The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 405: (405) The efficacy of the medicine is as expected

 The people below were all pleasantly surprised by Shen Yun's words. They had been prepared to do this for the rest of their lives. If they could finally repair their spiritual roots, they would be very lucky.

Now that they heard something, they could not only repair the injuries on their spiritual roots, but also improve their qualifications. For a moment, they were all a little glad that they were injured this time. This was a blessing in disguise.

"Is everything you said true? No matter what, we thank you." The captain said excitedly, and the people behind him also followed suit.

Yanhan didn't expect that the medicine Shen Yun brought out was so good. It looked like it had indeed taken out all the spiritual plants at the bottom of the box.

 Sure enough, what was given from above was never as good as Shen Yun's contribution.

These people are basically cultivators of three spiritual roots and two spiritual roots. This time, after improving their essence through the spirit-melting pill, the country will have a group of masters in the future, which is very good for the security of the country.

Yan Han couldn't help but admire Shen Yun's face when he saw that there was no strange color on Chen Yun's face when he took out such a precious elixir.

 This thing is something that everyone is fighting for wherever it is placed. Shen Yun would not be unaware of the preciousness of this thing.

Yan Han looked at Shen Yun with more and more admiration.

"The effect is just like this, but let me state in advance that I have not tried this elixir. Whether the specific effect is what I said depends on the effect you have after taking it. The spiritual plants used to refine this elixir are very precious. I There is nothing extra. Which one of you is willing to be the first to test the medicine?" Although he said that the effect is very good, and the medicine records left by his ancestors also have this effect, Chen Yun still wants to emphasize the possible situation.

No one hesitated when they heard what Shen Yun said. As long as there is a chance, who doesn't want to become stronger.

 Everyone raised their hands to indicate that they should try the medicine first.

"Captain Yan, how do you decide on this matter?" Shen Yun couldn't decide who would take the medicine first.

“Wait a moment, I’ll go over and discuss it with them.” Yan Han looked at the people who had signed up enthusiastically.

They are not afraid of sacrifices, but there is no need for unnecessary sacrifices. Just one person can test the medicine. As for whether the effect is what Shen Yun said, he can only say that everything has risks.

"Please." Shen Yun made a gesture, indicating that they should discuss it first. Shen Yun walked out of the room directly. He had been to this place several times, always in a hurry. Only when he came this time did he realize that there was a hotel not far away from here. A small aura eye, the aura is very gentle, which is very suitable for the cultivation of the wounded.

Shen Yun was not kept waiting for long. Yan Han came out to call for help after a while.

 “You’ve made your decision, come in.”

 “Okay, who is it?” Shen Yun was a little curious.

 “It’s Captain Su.” Yan Han said with a normal expression.

Shen Yun nodded and said she understood. She was Yan Han's brother-in-law. She knew this.

Shen Yun didn't waste any time when he went in. He took out a pill and handed it to the other party.

With teammates, doctors and nurses watching, he sat down and stuffed the elixir into his mouth.

“The process may be a bit hard, so stick to Yuanyi and keep a clear head.” Shen Yun reminded.

The other party nodded, closed his eyes and started practicing.

 The surrounding spiritual energy slowly penetrated into his body. It can be clearly seen that because of the injury to his Dantian, the spiritual energy did not enter smoothly.

Everyone waited patiently. "Look, the captain's practice seems to be getting smoother and smoother." The people next to him couldn't help but get excited when they saw the spiritual energy entering the opponent's body more and more smoothly. After being injured for such a long time, their practice was stumbling, and their Dantian seemed to be leaking. Just like a balloon, if the spiritual energy goes in, it may flow out later. This time they watched it for so long, and the leakage of spiritual energy in the other party in the past few days has disappeared, which shows that this medicine is effective.

"Great, we are saved." Everyone said in a low voice, suppressing their excitement.

"Hmm..." A muffled groan escaped from the corner of the sitting man's mouth. His face was covered with sweat, and his look of pain could no longer be concealed.

"What's going on? Didn't you get better just now?" Not only the teammates next to him were anxious, but the doctor was also anxious and wanted to go over and take a look at the situation.

Shen Yun quickly stopped the person and said, "Don't be anxious yet. I'll take a look at the situation."

Shen Yun walked directly to the person and said, "Hold Yuan Yi and stay awake. I will use my consciousness to check the condition of your Dantian."

Captain Su, who felt like tearing pain all over his body, was confused at first. Hearing Shen Yun's cold voice directly sounded in his mind, he immediately remembered what he was doing and bit the tip of his tongue to stay awake.

Feeling a surge of energy penetrate into his Dantian, he tried hard to restrain his conditioned reflex to resist.

Shen Yun's spiritual consciousness entered the opponent's Dantian and found that the original position of the spiritual root was emitting a faint light and was quietly changing.

The spiritual consciousness cannot tell what will happen, and we have to wait for the result, but the Fusion Pill can indeed change the Dantian, and this effect can be determined.

Shen Yun directly withdrew his consciousness, "Don't be anxious, the elixir is effective, and some pain must be endured due to the changes in the Dantian. You should also be mentally prepared in advance." Shen Yun said to the anxious people next to him .

"It doesn't matter if it hurts. We don't have any pain. As long as the person is fine, it's fine." Everyone couldn't help but feel relieved after hearing Shen Yun's words.

 A group of people gathered in a circle to record each other's situation. This change in spiritual roots lasted three days and three nights before it was over.

When the other person opened his eyes, the person next to him had gone to wipe away the sweat from his side for the tenth time.

 You can see how painful this medicine is.

“Captain, you’re awake.” The person wiping sweat met the other person’s open eyes.

"Wake up." Although the pain seemed to last a century, when he opened his eyes, he felt that his body was lighter than ever before. The water aura in the world was visible to the naked eye, and the effect was even better than when he practiced before.

"Captain Su, let's do a check-up on you." The doctor next to him was very excited when he saw that the man was awake. This man had been in pain for three days, but his face looked better than before. It was amazing.

"Okay." Captain Su stood up, smiled and nodded to the person next to him, and then followed the doctor for examination.

Everyone waited for a long time, and finally the results came.

The injury to Dantian has been fully recovered. Moreover, it was previously recorded that there were two spiritual roots of water and earth. This time, the test showed that only water spiritual roots were present. His qualifications have been improved.

This is a very important matter. Not only Shen Yun and the others knew about it, but not long after, the leaders from above came over.

Shen Yun distributed the elixir to the remaining dozen people and asked them to find an open space to eat by themselves. Then he, Yan Han and Captain Su entered the office together with the leader.

"Comrade Shen Yun, you have given us too many surprises. I would like to express my gratitude to you on behalf of our soldiers." The other party said sincerely.

"You are too polite. They are doing it for the sake of the motherland, so I should save them."

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