Chapter 51: It seems like it was not said

Hearing what the other party said, Shen Yun, who was lying quite comfortably, couldn't lie down anymore.

He quietly moved to the door of the operating room. Seeing many people waiting at the door, none of whom he recognized, Shen Yun found a corner and waited.

It’s not easy to use your spiritual consciousness rashly. After all, even the soul-measuring board has been produced. Who knows if any of them have been produced to test the spiritual consciousness.

I could only look at the door of the operating room helplessly, thinking that Yan Han had been talking to me very energetically just now outside, and besides, I had given the two of them a lot of spiritual spring water to drink while they were inside, so they should be fine. .

The three of them have experienced life and death together, and Shen Yun really doesn't want to have any shortcomings between the two of them.

After waiting for a long time, I saw a doctor coming out from inside. Everyone outside came closer, and Shen Yun was also listening from behind.

"Both of them are out of danger. They took medicine before and handled it very well. Although it looks very dangerous, the injuries are far from serious. We will observe carefully later. If nothing happens, they can be out in 12 hours. But after a hundred days of straining my muscles and bones, I still need to cultivate myself well in the future." The doctor looked tired, but he patiently told the results to a circle of people waiting outside.

 Everyone outside quickly thanked the doctor. Shen Yun also breathed a sigh of relief behind him. Fortunately, the two of them were fine.

Looking at the two people being pushed to the intensive care unit, Shen Yun put down the mental arithmetic he was holding. The anger in the two people was still there, and there should be nothing serious wrong with them.

 Slowly he walked back to his bed.

Although it was dark outside, Shen Yun still couldn't sleep for a while. He had only been at school for two days, and he was absent from class on the first day. He had to fill in the leave form when he went back. If he wanted to go back again, his roommate would probably be concerned. After thinking about what he had been doing these past two days, Chen Yun felt a headache.

There are a lot of things to do. When can I go back?

"Sister nurse, I feel like I don't have any problems anymore. When can I go back? School started yesterday and I didn't ask for leave. If this continues, the teacher will have a problem with me." Shen Yun couldn't sleep, so he walked to the nurse's desk and said I saw someone there, so I went up and asked.

"Which bed are you in?" the nurse looked up at Shen Yun and asked.

"1 bed." Shen Yun recalled his bed. The business of this hospital should not be very good. He had been wandering around for such a long time, and he seemed to be the only one hospitalized on this floor.

"Oh, 1 bed, that's not our responsibility. You can go back and rest and wait for news. Anyway, the money has been paid. We are responsible for food and housing here. Is it rare for someone to get sick? Just stay a few more days. Don't worry, the school There will definitely be someone saying hello over there. Go and have a rest. Do you want me to help you?" The nurse opened the book and took a look and immediately replied to Shen Yun.

Shen Yun saw that she wanted to get up and help himself, so he immediately refused. This hospital was a bit outrageous. Is this a different kind of food and shelter control?

  I have temporarily lost my freedom. I guess when I get some free time, I will come over and ask myself something.

However, Shen Yun became much calmer now. Instead of saying that he was stronger than the severe cold, he said that he knew the brush in the sea, which was a key. Without this thing, the map of mountains, rivers, and the country would be just a decoration.

 Knowing that the school had given instructions somewhere, Shen Yun returned to his bed.

  In the morning, before I woke up, I was woken up by the noisy sound.

 When I went out, I saw a neighbor who was an acquaintance.

 When I woke up from the severe cold, I was placed in the room next to my own.

This was much bigger than when I came in yesterday. Not only were there a few people who looked like family members behind me, but there were also doctors and nurses. "Captain Yan, how's the situation?" Originally, Shen Yun only planned to look aside, but he suddenly faced the severe cold that opened his eyes, and he couldn't get through it without saying hello.

"It's okay, don't worry." Yanhan didn't have a cold face, but he looked a little weak.

Shen Yun watched the person being pushed into the ward, but did not follow him in. At this time, his family must be concerned and he, an outsider, should not go in.

As a result, as soon as I entered the house and sat for a while, someone knocked on the door.

Shen Yun thought he was delivering breakfast, but when he opened the door, he saw many people standing outside.

"Are you looking for me?" Shen Yun looked at the group of people outside, and the one named Wu Xin had met him before entering the water.

“Classmate Shen, I have something to ask you. Is it convenient for me to come in now?” Wu Xin was the one who spoke.

Shen Yun looked at the people at the door. They didn't look like ordinary people. It seemed that these people were the ones who decided whether he could leave.

"Come in." Shen Yun saw that there was nothing inappropriate about him. It was just that his clothes were torn yesterday. It might be rude to wear a hospital gown, but he was in a hospital and there was nothing he could do.

 Five people came in with a loud voice, one was a woman, and the rest were all men.

"Don't be nervous. Captain Yan and Li Ming can't get up now. We're here to thank you on their behalf. If you hadn't gone in, they would have been in danger now. Thank you." Wu Xin spoke first as soon as he came in, expressing his gratitude. achieved his purpose.

Shen Yun quickly stopped Wu Xin who was about to bow, "I really didn't help much inside. I met them later. Even the medicine I brought happened to be used by them. Captain Yan and I also know each other, so you don't have to do this. polite."

“No matter what, you are willing to stand up in times of crisis, we all want to thank you.

By the way, this is Mr. Tao, Yan Han’s superior. He wants to ask you something. After Wu Xin finished speaking, he introduced the person next to him to Shen Yun, a middle-aged man who looked very kind.

Shen Yun looked at him and then at the lady standing next to him, his mind turned around, "I don't know what you want to ask?"

The middle-aged man waved his hand, and the two people next to him immediately left and closed the door. Shen Yun, Wu Xin, and a man and a woman next to him were the only ones left in the room.

“That’s right, we just want to know what happened during the time you disappeared, where was that place, and how did you get out?” The man asked in a deep voice.

 Shen Yun looked at the other three people in the room.

"I was confused when I went in. I was quite scared when I first arrived in a strange environment. As for where is where, I really don't know. Anyway, the terrain is very unfamiliar. As for how I got out, I was even more confused. Look now Captain Yan is also awake. He is a man who has experienced strong winds and waves. Why don't you go ask him.

 He should be more reliable than a student like me. "Chen Yun looked at the people in front of him and said with confusion.

Shen Yun's answer was a bit beyond the expectations of the three people. After all, a sophomore student, after all the troubles, should have quickly told his story when he came to ask questions. Who would have known that he would have said it? Say the same thing.

 (End of this chapter)

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