"A group of hyenas dare to covet a phoenix. It seems that the two of us are indeed very attracted to these things." Jin Long followed Shen Yun's hand and looked over, with a faint smile on his lips.

He didn't believe that these wolves came here on foot. On the way here, Clay said that there were not so many dangers outside here. As long as they didn't go inside, there would be no big problem.

This forest is about a thousand kilometers long in the records. Just now, when I got there, I encountered an earth demon vine whose strength was close to the foundation building perfection. Then there were these wolves, which seemed to be around the foundation building strength. A group of If the wolf had no strength, it would probably feel the strength of the two people and run away. Now it is probably a plan to kill the elephant due to the ants.

"That's right, your phoenix is ​​here to attract everyone here. This is not our realm. Many people have never seen you. Why don't you let them see you?" Shen Yun also said with a smile. .

"Of course, let's see if it's easy to deal with these hundreds of wolves." Jin Long said, and went straight to greet the slowly surrounding wolves over there.

There was a fight here, but Clay, who was concentrating on the other side, noticed the extra things around him. He staggered in fright and rolled and crawled towards Shen Yun.

"What's going on? Are those wolves? There are so many of them. Let's run. It's too dangerous here. You are still young. You will die if you are not careful." Clay looked at Shen Yun standing there and said anxiously .

"We can't run away. Didn't you notice? These are coming towards us. The Earth Demon Vine just now and these wolves now are on the periphery. How could we just happen to meet them like this? Is it because of you? ? Did you offend someone?" Shen Yun directly asked Clay next to him.

"No, I come from a small town. The most powerful person I have ever seen is an intermediate magician. How can I offend someone who can use these things? It couldn't be you. I have never encountered such a person before when I went out. situation." Clay said doubtfully, becoming more and more suspicious as he spoke.

After all, it can't be such a coincidence. With so much effort, I have encountered two dangers. I don't know the details of these two people at all. To be so powerful at such a young age, there must be something special about him. Maybe it is this kind of thing that attracts these people. Animals and plants came to attack one after another, so if I stayed with them, I would be in a lot of danger.

Before Shen Yun said anything, Clay thought about it and couldn't help but glance at Shen Yun and the golden dragon over there who were dealing with the wolves, "My strength is low, and I am also holding you back here." "See if you can help me. I'll go out and find some support for you." He started to make excuses for himself.

"Of course, I'll trouble you." Shen Yun quickly led the wolves away, leaving an exit for him.

After his spiritual sense felt that the person was really far away, Shen Yun let go of his hands and started to deal with the surrounding wolves. These wolves had dealt with other people before, so they obviously did not expect the way Shen Yun fought with Jinlong and other people. People are different. They not only use weapons, but also use various spells. Their magic with a single attribute cannot defeat Shen Yun and the others.

By the time they reacted and wanted to leave, half of the pack had already been left behind.

"Okay, stop chasing." Shen Yun stopped the golden dragon who wanted to continue moving forward, and went directly to see these wolves.

The wolves here are a little different from those in China, but generally speaking, they are not much different from those monster beasts. They are all bigger in size and have some magic attacks.

Looking at the large and small wolves lying on the ground, Shen Yun was not polite and directly collected these things into the space ring that he refined alone. The wolf skin, wolf blood and so on are all good things for refining weapons and drawing talismans. , it will definitely not be a loss if you put it away. "Now Clay has left, let's go directly inside and have a look." Jin Long noticed Clay's movements just now, and looked around this time. Sure enough, there was no one there. He said he was looking for rescuers. He clearly saw the danger. Just ran away.

"Let's go." Shen Yun had no intention of staying and waiting for others. There might be more dangers inside. It was indeed the right choice not to follow them. Who knows what else he would encounter inside. It was impossible for the two of them to keep an eye on him all the time.

Without the burden of Kalai, the two of them traveled faster. They also encountered several difficult things along the way, but they were avoided by the two of them. These things can be found again, but now The most important thing is the news of the dragon.

“Sister, there is movement ahead, I can feel my dad’s blood.” Jin Long suddenly said as the two people moved forward quickly.

"Blood energy?" Shen Yun reacted, "Then let's speed up quickly. Your dad must be injured."

 The two flew directly at low altitude, streaking directly through the forest like a stream of light.

"There is a battle ahead, not only with my dad's blood, but also with many other species. Let's be careful." After all, the two of them came from the outside. If someone or something inside turns the gun against the two of them, That would also take a little time. The strength of the things inside is not comparable to that of the Earth Demon Vine that I just met when I came in, let alone that group of wolves. Each one of them has reached the level of Golden Core Upward.

The two of them have to be cautious when facing each other. After all, the ants will bite the elephant to death. This is not just a joke.

Shen Yun nodded and directly motioned to Jinlong to attach the concealment charm to his body. It could not only hide his body but also his body's smell. It was a perfect place to spend time in this place.

As soon as the two people approached, they saw towering trees over there being pushed to the ground, either broken at the waist, or half of them disappeared.

 A group of huge plants and animals were fighting there. The most conspicuous one was the six-winged bird-man flying in mid-air, which they called the Feathered Man.

Shen Yun and the others took a breath. The aura of that man was obviously not comparable to that of the things below, so they only hit their own, and nothing dared to provoke the Yumen above.

"If I'm not mistaken, that Yuren should have reached the middle stage of Nascent Soul." Jin Long whispered in Shen Yun's ear.

Shen Yun nodded. This was something they had not expected. The two-winged feathered people they had encountered before were at most around the foundation-building stage, but they did not expect that there were already feathered people abroad who were in the Nascent Soul stage.

Shen Yun knew the changes in the world in advance, so he cultivated in advance, and Jin Long was even more straightforward. He was not a phoenix in this world. The two of them were only in the early stage of Nascent Soul, but this time they were compared to each other.

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