The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 438: (438) Let you go up the mountain to pick spiritual plants, like a bandit

Chapter 438 (438) Let you go up the mountain to pick spiritual plants, just like a bandit coming down the mountain

 Stretching, Shen Yun walked directly down the mountain.

 The family did not expect to see Shen Yun coming down the mountain in the past few days, and they were surprised.

"Why is this retreat so fast? We are not ready yet." Shen Guoliang said with a smile. Although he said this, he did not stop making plans. He took the fishing rod and prepared to go fishing and add dinner in the evening. .

“Didn’t I say before that I would just take a break this time? This stage is over. I will prepare something and then continue.” Shen Yun said with a smile.

"What do you need?" Shen Guoliang has not been in retreat. He has not seen Shen Yun and the others prepare anything for retreat several times before. This time, he is quite curious. Do they need to prepare some food or something for retreat? They usually don't eat much, but considering that Shen Yun has been in seclusion for several years, maybe he needs some snacks in the middle, otherwise it will be too boring.

“It’s just regular preparations. Grandpa, go and do your work while I go for a walk in the mountains.” Shen Yun’s regular preparations are some spiritual plants.

Shen Guoliang had a lot to think about. After all, Shen Yun had to go out several times before retreating. Maybe she was embarrassed at home and went to buy snacks directly. After all, she was a big girl.

Watching Shen Yun walk towards the mountain, Shen Guoliang set up the fishing rod and slowly walked into the room, "Old lady, if you have nothing to do, put Yunyun's favorite food in the storage bag. She always retreats for such a long time. There will always be a bit of boredom in the middle of the day. If she wants to eat something, if we don't prepare it for her, she will go down the mountain to buy it." Shen Guoliang said softly.

Yang Xiaocao didn't know why, considering that the rest of the family practiced hard during retreat, and didn't see anything to eat in between, but looking at the old man's meaningful look, Yang Xiaocao still stood up. She is a granddaughter in the family, and her treatment is of course different from others. She should be prepared. If she is in seclusion for several years and cannot come down in between, it is good to eat some food up there.

The two old people quietly started to work without saying anything, just because they were afraid that their eldest granddaughter would be embarrassed. After all, they were only children eating snacks and everything else.

By this time, Shen Yun had wandered up to the mountain. This place was relatively flat. There were a large area of ​​spiritual plants planted on the hillside below, and there were three exquisite houses at the foot of the mountain.

This was built together with the house in the Shen family valley. However, for their own privacy, the researchers chose a valley on another mountain. The house here is where the researchers live and study.

From the mountain, Shen Yun could see the three people below working in Lingzhi Field.

“Uncle Liu, do you still have the spiritual plants that you have hoarded at home recently?” Shen Yun shouted from the mountain.

The people below straightened up and looked up, "You can still stock up on Lingzhi. The longer the time, the better. Don't be ridiculous. If you want to go find it yourself, this mountain has not been cleared for several years." Come on, let's see if there's anything suitable." Researcher Liu saw through Shen Yun's purpose at a glance.

In the past, he stopped people from picking spiritual plants because it was too young and there were not many. In the past few years, all the alchemists in the family had gone out and might only come back once a year. In addition, Shen Yun was in retreat. Basically, the spiritual plants did not consume much, so they took advantage of this time to speed up the planting, and the entire mountain returned to the situation where spiritual plants were everywhere as before.

Coupled with the formation that Shen Yun set up in this mountain, there is more spiritual energy inside than outside, and the spiritual plants are growing better. Although they were overturned a little by the spiritual energy storm some time ago, there is no big impact.

 That’s why Researcher Liu was particularly generous this time.

"Okay, then I'll take a walk by myself." Shen Yun greeted, and after receiving permission, he let himself go.

There are spiritual plants all over the mountains and fields, and they are growing really well under their care. Although the year has not met my requirements, they are still fat and fat. It will be fine if they are moved to the space's own special formation for a while. Shen Yun was not polite. When he saw something suitable, he moved it into his own space. After wandering up and down the mountain for two days, the space was filled to the brim. He successfully received two looks from Researcher Liu. Shen Yun went down the mountain. .

"Xiao Liu has been complaining to me for the past two days. I asked you to go up the mountain to pick spiritual plants. It's like a bandit coming down the mountain. Your stinky face makes grandma laugh when she sees it." Yang Xiaocao said with a smile when she saw Shen Yun coming down the mountain.

"It's okay. When I go out next time, I will find him two spiritual plants that he has never seen before. Then he won't be angry." Shen Yun has figured out the other party's temper and is not afraid of the other party being angry at all. Anyway, he will be on his own for a while. Enough.

"You, a narrow-minded girl, don't be bullied by Xiao Liu. By the way, your elder brother knew that you were picking spiritual plants, so he gave you a few storage bags. They were all picked by them over the years. There are no other ones at home. People can use it.

Shen Heng and others have spiritual plants provided by the state outside, so they have saved them for you. In the past two days, your eldest brother has taken your sister-in-law to her natal home, and asked me to give the things to you. Yang Xiaocao said, turned around and walked into the room, taking out 5 storage bags at once.

"Here it is, it's all for you. Go back and sort it out yourself." Yang Xiaocao directly stuffed the storage bag into Shen Yun's hand.

 “So many?” Shen Yun didn’t expect there to be five storage bags.

"The brothers will occasionally go out to travel, and when they see something suitable, they pick it back. It took several years to gather this small amount. There is really not much, so use it quickly." Yang Xiaocao doesn't want too much. It's for his own home anyway. Never too much.

Shen Yun had no choice but to accept this kind offer.

Looking at the older grandma opposite, I calculated her age, and then I thought about my uncle and the others who also looked old.

  Time is not forgiving, and it seems that we still need to practice the longevity pill. This kind of pill can only be taken once by a person, and one time can only extend the life span by ten years.

Seeing that Grandma and the others were really unwilling to practice, Shen Yun could only use pills to extend their lifespan. There were old people at home and he was still a child. If they were all gone, he would have to shoulder everything by himself. To deal with that person in the sky Having to deal with things was tiring enough, Shen Yun still wanted to be pampered by his family for a while.

After collecting the spiritual plant, Chen Yun was not in a hurry to continue refining. Instead, he went back to the mountain and took out the alchemy furnace to start refining the elixir. Although the true sun fire had not been completely refined by himself, he could clearly feel the elixir he had released while refining the elixir. Fire is different from before.

 The first time Shen Yun failed to control it, a spiritual plant was burned to ashes.

The true fire of the sun is really powerful. Shen Yun tried it several times before he found the fire power suitable for making alchemy.

 After getting used to it, I discovered that refining the elixir was much faster than before.

 When the elixirs were obtained, although they were all top-quality elixirs, Shen Yun felt that the elixirs were more powerful than those he had concocted before.

The sun is really hot, it’s really a good thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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