy when he heard Shen Yun say this. He had grown up with his grandfather since he was a child, and of course he had been thinking about it when he came out to study. When he heard Shen Yun say this, his hands and feet became even faster. , and soon the person next to him was also taken care of.

"My brother is really infected by that evil spirit?" He just held his breath as he watched Qu Jing pricking people with a needle. Only when the needle was withdrawn did the people next to him dare to speak.

“It is indeed infected.” Qu Jing nodded.

"It seems that we misunderstood you. I'm sorry, brother." This person realized that they had really made a big mistake just now. If the supervisors hadn't arrived quickly, they would have been fighting. These two brothers Suddenly going crazy, the two people watching them would suffer. When they were on their way, they had seen people in crazy states.

With this apology, the person opposite waved his hand, and the matter was considered over for the day.

While they were reconciling and apologizing to each other here, Shen Yun and the others had already begun to set up a formation. There were more people this time. Although it cost a little more spiritual stones, they still had to send people out. It was not safe for everyone to take these people with them.

After the formation was completed, Shen Yun directly called for people to take the wounded to stand on top of the formation, "This is a teleportation formation. You will be teleported directly outside in a while. Accept the arrangements of people outside. Don't make trouble. There will be dedicated people." Come and check if there is anything wrong with your body.”

"Okay, promise not to make trouble." A group of people should be loud. If you think about it, you know what is going on outside, so who dares to make trouble.

"By the way, when we just came from the east, we saw someone going crazy and quite strong. We didn't dare to meddle in other people's business, so we just came over. We don't know what the situation is. You guys should go and take a look." When Shen Yun activated the teleportation array, the person inside said something else.

Then there was a flash of light, and the person inside disappeared directly.

"This man is really a man. He didn't know how to speak earlier. He had to wait until the moment he was about to leave. I didn't even hear him. Did you hear it clearly?" Wang Jing turned around and asked a few people next to him.

"Listen clearly, Yujian, follow me." Shen Yun summoned Qingfeng directly and waited for the others next to him to take out their flying swords. The group of people stopped walking on the ground. As for the magic grass, we can deal with it when we have time. , it’s more important to send the people inside out first.

I don’t know when I saw it in the east direction, but fortunately the speed of the sword was very fast. After a while, I saw a man slashing in front with a sword, followed by several people who did not dare to get too close.

"She's pregnant, it's Xu Lei. He recently took a vacation and said he wanted to go out for a walk, but he didn't know he was here. This situation must have been infected by the devil." Wang Jing on the side exclaimed.

  Shen Yun also noticed the situation over there, accelerated his speed, and approached directly before everyone fell down. "Don't come close. He has demonic energy in his body and he won't let him come near." The group of people following behind saw Shen Yun approaching and shouted boldly.

"It's okay, don't come over here. We are friends." Shen Yun said calmly and approached Xu Lei directly. We haven't seen him for a while. This man has reached the foundation building perfection. He probably wanted to find him when he came out. Looking for an opportunity to advance, who would have encountered such a situation.

  Shen Yun directly stopped the man who was walking forward crazily and still swinging his sword.

"Knock me out." Xu Lei was still struggling after being controlled. His red eyes regained consciousness in an instant. He glanced at Shen Yun and demanded immediately.

"Don't worry, it's okay. We'll have several people here, so you'll be fine." After Shen Yun finished speaking, he fulfilled his request.

Looking at his **** mouth and the heavily chopped sword, I guess he had been holding on for a long time before he came over. Although he had basically lost his mind, he still knew how to control himself and not do any harm. people.

 “How is he doing?” Several people had basically seen him, and they all gathered around him.

"The situation is not very good, let Qu Jing take a look." Shen Yun moved out of the way to facilitate Qu Jing's treatment.

"During this period of time, he should continue to use spiritual energy to suppress the demonic energy. At this time, the spiritual energy in the body is pitifully small, and it looks more serious. However, because of the suppression of spiritual energy, the situation is not so bad that it cannot be saved." Qu Jing elaborated. He felt his pulse and said slowly.

"However, even if his condition is improved, he still needs to cultivate himself. His spiritual energy has been overused and his Dantian has been exhausted. If he doesn't cultivate for three or two years, he probably won't be completely healed." Qu Jing continued.

"This is all about the future. As long as the person is fine, it will be fine. You can give the injection first." If the person is not dead, there is hope for everything. If he really turns into a demon, the exorcism pill will be useless. Shen Yun really didn't know what people would be like by then. He was reading the classics in the space, and he didn't mention it in his inherited memories. It was estimated that all the people who had been contaminated by the demonic energy in the past were dead.

Qujing gave him medicine and a few more injections. He was still unconscious, but no change could be seen.

“Hey, how is that man? Is he okay?” The people behind saw that there was no movement here and quietly came over.

“It’s okay for now, but you may have something to do.” Qu Jing turned around and saw several people looking this way with red eyes.

"What can happen to us? We are not injured." Several people looked at each other and then realized that at some point, each other's eyes had turned red. They were so frightened that the four of them scattered in four directions. .

"Don't move." Seeing several people turning around and trying to run away, Peng Chang shouted directly, and several people went over and surrounded them in a tacit understanding.

"We have nothing to do. Don't knock us out or arrest us." The other party was obviously afraid of receiving the same treatment as Xu Lei, so they all looked at Shen Yun and the others with red eyes.

 A few grown men looked inexplicably like rabbits.

 (End of this chapter)

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