The Age of Rebirth: The Fake Daughter Relies on Cultivation To Become Bigger and Stronger

Chapter 453: (453) I’ve been saved, but I can’t die. There’s a high chance that I’ll have a headach

Chapter 453 (453) It’s great to be saved, not going to die, and most likely not going bald.

The moment Shen Yun appeared, the opponent immediately locked onto Shen Yun's position, swatted the fighting golden dragon away, and turned directly to deal with Shen Yun.

 Shen Yun did not expect that the hatred value was too stable, and now the opponent would be targeting him.

Looking at the golden dragon over there who was still waving his spear against the ancient god, Shen Yun threw the magic pen over without hesitation, "The next formation depends on you.

 Let him and I take a walk around this place. "

The spiritual energy in the void was thin. Shen Yun poured the spiritual spring water into his mouth with one hand and flew quickly. He no longer had to attack the opponent and only ran for his life. Shen Yun could still master the route well.

Looking at the increasingly brighter white light, Shen Yun turned around and flew towards that direction. No matter who the opponent was, she decided to take a gamble this time. Even the opponent was someone who was not easy to mess with.

Since I have provoked one of them, I am not afraid of provoking another one. If I can get these two guys to fight, and I can carry out a sneak attack from the side, I may be able to destroy this ancient giant.

The one here took advantage of the huge force exerted by the giant ancient **** and flew forward a large distance.

  I spat out blood, and my body was so painful that I couldn't help but roll around in the void.

"Sister, how are you doing?" Jin Long's voice sounded in his mind, with an unprecedented panic.

"It's okay. You go on. I can't die for the time being. If I don't kill this guy, I won't be able to rest in peace even if I die." Chen Yun spit out blood, stuffed a handful of pills, and looked at the white light that kept flickering in front of him. Yes, it will be there soon.

Recalling Qingfeng next to him, Yu Jian began to fly forward.

Golden Dragon looked at Chen Yun over there who could no longer fly in the air. While drawing a formation, he used the true fire of the sun to attack the ancient **** giant.

Although the scorching flames slightly blocked the opponent's figure, they could not stop the opponent's determination to kill Shen Yun.

Looking at the actions of the Ancient God Giant, Jin Long's face became even colder. There was clearly someone behind him who was more powerful. The other party would rather give up on him and pursue Shen Yun. What's the point?

He didn’t know that Shen Yun had no backer, and that his family had a string of big and small phoenixes, and big and small golden dragons. It was no joke.

The Ancient God Giant himself was determined to absorb the golden dragon, but thinking about the opponent's race's situation of beating the young to the old, he was also afraid of trouble.

 It’s definitely not because he is afraid of the ancient five-clawed golden dragon and the phoenix guardian cub.

Anyway, this time the Ancient God Giant was targeting Shen Yun. No matter what, he couldn't leave empty-handed. Seeing Shen Yun running away towards Tiandao, the Ancient God Giant became furious. This little bug kept attacking him again and again. He was teasing himself without killing her.

 It would be shameless for me to return to the Ancient God Clan in the future.

Shen Yun didn't know what the guy behind her was thinking, so she held her breath and ran forward.

The white light looked not far away, but when it flew it seemed like it was separated by thousands of rivers and mountains.

Shen Yun felt that his nerves were a little numb, but his consciousness was still keenly aware of the big palm attacking him.

 “The formation is formed.” A clear shout sounded from behind.

Then a light rushed up from below and went straight towards the white light in front of him.

For a moment, white light flashed in front of my eyes, and I couldn't tell which way to continue moving forward, and the attack behind me didn't arrive for a long time.

 Turning around, he saw that the Ancient God Giant was trapped in place with a ferocious expression, unable to move. It seemed that the formation of the golden dragon was completed. The face of the ancient **** giant really needed a beating. Unfortunately, he no longer had the strength to avenge the painful death of being captured just now.

 What a pity.

Shen Yun couldn't control his body and tilted to one side, falling quickly to the ground.

It was the first time she experienced this kind of speed. She really felt the wind rubbing against her scalp quickly, generating huge frictional heat. If the bones in her body were not quite hard now, then her own would be the first one to be bald. Head.

Shen Yun didn't know why he still had so little energy left and was still thinking about whether he would be bald at this time. But thinking that Jin Long would definitely deal with the ancient **** giant, she suddenly didn't think about anything else.

 It’s great to be saved, not to die, and most likely not to be bald.

Golden Dragon, who had just completed the formation, turned around and saw Shen Yun falling rapidly downwards. He glanced at the white light in the distance that started to beat like a heart, and stretched out his hand to push the ancient giant in front of him towards the white light.

This guy is a great addition to Tiandao. Tiandao has been trapped by the opponent for such a long time, so he will definitely not refuse.

 After doing all this, Jin Long chased in the direction where Shen Yun fell without looking back.

Just when Shen Yun felt that the top of his head was about to smoke due to the rapid landing, someone supported his shoulders and adjusted the direction to stop the downward momentum.

"You are finally here. If you don't come, you will be turned into a red flower." Shen Yun said with a smile on his face.

"Okay, stop laughing. You are so ugly now. You can't see the prototype of your facial features on your whole face. Isn't it amazing? You hide everything from me. You will need me again now." Jin Long said angrily, But the hand holding Shen Yun was steady.

When he knew the news, he was so angry that he had a one-on-one fight with his father. Then he practiced hard and wanted to come over and ask Shen Yun why he lied to him. He had agreed to meet in the upper world. Did he still regard himself as a person? Children coax.

 In this practice, only when you have reached this level can you break through time and space and come to this world.

He originally wanted to question Shen Yun, but when he came over, he saw her being held in the hands of that guy from the Ancient God Clan, and he immediately became angry.

 When he saw Shen Yun being thrown down like a piece of rag, he almost went crazy.

If he hadn't seen Shen Yun sitting up later, he didn't know if he would have done the same thing and perished together.

"Thank you, Lord Phoenix, for saving my life today. I will definitely repay you by being a bull or a horse in the next life." Shen Yun saw that the child was angry, and his face was quite bluffing, so he joked while holding on for breath.

"Have you ever spoken like that? You didn't realize your fault at all, and you still coaxed me like a child before. I'm an adult now." Jin Long was not as easy to coax as before. Hearing what Shen Yun said, he became angry. All the breast fat has come out.

Shen Yun drowsily wanted to persuade him again, but his eyelids couldn't hold on any longer. He tilted his head and fainted with relief.

"What's wrong with you?" Seeing the person fainted, Jin Long panicked and flew directly downwards. When he was close to the ground, he felt a few familiar auras and flew there directly with Shen Yun without stopping.

The medical staff left at the base are busy working nervously. Although many people have successfully survived the Golden Elixir Tribulation, there are also many who have been seriously injured. There will be afterimages on the busy hands of several doctors.

"Jiang Zhi, Qu Jing, come here and see your master." Jin Long dodged the guards outside and broke into the infirmary and shouted.

 (End of this chapter)

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