It’s already past lunch time, and there aren’t many people in the cafeteria at this time.

Several people came in, and the few people who were eating took one look and then looked away.

 The family experienced a rich military lunch in the canteen.

"I really didn't expect that the food here is so good. I was worried that you wouldn't starve and lose weight outside." The second aunt saw her second son this time and didn't think about it anymore. She could only think about not having the pain of her daughter-in-law. The curiosity towards his own son has also passed.

“We don’t come here to eat in the canteen very often. After all, as cultivators, it’s not good for us to eat too much impurity-laden food, so we only come here to try it when we are hungry.” Shen Jian said nonchalantly.

What awaited me was the second aunt’s eyes.

The conditions are better now. It would be great if the kids in the family didn’t have to eat when they couldn’t eat before.

"Mom, my brother sent a message, saying that he is finished over there and will come to see us in a while. Let's eat slowly and wait for him. My brother hasn't eaten in several days. It just so happens that my brother also has a half-day off today. I can accompany you." Shen Jian felt that his mother was dissatisfied with him, and immediately called his brother over. If someone shared the firepower with him, he would not have to be targeted alone, and he could be targeted together with his brother.

 “Okay, okay, okay.”

 They didn't have to wait long before they saw Shen Hong appearing at the door of the cafeteria.

 “This way.” Shen Jian was afraid that Shen Hong wouldn't see him, so he jumped up to greet people.

Shen Hong originally wanted to pretend he didn't see it, but after looking at the people sitting next to him, he immediately came over.

“Hurry up and eat.” Grandma also waved next to her.

“Grandparents, parents, uncles and aunts, you guys are here.

 I was refining elixir just now. "Shen Hong is much calmer than Shen Jian.

"I know you're busy. If you have nothing to do, hurry up and eat. We've reserved it just for you." Grandma said kindly, pulling the person to sit next to her.

 In a short time, the bowls in front of Shen Hong were piled up.

 Shen Jian:…

This difference in treatment is a bit obvious.

 “Where’s mine?” Shen Jian picked up his empty bowl.

“Didn’t you say that you don’t eat much at all? Your brother didn’t say that.” The second uncle accurately started to dismantle the situation.

 “Hmph.” Shen Jian pretended to be angry.

 After a while, there were three more bowls of food in front of him, and the little joke ended.

After dinner, they followed Shen Jian and the others around the military camp. As for Shen Yun, of course he was pulled over to be a sparring partner. Although improving his cultivation is the most important thing now, there is still combat training in the army. Shen Yun is He was roped in as a sparring partner.

Stayed in the military camp until the next night, and then took a few people to say goodbye to Shen Hong and the others.

“How about we take a rest tonight and show you the capital tomorrow, and then we can slowly go back for some fun.” Shen Yun planned the itinerary for a few people.

"How about we go back? We've been out for so many days, it seems to be nearly a week. Didn't we say we'd go back in two days?" The second aunt was a little embarrassed. This time she wanted to take care of her children. , it took so long.

"It's okay. We'll all arrive in Beijing this day, so let's go and have a look. Wouldn't it be a pity otherwise?" Shen Yun's view was this. "I'm just going to delay tomorrow. You've already come here. Let's go home tomorrow night after seeing it." Shen Guoliang also wanted to visit the capital city. He is already so old and will only come here once in his life. No. It's really a pity to go and see it.

"Okay, then it's settled." Shen Yun made the decision directly.

Early in the morning of the next day, before dawn, I took the people to the city to play. After playing for a day, everyone except Shen Yun was tired and out of breath.

 “Go home, go home.” Shen Guoliang didn’t expect to be so tired after going out to play seriously. He clearly didn’t feel this way a few days ago.

 This decision was unanimously approved by everyone.

Shen Yun originally wanted to take a few people to take other roads to have fun, but seeing the state of several people, he could only rush home.

 The flying carpet flew at full speed, and we arrived home in less than an hour.

 “Oh, it’s still comfortable at home.” The uncle said with a sigh.

Shen Yun could only say that this was the truth. Because of the spirit gathering array he had set up, the spiritual energy concentration inside the mountain was much higher than outside. Even if the uncle and the others were ordinary people, they would be more comfortable at home than outside.

"Grandpa and grandma, take a good rest. We'll talk about anything tomorrow." Shen Yun saw that several people were very tired and sent them to the house without disturbing them again.

Go back to the mountain to rest for a while, and the night passed.

Think about the new news I heard this time when I went to Beijing. The Foundation Establishment Pill is currently in place, and the spiritual energy of 40,000 people has accumulated enough. The Foundation Establishment will be completed in the next few days.

 Time is running out. I am still two levels behind my level of cultivation during the Tribulation Period. If I don’t practice in seclusion, I will not be able to catch up with them in the process of forming elixirs.

Early the next morning, Shen Yun told his family that he would have to stay in seclusion next time, and this time it might be longer than last time.

“Okay, okay, okay, you should practice hard. It’s a good thing for us to be so motivated.” The family members were stunned when they heard this. Yang Xiaocao was the first to react. After looking at Yang Cancan’s and others’ expressions, he said quickly.

 There is no reason to stop children from making progress.

“There’s no need to rush if you practice slowly. Why do you have to be in solitary confinement for a long time? Wouldn’t we improve if we practice every night?” Shen Xing was puzzled.

"Retreating can make me more concentrated. I don't want to wait for the day when I need strength to work hard. I want to improve my strength now." Shen Yun gave them the answer, "Just like what happened to Shen Jian at that time It's the same thing. If I hadn't been strong enough, he wouldn't have had to lie down for more than a year before he was revived. "

As soon as he said this, no one said anything. After all, no one could guarantee whether there would be any danger in the future. Shen Xing had not forgotten their encounter with the Demon King.

"Mom supports you to practice well. It's on the mountain anyway. If I miss you, go up and have a look. If something happens, you are in retreat anyway and you are not going to another place. I can wake you up, right?" Yang Cancan took Shen Yun's hand and said with a smile.

"I'm sorry, mom, I can't stay with you anymore." Shen Yun thought about how long it had taken since he had been back, and he really hadn't spent a long time with his family. He was either going out or on his way out.

"Oh, don't say that. As long as you are well, you will stay with us no matter what. Aren't you staying with us in retreat in the mountains?" Yang Cancan explained.

"That's right, we know where you are, so we won't worry. We are all adults, and we are not children who still need to be accompanied." Shen Limin said with a smile.

"Yes, yes, yes, hurry up and practice. Don't think so much. We all support you." Shen Guoliang began to urge people directly.

 In the end, Shen Yun was driven up the mountain.

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