Chapter 53 Thanks to the eight generations of ancestors

"Sisters, if you have anything to say, please speak up. Don't jump on me. My little body can't bear it." Shen Yun helped Hu Yan to stand upright.

The two people next to me were not excited enough to come over and hug them. After all, they had never been so excited during the entire summer vacation.

“Shen Yun, you are finally back, look at the faces of the three of us.” Liu Mei shouted excitedly from the side.

Shen Yun looked at the faces of the three people carefully. They were white and red, and they were young and beautiful girls. There was nothing wrong with them.

“As beautiful as ever.” Shen Yun complimented.

"Why aren't you excited at all? This is all for the peach blossom cream you gave us. It's so effective. It's only been a week. Look at us. What kind of fairy skin care product is this?" Hu Yan took the original The small jar containing peach blossom frost looks like a girl in love, talking about her love for peach blossom frost with a dreamy look on her face.

"Calm down, it's nothing for you. My grandma's effect is exaggerated. I'm used to it."

Shen Yun smoothly pushed away the face that was about to be shown to him.

I don’t know if the clothes he was wearing had been washed. Even though he had used the dust remover, he still felt uncomfortable. Shen Yun wanted to change quickly.

 When Shen Yun came back after changing his clothes, the excited people finally calmed down completely.

"Shen Yun, you've only been to school for one day and you've gone back. Could it be that there's something going on at home? If you need help, just say something." Liu Mei asked from the side.

"It's okay, it's okay. I just got stuck and was delayed for a few days. Don't worry, it's really nothing serious." Shen Yun said calmly.

When the three of them heard what Shen Yun said, they felt relieved.

“Okay, it’s fine. We’ve taken notes from the classes these days. You can take them and take a look at them when the time comes. By the way, I’ve also collected the books and put them on your desk.”

"Thank you. By the way, I have to tell you something. I may have to move out, so don't miss me." Shen Yun told this matter directly, so as not to have to talk about it again later.

"You want to go out to live? What's going on?" The three people looked at Shen Yun with question marks on their faces.

 “I found a part-time job to make it easier to live out there.” Shen Yun explained simply.

Several people suddenly stopped talking and looked at each other, thinking that maybe Shen Yun's current family situation was not very good, so he had to go out to work. Suddenly, several people did not dare to ask any more questions, and just told Shen Yun not to ask if he had anything to do. Hiding it from them, I will help whoever I can.

“Don’t worry, I will definitely ask you for help if I need anything. I have a problem for you now. Please help me pack my luggage.”

When the three people heard this, they didn’t hesitate and took action immediately.

The last time Shen Yun came over, he didn't pack his things very much. He stuffed them directly into the cabinet. It was very easy to pack them up. He only needed to pack the books.

"By the way, Hu Yan, your bike was parked outside last time. I'll go get your bike back first." Shen Yun was busy and suddenly remembered that the last time he went to the lake to watch the fun, the bike It stopped near there.

The place is not far from the dormitory. When Shen Yun arrived, there was a lone car parked there. Seeing that the car was not missing, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

Looking up at the lake over there again, the things around it have been removed, and the water drained out of the lake has been restored. Everything is no different from before, except that the trace of aura inside has disappeared.

Shen Yun looked at the dark and shiny brush in his sea of ​​consciousness.

 There has been no movement at all since I entered. If I hadn't used it once, I would have thought it was just an ordinary brush.

The key is that this guy seems to be stuck inside. On the way back, Shen Yun tried to take it out for a look, but failed. At this moment, Shen Yun wanted to hide in a deserted place to solve this tricky thing.

After picking up the car, while the afternoon was still long, Shen Yun took a look at his new dormitory. It was in an alley not far from the school. It was a small private courtyard with two houses. It was enough for Shen Yun to live alone. .

Looking inside and outside, Shen Yun couldn't help but sigh at how wealthy the special department was. This staff dormitory was different from other places.

He closed the door with satisfaction and got his things over before dark.

"Shen Yun, how much does it cost to rent this small yard? It looks so good, I want to live there." After helping Shen Yun transport things, Hu Yan was extremely satisfied with the yard.

"This is not expensive, just the current market price." Shen Yun was really speechless for a moment. Although she had originally planned to move out, she had not had time to find a house yet. She was really worried about the current rental price. I don't know, that's all I can say.

"Then you are really lucky to find such a nice yard. Please pay attention to me if you live here. If there is a house for rent, I would like to live there." Hu Yan's family is in good condition. Looking at the conditions of this house , my heart couldn't help but move.

Shen Yun nodded, this is not difficult anyway.

After sending away the three girls who enthusiastically wanted to clean up his room, Shen Yun went about dusting himself, and the room that was not dirty suddenly became spotless.

 After wiping it with water, the room is ready for habitation.

By the time we finished packing, it was already eight or nine o'clock.

 My consciousness moved around inside and outside the house, but there was no one next door.

 There is nothing strange at home.

 Shen Yun entered the space with a thought.

Going straight to the room where things are stored in the Immortal Mansion, Shen Yun felt that he still knew too little about cultivation in the past few days and urgently needed to learn more knowledge.

 After reading a book in the space all night, many of Shen Yun's doubts were solved.

For example, the pen in my mind, although its name is not recorded, is also an artifact.

The current state is obviously a lack of energy and needs to be slowly accumulated in the sea of ​​​​consciousness. However, this is not harmful to oneself and can increase the capacity of the sea of ​​​​consciousness.

Anyway, the entire record expresses one meaning. Just thank your eight generations of ancestors for getting this kind of thing, and don’t think about anything else.

Shen Yun couldn't shake this half of the hot potato, so he could only hold his nose and recognize it.

Counting the time, Shen Yun left the space at dawn. There was a class today. If he didn’t go, no one would ask for leave.

 The classes in the morning are arranged slowly and steadily, but there are no classes in the afternoon.

Shen Yun wanted to go back and continue practicing right after class, but before he left the classroom, he was notified that the counselor was looking for him.

Shen Yun was thinking about the days off, so he turned around and walked towards the office.

“Teacher, please look for me.” Shen Yun stood at the door and knocked on the door.

 (End of this chapter)

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