It has been nearly a month since the Thunder Tribulation Plan passed.

Most of the people in the Kunlun Mountain Cultivation Base have not been out of the base for a long time, so they have been specially given a holiday. Some people go back to visit relatives, and some people go to the world to experience. Since the last thunder disaster plan, the spiritual energy in the world has increased significantly. With the emergence of more spiritual energy eyes appeared, and various strange and weird spiritual plants also appeared one after another.

After Shen Yun recovered, the three apprentices went out together to find Lingzhi.

 In the entire Kunlun base, there are only some people who have nowhere to go and who are addicted to cultivation and continue to stay here.

Shen Yun was not in that situation. Originally, she could go home after her injuries were healed, but there was still an angry little Phoenix who had not been coaxed.

"Come on, let me beat and scold you. Can you please stop being silent all the time? You will make yourself so angry." Shen Yun squatted next to the golden dragon who was practicing with his eyes closed, trying to express his sincerity.

  It was not her intention to hide this matter from him at that time. This was the result of discussion with his father.

Sure enough, people can't do anything bad, and this is no retribution. I have been around the other person for several days, but I didn't get a good look. I only said a few words when I gave him a jade key. This For a few days, the other party practiced with his eyes closed, showing no intention of causing trouble for him.

Of course he had no intention of paying attention to him. No matter whether Shen Yun was nagging at his side or nagging the contract in his mind, the other party would not change his expression.

Shen Yun didn't even know how a person could be so calm.

 “Speak, speak, speak…”


Jin Long closed his eyes calmly, and Chen Yun's muttering voice kept ringing in his ears. In fact, after so many days, his anger had almost disappeared. When he first knew the news, he knew that this matter must be hidden from him. For his father's idea, Shen Yun was at best an accomplice. If he hadn't left this world, he might have been the one to face the Ancient God Giant that day.

 So when his mother beat his father in another world, he secretly helped him, and later challenged his father to vomiting on the grounds of training his own skills.

 The anger in my heart has long since dissipated, and I am more worried about Shen Yun, so I have worked hard to break through the obstacles of the plane and come to this world.

 He helped Shen Yun, nothing regrettable happened, and the anger in his heart was completely gone.

At this moment, he saw Shen Yun muttering next to him and ignoring her, purely because he wanted to see a joke. Whoever has worried him in another world for thousands of years should be taught a lesson.

"If you continue to ignore me, I will really leave. I will not beat you here or scold you. We do not like cold violence. If you continue to do this, I will carry you home. I I haven’t been home for a long time, and I will ascend in the later stages of the tribulation. I don’t know how long I can stay with my family. I have to cherish this little time. Anyway, we can meet again in the upper world. Well, what do you want to do then?" Shen Yun looked at the person who had been silent, sat aside impatiently, and gave the final answer. She knew that the other person could definitely hear her.

"I have lost my patience now. In order to come to this world as soon as possible, I have been in seclusion for thousands of years, but I have not lost my patience." A faint voice sounded in my ears.

Shen Yun turned around and saw Jin Long, who had changed his clothes, looking at him inexplicably, as if looking at a heartless man.

"No, I'm not thinking that our cultivation level is high, our lives are still long, and we will have more time in the future. My grandparents are getting older, and I always have to go back to accompany them." Shen Yun looked a little weak.

Really, when I went back to that plane, I felt that my innocent and lovely brother was far away from me. He had been here for so long and he didn't even call me sister. "Then why are you still sitting there? Get up and walk." Jin Long had already stood up neatly.

 “You’re not angry anymore, please pay attention to me.” Shen Yun said happily.

Jin Long glanced at Shen Yun who was jumping up and down with joy. She was really different from her previous sister. He probably had a filter for her before, but why did he think she was the best sister in the world? She was steady and knowledgeable, but now she felt like a little girl. Girl,

Could it be because he is now several thousand years older than the other person? Jinlong tilted his head and thought about it, but he couldn't think of anything.

Shen Yun quickly went to tell the marshal at the base about leaving.

She had already written a report on what happened in the sky before, and after she recovered from her injury, she went to take a look in the void again. All the giants of light disappeared without a trace, and the magic pen had returned to her sea of ​​consciousness. .

"Go back. I haven't been back for such a long time. I guess your family misses you too. Your friend has already told Yan Han about the matter in the void. This thunder disaster plan is very successful." The marshal saw Shen Yun coming in, his face A smile appeared on his face.

 No one knows the outcome until the matter is over, so he will be more serious at that time. Now that they have accomplished such a big thing, his face will be more relaxed, with a smile on his face.

"Okay, I'll take my leave then." Shen Yun said goodbye to the other party with a smile.

Whether Jin Longgao was happy or not, Shen Yun was very happy anyway, so he took the man and flew towards the valley of the Shen family.

 The matter that I have been worrying about for so many years is finally over, and my cultivation level has also improved, so there is nothing to be unhappy about.

Shen Yun, who had not been back for a long time, shocked his family members when he arrived in the valley, and was then surrounded by family members who came to attack him.

Shen Yun looked around and saw that everyone in the family was well at home. Even Shen Heng and Shen Jian, whom he had not seen for a long time, were back, including Shen Jian's wife, whom he had only met once.

"You girl, you are so cruel. You haven't come back to see your grandparents for so many years. If you don't come back, you won't see your grandparents anymore." Although Yang Xiaocao is a practitioner in the Qi training stage, he is already over a hundred years old. He was very old and his body was already showing his age. He would hold Shen Yun's hand and wipe his tears.

"Grandpa and grandma, didn't I come back from the letter I sent you? I'm doing well outside, but something is holding me back. Don't worry, I will definitely stay with you at home in the future and I won't go anywhere. I am now If you are successful in cultivation, you no longer need to go into solitary confinement.

By the way, grandparents, look, the golden dragon is back. "Chen Yun pointed at the golden dragon who was talking to Shen Heng and others by the river.

 Several old people raised their eyes and looked carefully before confirming the location of the golden dragon.

Jin Long saw Shen Yun mentioning him and walked over.

“Grandpa and grandma, I haven’t seen you for a long time. How are you?” Jin Long nodded politely to everyone, then walked to Yang Xiaocao and Shen Guoliang to greet them.

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