The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 436: (436) Even the real fire of the sun can burn people to the ashes.

 A duel unfolded silently under the magma.

 The true fire of the sun is not as harmless as its phantom appearance.

As soon as Shen Yun moved, the opponent also began to move. He no longer struggled around in vain, but began to release the power of the true sun fire.

 The consciousness, which had not felt anything just now, felt like it was going to be burned away in just a moment.

Shen Yun endured the burn of his consciousness and sped up the movements of his hands.

 The little goldfish in front of him gradually transformed into a prototype under Shen Yun's control, and became a bright true sun fire.

The prototype of the true sun fire was not as harmless as the little goldfish looked. The scorching temperature made Shen Yun, who was protected by spiritual energy, feel his face hurt.

  If you keep messing with the other person, you will get burned.

 Shen Yun accelerated the confrontation with the opponent.

Shen Yun now understands that the treasures of heaven, materials and earth are destined to be destined to a person. If they are not strong enough, even if they are destined, the true fire of the sun can burn the person to the point where the ashes cannot even be seen.

 Shen Yun struggled to use his own strength to subdue the true fire of the sun.

 Looking at the real fire of the sun that was no longer violent in front of me.

Chen Yun made his move directly, and watched the opponent fly into his hand obediently. Chen Yun was satisfied. It took him half a month to subdue him. Although it was slower than Jin Long, the result was good. .

Shen Yun directly collected the True Fire of the Sun. Conquering it was only the first step. Later, he had to refine it for his own use, which would take a lot of time.

Looking at the docile True Sun Fire in his body, Shen Yun knew that there was still a big battle to be fought, and when he was ready to refine it, he would probably suffer a lot.

Since the matter was done, Shen Yun had no intention of staying here any longer and took a Restoring Pill to repair his consciousness that had just been burned by the true fire of the sun.

I checked the world of magma and saw the newly formed true sun fire not far away from me, looking a little silly. Apparently I didn't understand why my mother disappeared.

Shen Yun saw that the other party's condition was stable, and no one dared to disturb its life, so it flew out of the magma.

“Boss, sorry, someone flew out of the lava.” The people patrolling outside saw a shadow flying out of the lava, and immediately took out the intercom and started to notify others.

This place is a highly protected area. Not to mention the people, if an egg is dropped, it can be cooked. Those who just came out must be aliens.

"What about that?" The people nearby who didn't see it became anxious. They had been patrolling here for more than half a month, and they were so hot that they didn't even want to come over. In addition, there was a sign saying it was closed for rectification. No strangers came over, so everyone was extremely curious.

   “That’s what that is.

 It's broken. It seems to have flown towards the station below. The boss and the others are still down there. Hurry. "As soon as this man said hello, the people next to him stopped caring about patrolling and rushed downstairs with their things.

They didn't know that Shen Yun was working here. The person who saw Shen Yun disappear that day happened to be off work today, so the current situation was caused.

As soon as Shen Yun went down and said a few words to the person in charge, he was surrounded by a group of guys with weapons at the door. "What are you doing?" Shen Yun couldn't tell the other party's subordinates, but when the person in charge saw the situation of several people, he immediately stood up angrily. In the past few days, no cultivators have come over, so they have started to be lazy, right? They don't even patrol. Have a good patrol.

"Boss, we just saw an unknown object flying out of the lava and heading this way. I searched around below and couldn't see it. We were not afraid of hurting you, so we came up to take a look. How could we know that you were visiting guests? Ah, excuse me, you continue your work." The subordinate explained quickly, closed the door quickly, and several people turned around and ran away.

 Shen Yun could still hear the people below looking elsewhere in the room.

"You've got to see a joke. Our place here is quite special, so the people below are more cautious about things they encounter. When we first started building this place, there were many fire spirit roots who did not obey our time arrangements and secretly They came here to practice and almost had an accident, so they are so nervous now." The person in charge looked at the inscrutable Shen Yun in front of him and quickly explained.

Shen Yun touched his nose in embarrassment. The person who just flew out of the lava seemed to be him. This time, he was still looking for him outside. What a joke.

"I'm sorry, I just came out of the magma. I have bothered you for so many days and wanted to come over and talk to you. I didn't know there was such a big misunderstanding. You see..." Shen Yun explained.

The person in charge was stunned for a moment, then bravely looked Shen Yun up and down. This girl is really amazing. She came up from the magma and nothing happened. Is this how an expert behaves? After being stunned, he quickly picked up the walkie-talkie at hand. "Each department returned to their posts. The shadow just now has been found."

"I'm so sorry." Although Shen Yun is now in the integration period, he is also in a reasonable integration period.

 She had lived like this for the past few decades, and even after she cultivated herself, she had not learned to be domineering.

"It's okay, let's continue. You just said that you have used up this place and can continue to open it, right?" The person in charge waved his hand, his face was obviously young, but it was a little bit old.

"Yes, and my use has not caused any bad effects. Don't worry, I'm here to say goodbye to you today." Shen Yun said politely.

"Okay, okay, then I won't keep you here for dinner. I have to inform the people below that we are opening for business." The person in charge was happy when he heard this. Since there was no impact, he said goodbye to you. Anyway, I am not unemployed.

Shen Yun was sent out like this. Before he had gone far, he saw that the temporary closure sign posted on the gate of the station had been removed. People who wanted to come in to practice immediately formed a long queue outside.

Okay, no wonder people are so happy when I leave. It’s not easy.

Thinking about it being half a month since I left home, Shen Yun didn't waste time outside and flew straight home.

  I was grabbed by several people as soon as I got home. I stayed at home for a few days and was still working after leaving the customs. Then I said hello and disappeared. This time, no one came around to ask me where I was.

“Isn’t there a good practice place over there on the mountain? I went there to practice for a few days.”

"Oh, I know the place you mentioned. Unfortunately, I don't have fire spiritual roots, so I can't practice there. I see many people are there." Shen Chen said first.

"Yes, I still have the card there, and I go there several times a month." Shen Heng has fire spirit roots, and he has been to such a nearby place.

 “Yes, yes, that’s right there.” Shen Yun nodded quickly.

Knowing that Shen Yun had not gone far and was not going to do anything dangerous, several elderly people at home let her go.

 Started to make preparations for the meal.

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