After working in the space for a day and a night, the entire space was filled up. Shen Yun did not set up any special formations for these spiritual plants that were not in a hurry.

 Out of the space, there was still no movement outside.

 Looking at things like that, the Yan family's affairs are a bit difficult to deal with. Yanhan hasn't come back yet.

There is no use worrying about this matter. Think about it, I agreed to Jiang Min's beauty pill before, and I just happened to have some materials in my space recently. I can use this time to refine it and send it to him.

Shen Yun didn't even enter the room, so he took out the alchemy furnace and started refining the elixir in the room.

  Beauty elixir is very troublesome to make, but the effect is also very good. It only appeared on the market once, but it has attracted everyone's nostalgia for so many years, which shows how shocking the effect is. The popularity of beauty has made Aunt Hu Yan’s dividends increase many times over the years.

Shen Yun is now in the Nascent Soul stage, and his control over alchemy is much better than in the Golden Elixir stage. Although the beauty pill is difficult to refine, Shen Yun spent more than an hour and still made a pill furnace.

Looking at the remaining spiritual plants, Shen Yun continued to refine it for another batch.

 8 high-level elixirs and 12 intermediate elixirs.

 After filling two bottles, Shen Yun went directly to find Jiang Min with his things.

 When we arrived at the supervisor’s office, luckily, no one was there either.

 In the entire office, Liang Shan was the only one who stayed at home, and no one else was there.

“You rare guest, why do you have time to come to the capital?” Liang Shan went out and met Shen Yun who was coming in.

"Long time no see. I came over to see Jiang Min for something." Shen Yun said with a smile.

“What a coincidence, they all went out to do business, and I and a few employees stayed behind in the whole department.” Liang Shan directly shared the news with Shen Yun.

"That's a coincidence. I didn't expect that when I came to Beijing, the people I was looking for were not there." Shen Yun didn't expect this result again.

"If you can't find them, you can find me too. Come on, sit in my office for a while and tell me who you're looking for is not here yet. Maybe I can share the reason with you." Liang Shan invited directly, passing by. Holding two glasses of water.

Shen Yun thought that he had nothing to do next, so it didn't matter if he sat down for a while.

 “There’s no one you’re looking for?” Liangshan asked curiously as soon as he sat down.

"I have something to do with Yan Han, and I plan to ask him to deal with the mess for me." Shen Yun didn't hide it, and said with a smile.

"Oh, what have you done, and you still need Yanhan to clean up the mess for you?" Liang Shan was really curious now. Shen Yun had been the one to take care of them in the past, but this was the first time that they had to clean up the mess.

 “Didn’t I go out for a trip recently? I brought something back...”

Before Shen Yun finished speaking, he saw Liang Shan's eyes suddenly light up across from him. "What's wrong? Is there something wrong?" Shen Yun couldn't continue talking.

"Wait a minute, I'll set up a barrier and we'll talk about it later. We need to discuss this matter carefully." Liang Shan seemed to know what Shen Yun was going to say, and stopped Shen Yun directly. With a wave of his hand, a small barrier was formed. When Yun thought he was going to tell a secret, he placed another layer outside the small barrier.

"What should we discuss in the long term?" Shen Yun was also a little curious about what the other party was thinking of, and it was mysterious.

“You just came back from abroad, right? You must know that the Yu Huang from abroad disappeared. I heard that he was defeated by two strong men in that mysterious forest.

 Recently, foreign countries are competing for the position of the Feather Emperor. Do you have any ideas about the position of the Feather Emperor? "Liang Shan became more and more excited as he talked, as if he thought about the joy of helping Shen Yun to the throne with his own hands. "Maybe he has done something and came back to find foreign help. "

Shen Yun thought that the other party had something confidential to tell, but he didn't know that he was just telling his own conjecture. No wonder he had to set up a barrier. If the people below heard this, his reputation for being unreliable would spread. .

"What are you thinking? That's the Feather Emperor. Look at the wings on my body. Who would recognize me if I become the Feather Emperor like this?" Shen Yun couldn't help but rolled his eyes at him.

It has been so long and he is still unreliable. No wonder he is asked to look after the door at home during missions.

"There's nothing wrong with this. Although you don't have wings, you have strength. As long as you defeat everyone, I'm afraid they won't let you become the Feather Emperor." Liang Shan looked very convinced of Shen Yun.

"Okay. Don't think about such a thing. The two of us can talk about this matter in private. Don't talk about it outside, otherwise people will laugh at you. If a foreigner becomes the Yu Emperor, then this Yu Emperor will I guess I won’t be able to sleep peacefully in the future, I’ll be prepared for assassination every day,” Chen Yun said.

“Okay, okay, since you don’t have this idea, forget it. I originally planned to do something big, but it turns out you don’t have this intention.

Then what did you do abroad and you need Yan Han to clean up the mess? Our supervision department is also your department. If you have something to do, you should go to the special department. Isn't it the same as coming to us? Let's talk about it. " Seeing that he couldn't persuade Shen Yun, Liang Shan leaned back and gave up the idea.

"Yes, I'll do the same thing as you guys." Shen Yun nodded. He just didn't know who to look for to solve this problem, so he took the initiative to come to his door. Although people are sometimes unreliable, they still have nothing to say when doing things.

"I have a very big secret, look." Shen Yun said and released the Yuhuang from the spirit beast bag. He was still the same as when he went in. Sure enough, ordinary people can only do the most when they are knocked down by reincarnation. After persisting for a week, the other party has been there for several days, and there is still no change. If you want to starve him to death, you probably won't be able to do it in a few years.

Liang Shan was startled by the sudden appearance of the person, and then he saw the six obvious pairs of wings on the other person's back, and his eyes gradually widened.

Thinking about what he just told Shen Yun about the disappearance of Emperor Yu, " this Emperor Yu?" Liang Shan asked softly.

"Yes, this is the mess I'm talking about. Let's see how to solve it." Shen Yun said and put the Yuhuang away again. It was indeed a bit unsightly for such a big man to lie on the ground.

"Please allow me to slow down." Liang Shan picked up the tea cup and took a sip of water. "So you are one of those two mysterious people." Liang Shan asked in a low voice. Before speaking, he also checked that the barrier he had laid was strong. Not solid.

"Yes, I was one of them. I captured him but didn't kill him directly. I thought it might be of some use to get him back, so I brought him back." Shen Yun explained what happened.

"You are so brave. Because of this person, the foreign forces are now in chaos. There are also some problems at the border. Jiang Min and the others have gone out to solve the problem. I am the only one left here. If I knew that you brought Who is this mess? I will definitely stop looking at it." Liang Shan regretted his competitiveness this time. It was appropriate to leave this matter to Yan Han. Why should he do it himself?

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