"Who stole our dragon's blood?" The furious voice of the big snake came from behind.

 Shen Yun and the others felt the Yuren chasing after them.

"Speed ​​up, that guy is catching up. I didn't expect that my nose is quite sharp. We have posted talismans, and the other party can still detect our direction." Shen Yun urged the golden dragon on the side.

"Okay, let's avoid this guy behind first. With this little blood, I can find my dad soon." Jin Long nodded, and the two of them disappeared directly from the place together.

 Two figures appear in the space.

"This man is really good at chasing. Fortunately we have space, otherwise we would have to deal with him for a while." Jin Long couldn't help but complain.

"They've been fighting for a long time just for this thing. We got it here directly. You said whether we should chase you or not. If they saw us, they would probably fight us directly." Shen Yun is very open-minded about this matter. If he If you work hard with others, but in the end the peach is picked by someone else, you have to work hard yourself. Although their method is easy to use, it is indeed a bit disgraceful.

"That's true, but dragon blood is not easy to get. What they don't know is that dragon blood is not a gift from the main body itself. It is a life-threatening thing. If they take this thing, then we don't need it. If you do it, once it enters their bodies, they will explode and die. "Golden Dragon is also a descendant of dragons and knows more about this thing.

If everyone could rely on dragon blood to improve their strength, then the dragons in their world would probably have lost their inheritance long ago.

“That’s true.

Alright, since we have entered here now, let’s recover our strength. We don’t know what we will encounter when we get out. Maybe the feathered man is still blocking us. "Chen Yun didn't say anything else. He sat down directly and began to restore the spiritual energy in his body.

Upon seeing this, Jin Long flew directly to the nest he built when he was a child and lay down. Looking at the dragon blood he got back, it looked like amber. He could feel the natural closeness from the blood, which was blood. attract.

The dragon's blood was floating on his hand with no sign of movement, but this small blood stain, as long as a small spell was cast, could lead them to the owner of the blood. Jinlong felt a little complicated for a while, and immediately He was about to meet his biological father, and a strange feeling called shyness spread out in his heart.

 The two of them stayed in the space for a day and a night and were fully prepared. Then the concealment symbol was affixed to create space.

In this way, even if someone is patrolling outside, you can give yourself a buffer time, and you will not face the dilemma of being besieged as soon as you show up.

When they came out to see it, it was indeed the worst case scenario they thought. There were many patrolling feathered men in the sky, snakes crawling underground, spiders on the trees, and morning glories swaying in the grass. Although the level None are tall, but none are ordinary creatures.

 It seems that they didn't find themselves and just set up a dragnet in the forest.

"Isn't it just a ball of dragon's blood? If such a large force is dispatched, everyone else in the forest will probably suffer." The golden dragon itself is a divine beast. No one in the country knows his identity, so no one is pursuing him.

But the people in this place are different. They saw the dragon falling and noticed the huge energy in the blood. Regardless of the eastern dragon or the western dragon, they are very powerful existences and basically represent invincible existences. Who doesn't covet that ball of blood? Maybe if you get that thing, you can become invincible. The rewards are huge, and it's worth trying desperately.

"Don't worry about it for now. Didn't you listen to Clay when you came here? The Yumen have Yu Huang. The recruitment mission at the Mercenary Mission Center to become Yumen shows that these people should be a regular existence in this country. , the people who come into the forest are all people from their country. Presumably these feathered people will not do anything to them. We should take care of ourselves first and fly over at low altitude, otherwise even if it is an invisibility charm, we will step on the snake in the ground. Discovered." Shen Yun whispered to Jin Long.

"Okay, let's get out of this place first, and then I'll cast a spell to find my dad." The two of them flew directly into the forest without any hesitation.

 In order not to disturb the things inside, both of them were careful. After some distance away from here, the number of things searched gradually decreased.

"This tribe is so large that it still has an advantage." After being chased and blocked just now, Jin Long couldn't help but think of the pitiful number of members of the Phoenix and Dragon tribes. If they had so many descendants, it is estimated that the continent would have been destroyed long ago. The two tribes were occupied.

"God is fair. Whatever abilities he gives you, he will always take away some other things." Shen Yun also thought about the few dozen animals of the two tribes in the inheritance. It is indeed difficult to breed. "Stop lamenting these things. While nothing is coming, cast a spell first and see if you can find your father's location."

 “Okay.” Jinlong nodded and took out the small ball of golden blood.

Once the blood comes out, it is no longer as quiet as in the space. It is floating around and seems to be scattered.

Golden Dragon quickly cast a spell to trap the blood mass. Shen Yun was protecting the spell at the side, and Golden Dragon continued to cast spells.

A burst of spiritual energy fluctuations were caused by the huge spell.

 The fluctuations in spiritual energy immediately attracted the attention of Yu Ren, who was still patrolling the sky.

"Yu Huang, there is movement in the center." The news was immediately reported to the Yu man whom Shen Yun and the others saw at the beginning.

 “Take someone over to have a look.” As soon as he finished speaking, the person disappeared from the spot.

The moment Chen Yun here saw the spiritual energy fluctuations caused by the spell, she immediately started to set up a small isolation formation to prevent the spiritual energy fluctuations from attracting the attention of people outside. Although she moved quickly, those outside were always paying attention to the movement of the forest. People still noticed what was going on here.

By the time Shen Yun's formation was set up, the feathered man he saw at the beginning had already appeared in the sky.

“Jin Long, what’s going on over there? The creditor is here.” Shen Yun asked the people who were busy behind him.

"Wait another 30 seconds, and it will be fine soon." Jinlong's hands kept moving, and the spiritual energy in the formation fluctuated more violently. The blood seemed to be burning, and it kept rolling in the air.

 “Okay.” Shen Yun nodded in agreement.

 The Yuren on the opposite side are keenly aware of the existence of the formation here.

 Looking at the look in his eyes, Shen Yun got out of the formation directly.

"You stole my things?" The other party's voice was cold, and his eyes were as indifferent as ever.

"What is yours, and who are you?" Shen Yun and the others only took back the things belonging to their relatives, and they did not recognize the word "stealing".

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