Chapter 45 Three Crocodiles

In the distance are endless mountains and forests, and in the near distance is a large lake with no visible edge. As for people, there is really no human figure.

This world under the lake looks a bit like a small world like my own space, self-contained. Unlike space, there is no need to recognize the owner here, and people are sucked in directly.

Shen Yun felt the rich spiritual energy around him. It was really no worse than his own space. It seemed that the trace of spiritual energy leaking outside was leaking from inside.

But when I look at where I am, I feel like the trace of spiritual energy is deliberately released to attract people.

Putting away the Ouija board that was spinning in circles in his hand, Shen Yun moved his consciousness again. Strangely, when he came out of the water, his consciousness was not imprisoned around his body like before.

The dark green lake in front of you is a bit special, it can imprison your own consciousness.

Shen Yun knelt down and looked carefully at the lake water. It was just like normal water, except that it was dark green in color and not spiritual water. The concentration of spiritual energy in the water was normal, which was much less than the spiritual energy in the air.

Thinking that he had just come out of the water and was not harmed, Shen Yun stretched out his hand and poked it in the water.

It’s water, not something else. Why can’t spiritual consciousness move inside it?

  Shen Yun took back his hand and decided not to study this issue first, but to go to Renren first.

The moment he turned around, he felt a sound of breaking through the air next to him.

 On one side of his body, a fireball was thrown out instantly, and at the same time, the defensive weapon he wore also took effect.

Shen Yun saw a big fish with a mouth full of sharp teeth passing by him, throwing the fireball at him and falling directly into the water. The fireball went out, and the strange fish disappeared into the dark green water.

Shen Yun controlled his pounding heart and carefully took a few steps back.

Thinking about the appearance of the strange fish, fortunately, I reacted quickly and came up first. If I had encountered it in the water, my consciousness would not be able to be used, and my spells would not be able to be used on the shore, then I would definitely be injured.

Taking a deep breath, looking at the calm lake surface, and looking at the woods behind him, Shen Yun increased his vigilance. This place was not as simple as what he saw. Now he had to quickly find people and find the exit, and he didn't know Yanhan and the others. Isn't it so unlucky to end up in this lake?

Shen Yun could only pray that they would be lucky and land in a safe place, otherwise they would be in trouble if they fell into the lake.

His spiritual consciousness searched around the lake, but found nothing, and his own spiritual consciousness could not detect anything in the lake. Shen Yun waited far away by the lake for a while, looked at the lake that was still motionless, and decided to go first. Look inside the woods.

Before going in, Chen Yun first took out a magic weapon from the space, which was a bell. This thing is not like a sword and cannot be used without practice. As long as the bell is input with spiritual energy, it can send out sonic attacks to disrupt the opponent's mind and escape. Good stuff for a fight.

Shen Yun held the weapon tightly and walked into the woods.

 There is a thick layer of leaves underground, surrounded by tall trees.

Shen Yun didn't know how big this place was, but after walking for nearly an hour, he was still in the woods, and the types of trees around him had not changed much.

The whole forest was quiet, not even a bird was seen.

There was only the sound of Chen Yun's footsteps crushing leaves, which sounded quite permeating.

Shen Yun had been on guard against anything attacking him, but it had been an hour and he hadn't even seen a caterpillar. Shen Yun ate the food they brought when he came in, and then found something like a trumpet from the package they brought. Then he looked at the yellow paper, writing brush, and cinnabar. This was what he planned to encounter. What's going on? Are you drawing talisman by yourself? I didn't expect Yan Han and his special department to have such talents. If I can go out, I have to ask for advice. There are also books on how to draw talismans in the space. It's just that my ancestors are not good at this and no one teaches me. .

There were also Bagua mirrors and some other strange things. Shen Yun took out the loudspeaker directly and continued to stuff other things into the space.

  cleared his throat and shouted directly into the speaker, "Severe cold."

As expected, the sound can travel farther than the consciousness. Shen Yun can still hear a few echoes, which makes the quiet forest feel a little more human.

Shen Yun shouted as he walked. Counting the time he came in, it was already three hours. Shen Yun felt that he had climbed over a hill. The scenery was not the same forest as before. There was a large swamp pit in front of him.

Shen Yun did not move forward because there were some sections of dead wood in the mud pit in front of him, which looked a bit like crocodiles.

Shen Yun looked at the dead wood that slowly floated up after the sound of his shouting, and stepped back quietly.

Then his eyes met the big eyes on the dead wood. The emotionless and cold-blooded animal's eyes made Chen Yun feel cold all over. Looking at the figure that looked like a car, Chen Yun couldn't care less. Turn around and run.

It was no longer quiet in the woods. Shen Yun was galloping in front, followed by three crocodiles as big as cars.

I don’t know if these things have been hungry here for a long time, but they are chasing Shen Yun and won’t give up.

 Shen Yun rang the bell, and the crocodile behind him paused for a moment, and then continued to pursue it.

I've never heard of expired magic weapons, so why didn't it respond? Shen Yun thought as he put the bell into the space, then changed it to a net and a sword.

 Turning around and chanting a spell, the small net in his hand immediately rose into the air and enlarged its size to cover the approaching crocodile over there.

The crocodiles were not stupid. They actually ran to the side when they saw the net. Shen Yun originally thought that the net could cover them for a while and give him a buffer. Who knew that only one was entangled, and the other two continued to move towards He rushed over.

Chen Yun shook the sword in his hand, thinking that he had reached the 40th level of Qi training and had not fought yet. In his previous life, he only knew how to practice and did not know how to fight. In the end, he was caught and harmed. He could not do that in this life. That’s it.

Shen Yun stopped running away. He held a sword in his right hand and cast spells with his left hand, throwing fireballs and earth thorns at the crocodile over there.

Hidden to avoid the crocodile's big mouth, the earth thorns combined with the metal spells directly controlled a crocodile next to him that wanted to attack him.

After flying to avoid the other's tail attack, Shen Yun jumped directly onto it and stabbed it quickly with the sword in his hand.

The skin that was thought to be very hard was penetrated by the sword with a pop, and the crocodile swaying under his feet suddenly stopped moving.

Looking at the other two struggling crocodiles, Shen Yun went up to add two more swords.

Although these three were very big, they were still ordinary animals. Although Shen Yun was a little embarrassed, he was not injured.

Looking at the three in front of him, Shen Yun was just thinking about what to do when something changed in front of him. The three large crocodiles slowly shrank in size and turned into three loaches in Shen Yun's shocked eyes.

 (End of this chapter)

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