"It's okay, there's food at home. We haven't been out for the past few days. It sounds scary, but it doesn't have any impact. Don't you think our house is fine?" Shen Limin comforted him from the side.

"No, you should go out and have a look." Shen Yun thought that a few people hadn't gone out yet, so they might not have seen the situation on the mountains beyond the valley.

"It's broken, it's broken, Uncle Shen. The wind has been blowing hard these days, and a lot of the vegetation in our house has been uprooted. Please come out and help me. Teacher Liu and I are really too busy." Before he could wait, When they went out, the new agricultural researcher behind the house hurried over.

Originally it belonged to Teacher Liu and another teacher, but the other one got married and went back to his hometown. Teacher Liu’s family came over and lived at the back of the valley where the researcher lived. They also introduced a young man, now Shen. After Hong left, Jiang Zhi and the others were also helping to make alchemy in the capital, so these three people took care of the spiritual plants and other things at home.

Shen Yun thought about the scene he just came out of. It was true that the three of them were a little overwhelmed. Those big trees were not something that the three of them could move.

"Okay, okay, come and help." Shen Yun thought that this was the result of his own making, and he had to help clean up the mess.

As soon as Shen Yun went out, the rest of the family ran out.

There was not much damage in the valley, but looking to the side, things were different on the mountain. Trees collapsed and spiritual plants flew to the roof.


 The movement is indeed a bit loud? "Shen Guoliang said hesitantly.

"It's really similar to the typhoon situation in the south before." Shen Heng also expressed his own opinion. His sister is really awesome. Going out is a natural disaster. Fortunately, there is a barrier on the mountain, otherwise the people outside The mountain skin has not yet been lifted.

"Stop talking and go over to help. Mom, help me look after the child. Shen Heng and I will go over to help." Hu Yan entrusted the child to her mother-in-law and pulled Shen Heng outside.

She usually goes out to work, and works in her aunt's factory. This time she came back to see her family during the vacation, but she was trapped at home for several days. When she went out and saw this, she couldn't leave, so she first took care of her family. Let's get back to work after the matter is taken care of.

 “Let’s go, let’s go, there are more people, there is strength.” With a bang, all the young people in the room came out.

Several of their mountains are planted with spiritual plants, which are good for making elixirs. They cannot just leave them alone.

  Shen Yun and the others, under the guidance of Researcher Liu, spent five days restoring the entire mountain to almost the same state as before.

Shen Yun also took the time to visit the place where the monster beasts were raised. There was nothing major happening there. It was just that the surge in spiritual energy in the past few days had reduced the production of Sky Spider silk. There was no other major impact.

"It's all packed up. Next time I retreat, I will set up an isolation array directly on the mountain. Next time, it will not affect the mountain at home." Shen Yun, who has been busy these days, has figured out that this is an increase for no reason. Due to the workload, I didn’t see that Researcher Liu didn’t look good on himself these past few days.

If it happens again, he will probably quit the job with his wife.

"It's best that this is the case. The new variety I just cultivated was almost killed by you. If it happens next time, I will fall out." Researcher Liu started to say harsh words. He had stayed in the Shen family for a long time and said that The staff are actually like neighbors, but they focus on their own affairs and don't come over often. The two parties also know each other's personalities relatively well, so this time Researcher Liu is more open-minded in speaking.

“Old Liu, what nonsense are you talking about?” Researcher Liu’s wife patted him next to him.

“It’s okay, it’s really the fault of the family this time. Xiao Liu, you are eating at home today, and your aunt is cooking the food herself.” Shen Guoliang said beside him. “Okay, I’ll give you some face.” Researcher Liu didn’t feel angry for long.

 This matter is considered to be in the past.

Shen Yun stayed at home for a day, said hello to her family, and flew directly towards the lava. This time she planned to tame the little goldfish and refine it, so that she could reach the tribulation period more quickly and catch up. The golden elixir stage of more than 40,000 people.

This time when he came to Magma, Shen Yun did not go directly. Instead, he found the management of the station here.

"You mean to intercept the cultivators from coming in these days?" The person in charge of the station frowned when he heard Shen Yun's words. This is not easy to stop. After all, those cultivators can only come here for a few days a month. No one wants to I'm going to miss these days.

“Yes, I have already said hello to the above, I will use it here in the next few days.


 Furthermore, after I use it, I don’t know if it will have the function of allowing fire cultivators to improve their cultivation level. "Chen Yun didn't know whether it was the true fire of the sun that made fire cultivators practice faster, or the effect of magma, so the ugly words came to the front.

"This..." With such serious consequences, the person in charge was silent for a moment. "Wait a moment, I will contact the higher ups." He made a phone call directly.

Shen Yun was listening to the situation reported by the other party and the people above him. After a while, the call was hung up. After a while, the call came back.

Shen Yun knew that this matter was done, and how to stop the cultivators was a matter for their station.

"Then you go over, we need to notify you quickly, and think about what to do if this place fails in the future." The superiors asked to follow Shen Yun's arrangements, but the person in charge had no choice but to clean up the mess.

"Sorry to trouble you." Shen Yun also felt a little sorry, but he had to do this. After all, he had important things to do, so what he did today was imperative.

“It’s okay, this is what we should do.” The person in charge stood up and said.

"Then I won't disturb you, I'll go up first." Shen Yun was in a hurry, so after talking to the people, he walked directly towards the lava.

Looking at the boiling magma underneath, Chen Yun's spiritual consciousness directly probed down. His current spiritual consciousness was not comparable to before. There was only a slight burning sensation when he looked down. His spiritual consciousness spread over a large area and soon enveloped it. Half of the magma.

 She found the location of the little goldfish without much effort.

Seeing a small gold-red flowing dot guarding the little goldfish, Shen Yun was stunned for a moment, and when he looked closer with his spiritual consciousness, he realized that the small dot was a small flame, as if it had just been born. It went out accidentally.

 Look at the little goldfish that are constantly circling around the dots. This sun has become a spirit. It is obviously a ball of fire, but now it can lay eggs to produce the next generation like a goldfish.

This is great. What I was worried about before will not happen. In the future, cultivators with fire spiritual roots can continue to practice here.

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