Chapter 417 (417) taught them a heavy lesson in life

"Don't worry, people have already seen it. Yanhan went to call the doctor. Your injuries are not healed. You need to recover first." Shen Yun quickly comforted him, and when he spoke, several people got rid of the cleaning skills.

 Several tabby cats have turned into handsome teenagers again.

"Master, I'm fine. Let me see how my brother is doing." Jiang Zhi was worried and limped towards Jiang Huai. He was the elder brother. He didn't take his younger brother with him when he went out, so he couldn't hand him over when he got home.

At this moment, he regretted it very much. Why did he propose to go all the way back to practice medicine? Why did he not take the bus?

Thinking about it, looking at his brother lying there, he stretched out his hand and hit himself in the face.

"Okay, what are you doing? This is not your problem. You haven't healed your own injuries yet. Don't act recklessly just because you are a doctor. When your legs don't grow well, they will break. Master's You also know that medical skills cannot save your legs." Shen Yun moved next to Jiang Zhi in an instant and stopped his movement.

“But this idea was proposed by me in the first place.” Jiang Zhi grew up, and this was the first time he encountered such a thing. The brothers and his uncle almost died in the unknown cave because of his suggestion.

What's more serious is that they may become the monster's puppet and later become a killing machine. Their high sense of morality makes him feel so painful that he can't wait to go back to the day of the proposal and slap himself twice.

"You told us about this. Your grandfather and I both agreed. You were not traveling privately. No one expected that such a thing would happen. If we had known, we would not have let you go out." Shen Seeing Jiang Zhi lowering her head, Yun quickly reassured him that if this matter is not resolved, it will become a knot in his heart in the future, and it will have an impact on his cultivation in the future.

"Yeah, we won't blame you. This thing is not because of you. Who would have expected that there is such a thing in our world. Or we have too little experience. After this time, I believe that when we go out next time, we You must be careful and careful. Your main task now is to recover quickly. If ordinary doctors can't save them, they will have to wait for you to save them. You can't let them go first." Shen Yue looked at the people lying on the ground. The troubled brother and Jiang Huai cannot be blamed on any one person. I can only say that they are a bit arrogant and underestimate the enemy.

 After this incident, they also learned a heavy lesson in life.

“Okay, Shen Yue, you first send a message to your family, saying that you have something to do in Beijing and I am here too.

 Don’t talk to your family about your injury. Let’s wait here until the injury heals before we go back.

I'll share the healing elixirs with you, and help me heal my wounds quickly. What happened this time is not that person's fault, it's the fault of a few of you. Please write me a review report later, and I'll do it when they both wake up. Write. " While Chen Yun was getting the elixir, he was arranging things for a few people and diverted his attention first. When Shen Jian and the others wake up, Jiang Zhi's guilt will feel better.

With Shen Yun's arrangement, Jiang Zhi and the others remembered that they hadn't sent any messages to their families in recent days, and they were probably frightened too.

 Everyone is busy.

 Seeing that his attention had shifted, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

“The doctor is here, let him take a look.” At this time, Yan Han quickly walked in with two people carrying medicine boxes.

 “Please take a look, they have been unconscious for several days.” Shen Yun made way to make it easier for the doctor to see him.

Two doctors, one a Chinese doctor and one a Western doctor, each with a patient, started working separately.

“Doctor, how are they doing?” The two doctors looked at both of them, and Shen Yun stood aside and asked carefully.

“I initially suspect that there is a vegetative tendency, but specifically I suggest you go to a large hospital to check with instruments. This is my personal opinion, you can listen to him.” After the Western doctor finished speaking, he pointed to the Chinese medicine doctor next to him. Although he was still unsure, his words still made the hearts of the teenagers next to him sink.

 Jiang Zhi and Qu Jing ran over without caring about healing their injuries.

 He immediately began to feel his pulse. It was obvious that what they were looking at inside was not that serious.

"I don't think it's that serious. It seems to be a kind of self-isolation. It may be that they are not willing to wake up due to some stimulation. Your family members can spend more time with them and call them, and maybe they will wake up." Although the explanations are different, everyone can also hear that it is uncertain when a person wakes up. It can only depend on whether he is willing to wake up.

"Thank you both. If I need you later, I'll come over to see you." Shen Yun politely sent the person away. No matter what, they also came over to have a look and gave me some advice. I can only rely on them for what happens next. By myself.

 “Okay.” The two people didn’t say anything and just left.

“How is it? What do you two see?” Shen Yun turned to ask the two disciples again.

"The pulse condition is the same as before. There is no change. Although the internal injuries in the body have not been actively repaired, they have improved a bit with the repair of the elixir, but there is no sign of waking up." The two people said distressedly.

 The doctors hired by the special departments are certainly not half-assed. Since they have given their own suggestions, they must have really seen something, otherwise they would not have been aimless.

"Okay, now that the situation has been determined, it's your responsibility to take care of your injuries quickly and come up with a treatment plan. We have to go home in ten days, otherwise we won't be able to catch up with Shen Xing and the others to go to school. The family will definitely be suspicious." Shen Yun gave several people a task, "If you need help, just call us."

Shen Jian's injury this time was not as serious as the one long ago. He just closed his world and refused to wake up. He was probably afraid that he would wake up and turn into a monster and kill. As long as he received appropriate stimulation and treatment, Shen Yun believed that he could It won't take long for the two of them to wake up. As long as they wake up, things will be easier to handle.

"Okay, we will definitely work hard." Jiang Zhi and Qu Jing were stunned for a moment. Thinking about the heavy burden on themselves, they stopped guarding others.

Zhang Luo went home to find medicine to heal his own injuries first, and then study the injuries of Shen Jian and others.

Shen Yun and the others did not stay here too long. They said goodbye to the cold weather and returned to their hut in the capital with people and things.

 The next step is to recuperate and do things.

There is no one idle in the hut.

Shen Yun, who was originally going to go shopping with Jin Long, was ordered by Jin Long to recover from his injuries at home before going out.

 Now she and Shen Xing were treated the same.

The most outrageous thing is that the children in the family knew that she was injured, so they all took care of her and became extremely nagging.

 (End of this chapter)

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