The first people to support Shen Yun were the old couple.

 Then came Shen Limin and his wife, who both agreed.

Since this was the case, although the uncles and others next to her were a little confused, they still expressed their wish to see her.

 Shen Chen and the others, who were still angry before, now have dark faces and do not express any opinions.

When the grandmothers and others next to me said that my eldest brother was at home, they all just said yes.

“Sister, I want to go out and play with you.” Shen Yun’s youngest brother held on to Shen Yun’s arm.

"You don't go to school anymore. You haven't even built a foundation now. When you go out with me, you want me to fly with you. I won't take you with you. You study hard at home." Shen Yun refused decisively. Don't let anyone think about going out this time. Follow, wait until she successfully saves her life, and if she doesn't leave this world, then take them out to have fun.

Little Brother Shen's request was not fulfilled. Several nephews were watching eagerly. They wanted to go out, but they knew that their family would not agree. They felt a little melancholy for a while. It was better to grow up and go wherever they wanted. They also need to grow up quickly so that they no longer need to be controlled when they go out.

Shen Yun was going on a long trip, so he received several storage bags early the next morning. His grandma prepared one, his parents prepared two, and his uncle prepared one.

Although Shen Chen and the others were unhappy, they still asked their sister-in-law to send something over, and Shen Yun collected it without politeness.

"Thank you for the gifts you prepared. I won't say goodbye one by one. I will come back when I finish my travels. I will send letters to my family from time to time. Don't worry if you don't receive my letter. No one can match my strength now. It's all dealt with." Shen Yun looked at a few people who were not coming out of the room. He stood in the valley and said goodbye to his parents, grandparents, and others. His voice was filled with aura, which directly spread throughout the valley.

  Then he flew directly into the sky, and from a distance he could see a person standing at the door of the eldest brother's room.

Shen Yun waved his hand downwards, and the message came out from the formation, and the people underground gradually disappeared from sight.

Shen Yun adjusted her direction and flew directly towards the capital. As for the certificate, the severe cold weather had brought it to her two days ago. There was no need to take the test. The country directly issued her a flight certificate.

Having flown along this road many times, Shen Yun flew towards the capital city without hesitation.

He went directly to Yan Han and handed the jade slips he had burned to him, "I plan to go to the base to practice. This time I will wait until the matter is over before going home.


 If I don't come back when this is over, I'll ask you to take more care of my family. "

“Can you stop saying depressing words? There are more than 40,000 of us. How could we not succeed? Aren’t you always very confident when doing things?” Yan Han’s face turned foul when he heard what Shen Yun said.

"Why don't I have confidence anymore? I'm very confident. I'm just a hidden person. I'm still afraid of him. I just want to tell you in advance. If I ascend directly to the upper world by then, my family won't want you. Taking care of you?

Don’t worry, if you ascend, I will develop well in the upper realm first. When you reach the upper realm in the future, I can still take care of you. "Chen Yun looked at the other party's face and changed the subject with a smile. Anyway, he didn't explain the situation that required the other party to take care of his family.

  “It’s better that way.

If you ascend, don't worry, your family members won't need to be taken care of by me, someone will naturally take care of them. " Yan Han's face looked better.

"Okay, I won't disturb you anymore. I'll give you a final piece of advice. A cold face will easily lead to crow's feet. Smile more when you're fine. This will prevent facial paralysis." After Chen Yun finished speaking, he smiled directly without waiting for Yan Han's reply. He ducked and flew outside.

Yan Han looked at Shen Yun who was escaping and shook his head helplessly. Thinking about what Shen Yun said, he couldn't help but smile.

 Shen Yun here flew directly towards the training base.

The main base is not in Beijing, but in Kunlun Mountain. The depths of Kunlun Mountain used to be an uninhabited land, but for cultivators, this is a good place for cultivation. It has strong spiritual energy and no one disturbs it, so this place is inside the mountain. A large base has been built. Shen Yun arrived at the place and flew down at the gate. A formation was set up in the mountain and no one was allowed to fly inside.

 The huge spirit gathering array covers the entire formation.

The formations are densely packed, making it difficult to see what is inside.

Shen Yun designed the formation when he was designing it. Unexpectedly, the formation was exactly as he thought. He seemed to be a formation genius. If he had enough time, Shen Yun would like to get to know this person.

"Secret place, who is it?" Shi Yeneng was stopped before he even got close to the formation.

The gatekeepers are two foundation-building peaks, and their strength is not weak.

Looking at this posture, you can tell that they are from the army.

"Hello, I'm here to participate in training. Here is my ID." Shen Yun took out his ID in a business-like manner.

 The two of them looked at Shen Yun's ID one by one, and the more they looked at it, the more shocked they became.

"Wait a moment, we will report to the superiors." Although they were surprised by Shen Yun's position, the two of them were very professional and selfless.

This base is a special talent reserve base. No matter how high the level is, if you want to enter, you need to greet the people inside in advance.

 “Okay.” Shen Yun nodded, not being embarrassed.

 A man returned to the communication room. After a while, Shen Yun saw a talisman flying quickly inside.

 Not long after, a talisman was passed back directly.

"Please come in, go into the base and go straight inside. Someone is waiting for you over there." The person who had just entered the communication room came out and spoke to Shen Yun.

 Then the two people directly took out a token and cast a spell on the token, and the formation directly opened a door.

 Shen Yun nodded towards the two of them and walked in directly.

The formation closed behind him, and Shen Yun's figure disappeared next to the communication room. From a distance, he could only see the green mountains, which was no different from other places.

 Shen Yun entered the formation and realized the difference inside. The houses all over the mountain were covered in green, and there was a bit of playfulness in the rules.

 The rich aura wrapped around his body, making Shen Yun feel good.

Looking up at the top of the mountain in the distance, you can see a touch of green swaying on the snow-white mountaintop. It is the green lotus that I placed there. After so many years of development, it has formed a small scale.

 Rich spiritual energy drifted downwards from the top of the mountain. Shen Yun really didn't expect that they would put their training base in this place, but I have to say that this place is really good, and the concentration of spiritual energy is similar to that of the hilltop at home.

Kunlun Mountain is indeed a fairy mountain. It is indeed unique. Think about the spiritual veins on your own mountain.

 It can’t be compared.

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