Chapter 47: The dead duck has a tough mouth

As soon as the two of them hid to one side, the mountains and the ground cracked.

Shen Yun tried hard to use his remaining spiritual energy to hold up a spiritual energy shield. The defensive magic weapon he carried was fine, mainly to protect him from the severe cold next to him.

 After the movement disappeared, Shen Yun put away the spiritual energy shield.

"You wait here, I'll see if the snake over there is dead." Shen Yun pushed away the cold that was holding his head tightly.

It was only then that Yan Han realized that in order to protect the person, he would still hold the person in his arms.

He quickly let go of his hand and said, "Why did you come in? Are you okay?"

"Come in to find you. You stay here first while I go take a look." Shen Yun said casually, stood up directly, dragged his painful legs, and walked directly towards the canyon over there.

The big snake was no longer moving at this moment. Shen Yun threw a stone and hit it directly. There was no movement at all. It looked like it was really dead now.

Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief, "It's okay, he's dead."

 “Well, I saw it.” Yan Han’s voice sounded from behind.

“Didn’t I tell you to stay there? Why are you here?” Shen Yun frowned and looked at Yanhan who was walking over.

  Captain Yan, who had always stood upright, was now limping and his condition was not very good.

"It's okay, I took a look. Judging from the way this guy is hunting, it is a snake. I inserted the sword just seven inches into it. If it is not dead, it will be a mythical beast." Yan Han said calmly.

"You are really capable. You can still judge what the opponent is when you are being chased." This calmness left Shen Yun speechless.

Looking at the sword that was completely embedded within seven inches of the snake, Shen Yun used some strength to pull it out.

 I didn’t make a mistake, this severe cold is indeed not simple.

"By the way, where did you get this cultural relic from? It's quite useful." Yan Han became interested in this again.

"Don't talk nonsense about cultural relics. This is a family weapon. I brought it here specially to save people." Shen Yun quickly corrected her. Although she studied archeology, she had not taken anything from the tomb.

“I didn’t expect you to have such good things at home. By the way, what are those fireballs you made just now?” Yan Han asked directly.

Shen Yun thought that this person always had to make some detours when facing his savior, but he didn't know that he would not make the same detours as him.

"I'm sorry, it's a family secret. I'm not your team member yet, so it's not convenient for me to tell you." Shen Yun poked the big snake with his sword. There is still no sign of change. It seems that this snake is the original big snake inside, and They are not loaches like the three crocodiles just now.

I heard that snakes like this that can practice are called monsters, and they are full of treasures. Chen Yun looked back and forth, and then looked at Yan Han next to him. Forget it, the cultivation matter can no longer be kept a secret, and the space matter can't be kept secret at all. disclose.

"Okay, I'm waiting for the day when you become my team member." Yan Han said, turned around and walked towards another of his subordinates.

 Shen Yun remembered the state of the person he just saw and followed him.

Looking at the harsh cold in front of him on the road, Shen Yun remembered the flashlight he brought in, and quietly took out the bag that had been stuffed into the space.

 Turning on the flashlight, the two of them were finally able to avoid the gravel in the ground, and they could clearly see the embarrassing state of both sides.

Shen Yun was covered in blood and mud because he was carried around by the big snake several times, and his legs were a little sore, which made him look even more embarrassed.

The severe cold didn't make it any better. My left hand was probably broken. The angle was a bit abnormal. The whole body was soaked with blood. It was hard to tell where it was injured or not. “Are you okay?” they both asked at the same time.

 “It’s okay.” Shen Yun stood up straight.

 “I can’t die.” The severe cold continued to move forward.

This is the person who is so stubborn.

Shen Yun felt the other party's weak aura but did not expose him to his face.

 Men, you have to save face.

When the two arrived, the man was lying motionless on the ground. When he shined the flashlight, he saw blood all over his body.

"What did you do? You are all in such a mess. You wouldn't have been in that big guy's lair outside when you came in." Shen Yun knelt down to check the state of the man. Fortunately, he just fainted, but this state looked like... If he doesn't take action, he won't be able to get out for a while, and that person will die sooner or later.

“Not in the nest, but not far away.

 Do you still have your medicine? Give Li Ming some first. Yan Han sat directly next to him, looking like he was exhausted.

 Shen Yunbala found a small packet of medicine in the package he was carrying.

"Take some anti-inflammatory medicine. There are also those external injuries. Should we take care of them?" Shen Yun directly stuffed two anti-inflammatory medicines into the person's mouth, then helped the person up and poured some water into them from his own water bottle. .

 I added some spiritual spring into the water, which should be able to maintain the opponent's vital signs.

 “Can you handle it?” Yan Han watched Shen Yun’s movements and asked from the side.

“This, I really don’t know how to do it for the time being.” Although Shen Yun has learned to practice several kinds of elixirs, he really doesn’t know how to treat a doctor.

I think the other party has an obvious fracture, so the bone should be treated properly first, otherwise won’t the bone grow crooked after the injury?

"You help me straighten the bones of my arm first, and I'll take care of it." Yan Han didn't expect Shen Yun to know anything. This girl's background was mediocre, and now she's so powerful that it's beyond the scope of investigation. If she has medical skills, then I have to wonder if this person has had his soul changed.

Shen Yun, under Yan Han's command, fixed his arm with the contents of the package.

There were no analgesics during the whole process. Shen Yun himself felt pain just looking at it, but the other party didn't even say a word. If it weren't for the sweat pouring down his face, Shen Yun would have thought that the other party didn't feel any pain.

"Captain Yan, you are indeed the captain, you are really tolerant." Shen Yun couldn't help but praise him after he finished it.

“Stop talking nonsense, light the lamp for me, and look at Li Ming first.” Yan Han took the water from Shen Yun and drank it, then stood up and walked towards Li Ming over there.

Shen Yun was listening to the instructions, and the two of them bandaged Li Ming with the remaining medicine.

 The heavy bleeding was blocked, and there would be no medicine for minor injuries.

"You have been here for such a long time, have you found any way to get out?" After the people packed up, Shen Yun looked around with a flashlight. They were all on the walls of the canyon, and his spiritual consciousness could not reach places far away.

“Not yet. Li Ming was already injured when I came in. After carrying him around for a long time, I met the big snake outside.”

 “Then you are really unlucky.” I met a big snake with an injured person, and it turned out that he was not dead but his skin was peeling off.

"In this case, let's rest here first. There is a big snake here. Other animals should not dare to come over. We will set out to find a way out early tomorrow morning." Shen Yun suggested. At this time, her spiritual energy was exhausted. , walking is really not a good choice.

 (End of this chapter)

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