"It's not that there is no reaction. If you look carefully, there is a bit of black light. I don't know if this is the spiritual root reflected by the black shadow, or if this person's spiritual root has been changed." This kind of black spiritual root has never been seen before However, metal, wood, water, fire, earth, and mutated thunder, wind, and ice all have specific colors, and none of them are this black.

"This person's name is Zhang Xin. He originally has the three spiritual roots of water, fire, and earth." Yan Han glanced at the information in his hand with a heavy look. This meant that there was something wrong with the other party's spiritual roots. If it was not solved, a person with a bright future would It’s hard to say what will happen in the future, and I’ve become accustomed to the days of cultivation. If I lose my cultivation in the future, will I be able to accept it in my heart?

Chen Yun continued to test the next one. Everyone was in the same situation, but the black light had different depths. The higher the cultivation level, the stronger the black light. And according to Shen Yun's spiritual exploration just now, the black shadows in their bodies were It also needs to be more intense, as if it has enough nutrients to grow, which is not optimistic.

The three people took the recorded things out of the ward and returned to the doctor's office.

"I have already sent a message to Jiang Zhi and the three of them, but we can't just count on them, we have to think of a way in advance. After all, there is a time bomb in the body, and their current situation is not good, and it may happen at any time. What happened?" Shen Yun added something to the record before passing it to the other two people.

"I can still think of ways to deal with medical issues, but I'm really helpless in this aspect." The doctor said with a wry smile. He himself studied Western medicine and was a staunch materialist. He was a little slower than others in accepting the matter of being a practitioner. , and now that there is a dark shadow in his body, he has no choice. If it is a tumor, he is still 100% sure of an operation.

"You can tell me anything you need or need me to do. As long as there is a glimmer of hope, we will definitely cooperate fully." Yan Han also gave his answer, and the matter fell to Shen Yun again.

“Tell me about their injuries and who the other party was?” Shen Yun hoped to see if he could find a solution from his opponent.

 If you know what the black shadow is, it may be easier to solve it.

"They were part of a small team. They were patrolling outside when they were attacked. When the rescuers rushed over, they saw a black-feathered birdman flying away directly.

When they woke up, they also said that when they first saw five people, they warned them verbally, but they didn't know that the other party attacked directly. Although they were prepared, the five opponents were not weak, so they fell behind. Yes, these five people are all black feather people. Yan Han explained the identity of the attacker in detail.

He has been here for a few days and has not encountered Yuren again, but ordinary magicians have encountered quite a few.

“The attacker is the Black Feathered Man.” Somehow, Shen Yun suddenly remembered the mission to recruit the Feathered Man that he saw at the Mercenary Mission Center before.

From this, we can guess that Yuren may not have been Yuren at the beginning, but changed through some means later.

With this thought, Shen Yun turned directly to the doctor, "Can I borrow your office for a while?"

"Okay, you go ahead, I'll go over and check on the patient." The doctor immediately understood what Shen Yun meant, stood up and walked outside.

 Watching the person leave, Chen Yun directly set up a barrier, and then slipped the sleeping Yuhuang out of the spirit beast bag.

"This is this?" Yan Han was shocked. Didn't he deal with dozens of feathered people before? Why are there still more? Moreover, this one has six pairs of wings. If I remember correctly, the missing Yuhuang seems to have six pairs. White-feathered man with wings. "I'll tell you about this later. Let me check on this person first." Shen Yun said, and then his spiritual sense went in. He didn't need to be as careful as others, but as soon as he entered his temple, he found this People with strength at the Nascent Soul level have pitifully little spiritual consciousness in their minds, or what they call spiritual power, and can only be compared to the foundation building stage at all costs.

Going further to Dantian, there was no attack, but there was a white shadow sleeping quietly in Dantian. Chen Yun took a breath when he looked at that appearance. It was similar to the little person of his Nascent Soul. , but the appearance of the shadow inside is completely different from that of the Yuhuang outside. Although the opponent also has six pairs of wings, there is an obvious small ring on the top of his head.

 Looking similar to the foreign angels on TV, they will stay quietly without any movement due to the effect of reincarnation.

"How is the situation?" Yan Han, who was protecting Shen Yun at the side, saw Shen Yun open his eyes and asked proactively.

“There is also a white shadow inside the other party’s body.” Shen Yun explained his findings to Yan Han in detail.

“It seems that we still need a few feather people to find out what is going on.” Yan Han suddenly discovered the key information. "It's a pity that we didn't keep those dozens of feathered people."

"Since the other party has taken action against our people, it is logical for us to take action. Leave this matter to me. I don't want their lives, just to save people." Shen Yun said with a cold face.

Yan Han didn't stop him, he had already offended them. If he still stopped him, he probably wouldn't be able to go far in his future cultivation. "Be careful in everything. I'll wait for your news here. I'll report you later." We will take care of it," Yan Han said solemnly.

"Okay, then I'll go now. Yuhuang, I'll put it away first. When the matter is resolved, I'll tell you the whole story. By the way, since the pollen of reincarnation has an effect on this black shadow, I'll use some for them first. Let the black shadow fall into a deep sleep, so as to prevent it from constantly eating away at the spiritual consciousness and affecting the spiritual roots." Before leaving, Chen Yun thought of another idea.

There is no solution now, but this method is good. After all, there is a solution to reincarnation. If the spiritual roots and spiritual consciousness are completely affected by the black shadow, the consequences will be even more serious.

 “Okay.” Yanhan nodded. He would bear the consequences.

I returned to the ward with Shen Yun and explained the situation to the doctor. Although the doctor didn't know what the magic medicine was, anything that could alleviate the patient's condition was a good thing. It would be a good idea to wait until a solution was found before treating the patient. good idea.

  Everyone exited the room. Shen Yun sealed the space, sealed his mouth and nose, took out a little of the collected mature pollen, and controlled the wind to evenly sprinkle it on the mouth and nose of the lying person.

 Wait for a minute and then clean up the excess pollen.

 Then he checked the situation of everyone, and sure enough, the black shadow that had grown teeth and claws just now was staying in the Dantian honestly this time.

It has not yet formed a complete outline, but it has a human shape. You must know that these people lying down are only in the foundation building stage at best. These things in the Dantian are obvious intruders.

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