"Don't worry, I will definitely not talk to Jin Long about this matter." Shen Yun nodded in agreement. Jin Long was in danger if he stayed in this world, and she would not leave him in this world selfishly for her own sake.

Aoyang looked at Chen Yun seriously and sighed: "The way of heaven in your world, you feel it, it seems a little different from the beginning."

"Is it different?" Shen Yun carefully began to think about what was different before and after. It seemed that there was nothing different except that the golden light of merit was less.

"This is something I only felt when I came here when the Golden Dragon was in danger. Since your world has entered the age of magic, for the rapid development of this world, Heaven will definitely have the opportunity for something to fall and improve this as soon as possible. world level.

But when I came to this world, I found that the situation was different from what I imagined. The original way of heaven seemed to be deceived by something. Another thing took over the world in place of this way of heaven. Not only would it not bring down opportunities, but it would also plunder the world. resources to enhance their own strength.

 I wonder if you feel it? "Ao Yang carefully explained his feelings to Shen Yun.

"This..." Shen Yun originally wanted to say something, but in the end, he suddenly thought of something. She died early in her previous life. In fact, she had no idea what happened in the world behind her. She thought that this was the direction of the world, and she was in the Western Plateau at that time. When she saw that she wanted to deal with those monsters, she somehow had a special feeling and let them go. She thought it was a hint given to them by Heaven for the sake of harmonious development in the future.

Think about it now, isn’t it? After all, I had never felt it before, I had only been nurtured by the golden light of merit.

"Can I still be deceived if I am so powerful? I haven't gone out much in the past few years, but I do feel that the aura has not changed much in the past few years. At the beginning, there were many large and small aura eyes, but it is indeed uncommon in the past few years. , but isn’t this the phenomenon that the aura eye has finished appearing?

 Also, many magic weapons and ghosts appeared in the past. I have never heard of any powerful monsters, ghost kings, etc. appearing there in so many years? "Chen Yun said everything he knew and his questions.

"There is no time limit for the appearance of the Aura Eye. Magical weapons and rare treasures are all things left to you by your ancestors. This world used to be a big world of aura. I don't know why the aura gradually disappeared, but now The restoration of spiritual energy means that your world may regain its former glory in the future. Do you know how tempting this is?"

Shen Yun shook his head. She really didn't know this. Before she got the cave of her ancestors, she had been reading those myths and stories as stories and legends. Even if she did understand it later, she only understood it from the information in the cave. They People in this world really don’t know enough about cultivation.

"The newly generated power of heaven is very small. Since this world may become a spiritual world in the future, there will be very unknown forces watching. I have been here for such a long time and I have not felt the original power of heaven on your side. With such power, it feels like this world is gradually becoming a spiritual sanctuary.”

 “The spiritual sanctuary, what is that?” Shen Yun had some guesses in his mind, but he did not dare to say it out loud. This matter was not a trivial matter.

"Your world is occupied by a certain careerist, and the original way of heaven is blocked by him. He controls the world, and you, when your strength rises, will become his energy providers. So the road waiting for you is not to ascend. , but died, the way to ascension has been blocked by him." Yao Yang said with a calm face.

Shen Yun broke into a cold sweat. This statement was unheard of, but she couldn't help but not believe it. After all, it would do him no good to lie to him.

"How can such a powerful person block the way of heaven?" Shen Yun tried hard to control his voice to keep from going out of tune. "Haha, little girl, you still have too little experience. What kind of people are there in this world? Besides, it is just to block the way of heaven, not to kill him. In the future, the energy and luck of your world will be almost consumed. The newly created Heavenly Dao in the sky will gradually disappear because of the luck of this world. At that time, your world will have no use value and will be abandoned. That will be the end of your world." Ao Yang said carefully. Shen Yun was talking about the consequences.

Shen Yun stared at him carefully, his words didn't seem like a joke.

 “So many lives…”

"Hahaha, it's too simple. I think you have a book here that says it well. The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. Since the other party dares to do this, do you think human life is nothing to him?" Aoyang He was used to seeing the coolness of those in power, and this time looking at Shen Yun who was still holding on to hope, he felt a bit ridiculous.

She had to digest this news well. She used to think that being a principal and teaching others what she knew was already a big responsibility. Now that she knew this news, it had risen to the fate of all mankind. Shen Yun felt that All a little groggy.

If you don’t know how to practice, you can publish books and open schools. How should you fight this illusory enemy in the sky who you haven’t met yet?

Yes, Shen Yun had no intention of shrinking back when he knew the news. Anyway, his life has been wasted. In his previous life, he could not control his life and death. Thinking about being observed for such a long time in this life, Shen Yun felt that even if he fought hard, You have to give it a try if you want to survive.

"Senior, since you told me about this matter, I believe you must have a solution. No matter how difficult it is, we will try it." Shen Yun looked at Yaoyang firmly.

 “Little girl, aren’t you stupid?

Since you have raised the golden dragon for so long and helped me, I will give you a method. It is difficult to explain this matter clearly, lest we are found out and we have to deal with him. Let me show it to you. "Aoyang handed Chen Yun a jade slip and pointed upward.

Shen Yun took the jade slip and put it directly on his forehead. Suddenly a large amount of information poured directly into his mind.

"Understood, the method is roughly like this. This is also the method I discovered when I traveled to other small worlds before. If you can do it by then and awaken the original way of heaven, then your small world may still be saved." Yang waited until he finished reading before speaking.

 “Then was that small world successful?” Shen Yun asked curiously.

Aoyang shook his head, "Later I passed there again, and it had become a desolate world, and the shadow of heaven could not be seen."

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