Although he didn’t tell his family about the objects in the sky, Shen Yun still called the whole family, including Huang Bin and his aunt.

 The family had a small meeting.

"Grandpa and grandma, you two are no longer active in cultivation. There are so many juniors in the family watching, so you have to lead the way." Shen Yun knew that since his uncle passed away, the old couple had not paid much attention to the matter of cultivation. I was so distraught that I no longer practiced cultivation at all. I spent the whole day playing with the younger generation in the valley and watching them study. I don’t know how good I felt.

However, no matter how powerful you are in the Qi training period, you can only live to about 100 years old. Shen Yun doesn't want to see his family members die one by one. The uncle and the others can't help it because one of them and his wife can't practice.

Grandpa and grandma are all gifted, but Shen Yun doesn't understand.

“Oh, did you hear that? You little ones should practice hard for me in the future, otherwise you will have trouble with us.

Forget it about your grandpa and I. We are both so old. You don’t know how difficult it is to practice to this point. Neither of us can read. When we first started practicing, your brother and the others explained the content to us. Well, we are very satisfied now. We are still strong and healthy at such an old age, so we have no other requirements. Yang Xiaocao said cheerfully.

"Mom, you are not doing this right. You should practice well." When Shen Huaan heard Yang Xiaocao say this, she immediately became unhappy. Although she could not practice, she wanted her mother to live a long life.

“Oh, what are you cultivating? We are doing quite well in cultivating now. But when we are old and our eyes are dim, we are still asked to practice higher. Isn’t that embarrassing?

  Okay, your dad and I know what we are doing. As long as you stay with us and the children and grandchildren in our family can compete with each other, our lives will be worth it. "Yang Xiaocao said cheerfully. Anyway, he was determined not to practice anymore.

They don’t want to experience the pain of a white-haired person giving away a black-haired person again. If they don’t practice now, they can grow old together with their children in the future. This life is worth it.

“Grandpa and grandma, if you don’t practice cultivation, who will look after us in the future?

 I had no one to hurt me for the past ten years, so why don’t you compensate me well? "Chen Yun felt strange after listening to the old couple's words. Just as he was about to put it down, Nuwai walked over to the old man and the old lady and said.

"I love you. I must love you a lot. Not only us, but also your parents and uncles all love you." Yang Xiaocao said with a smile.

Shen Yun finally sighed, "No matter what, everyone must work hard to practice. Some time ago, Shen Xing and the others met a demon king when they went out, and they almost told me where they were. If grandma hadn't found out in time and told me, by then It’s too late.”

Shen Yun still talked about what happened some time ago in detail, which can be regarded as an excuse for everyone to make progress.

"Sister, didn't you agree not to mention this matter?" Shen Xing and Shen Yue were stunned. They didn't say anything in advance. They could have run away in advance. If they had known earlier, they would have just excused themselves for having something to do at school and not having a day off today. .

“Okay, you two brothers still want to hide it from us.” Yang Cancan and Liu Xiaofeng glared at the two brothers at the same time. "My sister didn't let us say this. She said she was afraid that you would be worried. It's not because we didn't say it." Shen Xing's ears were twisted and he immediately started to quibble.

"If your sister doesn't let you talk, you won't. Your sister won't let you rest and let you practice hard. She doesn't see you practicing every day without sleeping. This time, you blame your sister." Now you have a sensible eldest daughter. Shen Yun and his naughty younger son, Yang Cancan's attention has not been on Shen Xing for a long time. This time, he caught the second son and had a good talk. It was so bad that he even dared to blame his sister.

"I didn't deny him rest. He was still able to sleep." Shen Yun felt that he needed to clarify this. After all, he used to sleep occasionally when his cultivation level was low.

"Don't talk. I'll find something wrong with you later. I didn't tell my family about such a serious matter. How can you be honest?" Yang Cancan's eyes widened.

 Shen Yun gave Shen Xing a look that was asking for blessings. Anyway, a dead Taoist friend is better than a poor Taoist.

Seeing Yang Cancan and his second aunt each grabbing one and going to the side to teach him a lesson, Shen Yun looked at the family who were staring at him.

"What about that? I won't tell you. Isn't it because I am afraid that you will worry? But I think this matter is something worth warning about, so I thought it would be better to tell my family about it. Everyone will work hard to practice in the future, so that when I go out, I will There won't be any danger." Shen Yun straightened his words.

"Yunyun is right. I discovered the situation at that time and saved it in the past. If you were all so powerful, you wouldn't have discovered such a thing. So in the future, those who can cultivate should work hard for me. If I see anyone If you don't work hard, I'll treat you." Yang Xiaocao immediately started to protect Shen Yun. After all, she had something to do with it. She had guessed it before she was injured, but she didn't know how serious it was. This time she heard Shen Yun say this. , although she was anxious, she couldn't live up to Yunyun's kindness. She just wanted everyone to be safe when going out.

"Grandma, how dare we not practice hard when we know this? Don't worry, we can't be locked up in the mountains and not go out. We will definitely practice hard so that you won't worry when we go out in the future." Shen Chen saw the elders in the family anxious. Well, as the eldest brother, he took the initiative to speak out. It was a shame to say that he was the worst among the brothers in cultivation right now. He really needed to work hard.

"You just need to practice hard. Yunyun said this is for your own good. In the past, Jinlong was here and he was strong, so he could help Yunyun keep an eye on you. But now that Jinlong is gone, I can only rely on your brothers."

Didn’t I just say this? The last time I met the Demon King, he and the Golden Dragon defeated him together. Otherwise, everyone would be in danger. The strength of one person is always limited. You brothers and sisters can unite as one, and we will be able to do it in the future. Go further. "Shen Guoliang, who had been watching the excitement, heard what Shen Chen said, and then he said it.

The Shen family members next to them, no matter how big or small, whether they understood or not, nodded solemnly when the old man said this, and a few children even responded loudly.

 Suddenly the somewhat tense atmosphere became active again.

The two mothers over there finished teaching their disobedient sons and came over to listen to the instructions from the family again.

"From now on, your grandma and I will supervise your cultivation. You don't need to do the work at home. It's not a big deal anyway." Shen Guoliang arranged everything directly.

Shen Yun saw that his goal of urging his family to work hard was achieved, and he was satisfied.

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