"Don't make a fuss. The demons also have many weird storage tools. This one is relatively common. And don't look at this belt. The space inside is not small. The demons like to carry everything with them. You I guess I can receive a lot of things." Ao Yang explained from the side.

"How do you open this?" Hearing that a lot of things could be opened inside, Jin Long didn't mind.

"Don't worry, let's leave it for now." Aoyang raised his eyes and looked at the Demon King lying there. When the person died, the things would naturally be taken out.

"Okay." Putting the storage bag aside, Shen Yun conveniently set up an isolation barrier. Although the Demon King has been controlled by them, there is inevitably some secret method, and the separation of the storage bag can be regarded as a guarantee.

The Demon King here felt the storage bag that he could no longer feel, and blinked in disappointment. His movements were still slow. If he had moved faster, he could have injured these few by directly exploding the storage bag. It's too late to say anything now. .

"By the way, I heard from seniors that you demons like to make some demonic eyes where no one can see them, and use the demonic energy to turn some people into puppets of your demons. Tell me how it works." Shen Yun asked casually, not saying that there were demonic eyes in his world.

"This is the secret method of the demon clan. I, a fringe member of the demon clan, don't know about it." The demon king rolled his eyes. This matter cannot be revealed. Who knows whether this little loach will go back again. If he brings this news back, then he will The sinners of the demon clan cannot be beaten to death.

"I won't tell you, let me see which torture is suitable for you to experience." Jin Long immediately started to flip through the book.

"Little bird, do you understand? It's not that I don't say it, it's that I don't know." The Demon King did not expect that his old enemies, father and son, were both divine beasts, but both were unreasonable.

“I don’t know, you are lying to a fool. You must know that the people stationed at the border of our Dragon Clan are the Demon Lord’s confidants. If you actually say that you don’t know how the demonic energy is created, that is of no value.

Son, just try your torture method. I want to see it too. By the way, I will record it with a photo stone. When I have nothing to do in the future, I can still see the misery of the demons. This way, even if I can’t return to my own The world has also fulfilled my wish to go to the battlefield to fight the demons. "Ao Yang said deliberately from the side.

The Demon King was a little moved when he heard Yao Yang say that he couldn't go back. They, the Demon Lord, would definitely look down on this desolate place where birds don't poop, so it wouldn't matter even if they said so.

Before the golden dragon could be tortured, Demon King Balabala gave an explanation, and finally left a solution unsaid. He would only tell it if he was let go.

Shen Yun and the others were not in a hurry to find out the solution. Instead, they gathered around and began to digest the news that the Demon King had just said.

"Cunning demons, let me ask you why a lot of information in our world of cultivation has been snooped by the other party. It turns out that demonic energy also has this effect. Demonic people can not only control puppets through demonic energy, but also control a large number of demons. The Qi senses the environment, no wonder the demons always appear in unexpected places when no one is paying attention. It turns out that they are all controlled by the demonic Qi," Aoyang said suddenly.

"Then what kind of demons do you think will touch our world through that demonic eye?" Shen Yun is more worried about this issue.

 Once the demons come over, and their fighting power is not enough, it will be a devastating blow to humans.

"Don't worry, just like what the demon king just said, this world is too desolate and the level of cultivators is low. Even if the demons occupy it, they will not look down on these low-level cultivators, so for the time being, they will not spend It took such a great effort to travel through time and space and send people here. Of course, I originally planned to get some demonic puppets, but you stopped them. If you consume demonic energy for a long time, you will realize that you may give up your occupation of this world. , Even if they are powerful, they don’t want to occupy a world that can swallow demonic energy." Ao Yang expressed his opinion.

Shen Yun thought about it and realized that it was really possible. If he had originally planned to go to a place where there was no aura, and he had swallowed the aura in his body in the past, then he would definitely not go. "Besides, it's not just the demons who are eyeing this world. Even if they are here to deliver food, I don't know. Anyway, you can rest assured for the time being. As long as the demonic energy is controlled, the demons will not worry about it for the time being. Worry." Aoyang continued.

 “Who else is eyeing this world with eager eyes?” Shen Yun and Jin Long focused their attention on Aoyang at the same time.

"What, the secret must not be leaked. Your current strength is too low. It is useless to tell you. Hurry up and practice to improve your cultivation." Yao Yang said inscrutably.

"Dad, it's really annoying when you talk like this about half and half. I remember you said something about the guy above last time, and you said this again this time. Are these two the same thing? What on earth is it?" Jin Long said about Bo. Yang asked with hidden unhappiness.

“Hey, you kid, it’s really serious now, isn’t it? I won’t say anything, I’ll kill you.”

Chen Yun watched the two childish ghosts arguing from the side, and then thought about what the devil said just now. Above, the way of heaven, Chen Yun's mind moved, and he remembered the matter in his heart.

 Forget it, I guess it’s not that Senior Yaoyang doesn’t want to say it, but their strength is really too low, and it’s useless to say it now. It seems that they still have to work hard to practice.

 The discussion here ended, and several people turned their attention to the Demon King over there.

The Demon King, who was stretching his neck to see if he could overhear anything, saw the two people turn their heads and shrank in fear, "I've told you what I know. You cultivators are not the most moral. You said you would let him go." mine."

"That's not what I promised you just now. Besides, I'm not a cultivator. Now I'm very curious as to how to make this source of demonic energy disappear. Do you want to tell me or not?" Jin Long said, taking out the feather fan from last time. He walked toward the Demon King with a book on ancient and modern torture in one hand.

"I just know that you, the beast clan, are the least moral." The Demon King looked at this situation and shrank back while cursing.

 “To say or not to say?” A ray of true sun fire danced on the feather fan.

"Kill me, you will die sooner or later anyway." The Demon King seemed to have figured out something, and lay down directly and started to smash it, as if he couldn't get enough of it.

At this time, the golden dragon was also dumbfounded, and the threat was not effective yet.

"Kill him, the little devil on the periphery. I guess he really doesn't know anything anymore. Kill him as soon as possible to save time." Yao Yang was not used to his old rival and asked him to die.

"Hey, hey, what are you talking about, old loach? No matter what I say, it has some value. Unlike you who only know how to talk, I know a lot more. If you kill me, you won't get any information. "Really dying, the Demon King still wants to struggle. Anyway, no one knows that he betrayed the Demon Clan. There is no difference between saying more or saying less. He wants to go back alive and tell the Demon King to come over and occupy this little place. place, otherwise the Dragon Clan would get there first.

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