So when this top-quality elixir arrived, the previous batch of medicine had just arrived, and the medicine given to Xu Lei was replaced before he even took it.

When Xu Lei took this pill, Shen Yun had already started to retreat in his room on the mountain.

In front of the alchemy, the body's aura has been stable, so Shen Yun has not closed for a long time.

Even when she came out of seclusion, Xiao Bengqi was still not well.

Shen Yun stood under the small jumping tree house and took a look. Seeing that his condition was normal, he walked directly down.

“Sister, you’re fine.” Shen Xing shouted happily when he saw Shen Yun.

This shout was heard by people in the entire valley and hillside, and most of the family members were immediately called over.

"Let mom see what's going on." Yang Cancan ran the fastest and went straight to Shen Yun, pulling him with him and starting to look up and down.

“What’s wrong, Mom, I’m fine.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

"What's the matter? We have all heard from several of them. When you went out, you first encountered some kind of demonic energy, and then you and Xiao Bengqie both encountered thunder tribulations. Why did you say that there were so many things when you went out? From now on Ah, it’s better to go out less often. Although we didn’t go through the thunder, we heard it in the mountains. At that time, we were still thinking about what happened. If Shen Xing hadn’t leaked it when we came back, we wouldn’t have known.

It’s so dangerous that we are scared even thinking about it at home. "Yang Cancan was scolding beside him. Several women from the family came over and surrounded Chen Yun. Several other elders also stood around.

"It's okay. Didn't they tell you that I was okay? My thunder tribulation was successful. Now I am stronger and there will be fewer things that can hurt me in the future." Shen Yun rolled his eyes at the big-mouthed Shen Xing and comforted him. said.

"It will be okay. The situation was so dangerous at that time. You took these careless little ones and protected them. Just after the danger was over, we encountered a thunderstorm. Think about the fear in our hearts. "Very well, we even saw Jin Long when he came back, but you went into seclusion when you came back and didn't see us again." After Yang Cancan finished speaking, Yang Xiaocao took over again.

Chen Yun saw how they were trembling a little when they spoke, and knew that they were really worried. In the eyes of ordinary people, thunder can really kill people. They didn't see the situation at the scene. Thinking about it later, the rumbling sound was so loud. The sound of thunder for a long time probably made me more scared the more I thought about it.

"Mom, don't worry, it's really okay. As long as you practice, you will have this moment. When you go through the thunder tribulation in the future, you will know that it looks very scary, but actually you don't feel that way when you are in it." Shen Yun He continued to argue that as for when the elders in the family will survive the thunder tribulation, this is something unknown. After all, the two old people have practiced for such a long time before they can reach the sixth level of Qi cultivation. My parents have worked harder. Yes, but I don’t know if it’s because of my old age during cultivation or because of my spiritual root qualifications. After building the foundation, there has been no movement.

 during the Thunder Tribulation —we don't even know what year or month it is, so let's get this out of the way first.

"Don't think we are stupid. It's a near-death situation. Shen Xing has told us about it in the past few days." Shen Guoliang immediately exposed Shen Yun's words from the side.

Shen Yun glanced at Shen Xing, who had an innocent expression next to him. This kid is really good. He blocked all his own roads when he was not awake. It seems that he has read too few books. He still has time to come here if he is free. It's a matter of telling the old man and others that it's time to arrange more things for him.

"Oh, Grandpa, didn't I just survive the thunder tribulation? It's not easy. You don't say congratulations to me or get me something delicious to celebrate. You are all talking about me here. It makes me sad. " Seeing that it was impossible to argue with them, Shen Yun simply stopped arguing.

"We have all planned to have a good celebration when you finish the retreat. We have called all the relatives at home. Let's have a good celebration. Our granddaughter is so powerful, she should show off to everyone." Shen Guoliang also He said cheerfully and cooperatively. "Well, friends and relatives will definitely need to prepare things when they come over. Is there anything you need my help with?" He hurriedly said that the matter just now was put down.

"Just rest and wait to eat. This time you are the protagonist. You don't need any help." Yang Xiaocao said immediately.

"Okay, then I'll go over and see what's going on with Third Brother, and I'll have a nice talk with you when I get back." Shen Yun immediately found an excuse and ran away.

Even though I am now in the Nascent Soul stage, my family still treats me as a little girl who is easily injured. It is really a sweet burden.

Shen Yun walked towards the Shen family's alchemy room in a good mood.

Although the alchemy room of the Shen family is not as big as the school, like the weapon refining room, it also occupies a large area on the hillside.

 When Shen Yun entered, Shen Heng was collecting pills.

“Third brother, how is the refining of the exorcism pill going?” Shen Yun asked with concern.

"Are you out of seclusion? All the spiritual plants have been used up, so I simply refined 30 pills, 22 intermediate and 8 low-level pills." Shen Heng said in a good mood.

"That's good." Shen Yun looked at the quality of the elixirs in the other person's hands. They were all good, which was a bit unexpected. Opening this elixir shop is still effective. At least now Shen Heng can get any elixir quickly. I have figured out how to refine it. There are not many spiritual plants for refining exorcism pills on my mountain. If I can refine 30 pills, there is basically no waste.

"I'll send the elixir down first, and I'll ask you about the details of how to overcome the tribulation when I get back." Shen Heng put away the elixir and said hello to Shen Yun before going out.

Shen Yun didn't stop him and watched the other party hurried away with his flying sword.

She walked out of the alchemy room again. She originally wanted to see if she could find some good materials and come back to refine some good things for her family. However, she encountered so many things when she went out, and she shelved the matter again. Yun looked at the weapon refining room with the door closed, turned around and walked towards the valley.

Take advantage of the time to improve the formations in the mountains. I didn't take into account such things as demonic energy before. Now I have to change it. If you encounter demonic energy, the defensive and isolation array must be able to automatically activate to avoid the evil energy. Entered the valley.

  While working, Shen Yun did not forget to call his younger brothers who were idle. They all had nothing to do anyway, so why not come over and work.

 Definitely not just expressing anger.

It takes more than a day or two to work on large-scale formations. In addition, the spiritual stones that Yan Han promised to send to Shen Yun for replenishment have not yet been delivered, so he can only use the reserved spiritual stones at home. In addition, Shen Yun in order to prevent the formation from running. When the spiritual energy was exhausted, a spirit gathering array was added to this formation. This inspiration was obtained from Jia Weihe, and it came in handy this time.

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