Chapter 62 Danger and opportunity coexist

  Shen's ancestral alchemy master, the cross-professional ghost-catching master cloud is officially online.

She looked at the cemetery over there with burning eyes, and heard the sound of hula hula coming from beside her, and she retreated from the master state in a second.

Liu Hong next to him was holding a compass and taking measurements. This one is a bit different from a soul measuring board.

I saw that the pointer on it was turning crazily in circles.

  Liu Hong played with the daytime, but the compass did not change from that crazy working mode.

"Who brought a compass? Mine is broken." Liu Hong turned around and asked the three people next to him without even looking at Shen Yun.

 “I brought it.” A young man agreed and handed the compass he brought directly to Liu Hong.

Before even looking at the pointer, Shen Yun heard the sound of turning. This was probably the same as the one just now.

 “You are also bad.” Liu Hong said with a gloomy look.

"Is there any possibility that the things you want to measure are almost surrounding us, so this compass is spinning crazily?" Shen Yun said calmly on the side.

Those people suddenly fell silent as they thought about that possibility. It couldn't be such a coincidence that the two compasses broke at the same time.

 Thinking about what Shen Yun said again, I suddenly shuddered.


Shen Yun didn't care what Liu Hong said. He took a look at the style of the compass and thought about buying one when he went back to try it out.

“Stop taking the test, let’s go over and take a look first.” Yan Han took the things and came over directly and said.

 Several people were carrying tools, but Shen Yun followed with his hands empty and the talisman and tools he drew in his pocket.

“This place feels quite cool.” The closer to the cemetery, the thicker the gloom and the lower the temperature, one person couldn’t help but say.

"Abnormality is a monster, be careful." Liu Hong, who had always disliked Shen Yun, now spoke up.

Although this person is a bit sexist, isn't he sometimes slow to respond?

"Be careful. I won't take care of you for a while. If you get hurt, don't blame me." Shen Yun reminded at the side.

"Hmph, don't think that you can do anything just because you discovered the differences here. You won't know who will hold you back in a while." Liu Hong was stubborn and refused to admit that Shen Yun was better than them.

Chen Yun did not argue with them. He had already reached his destination. When he got closer, he realized that the whole area was like a sinister eye, emanating from underneath, with small whirlpools, moving towards the distance. It slowly drifted away, and then returned to the ground at a certain moment.

"What are you doing? There is excavation work going on here. Don't let anyone come near." As soon as Shen Yun and the others got closer, someone came over to stop them.

 The tone was not very good. It seemed that he had been tortured by the onlookers these past few days, and coupled with the torment of Yin Qi, this man's face was full of impatience.

Shen Yun took a closer look and found that the yin energy in this man was similar to that of Jiang Youwei. Looking at the others, they all looked the same. "We are here to investigate the matter. I heard that people were injured here. Let's come over to see the situation. Is your person in charge here?" Yan Han was well prepared. All the procedures were completed when he came over. It will be a direct matter. I showed my ID to someone.

"They are all minor injuries. Excavation work is inevitable. Why did you alert the police? Come with me. Our team leader is over here." The man complained, but because he saw Yanhan's ID, he didn't say anything more. What, lead them directly towards the crowd.

Only then did Shen Yun realize that Yan Han had come out to work and used the excuse of calling the police. However, considering that the special department was a newly established department, and it was investigating some strange incidents, there was really no need to publicize it so as not to cause panic among the people and delay the work. proceeding.

Shen Yun followed silently like several others.

I heard in my last life that this was a large tomb complex. Now that I have seen it, I know how big it is. A dozen tombs should have been dug out, but through the Yin Qi vortex, I can tell how many of them have not yet been dug out.

Chen Yun carefully avoided a vortex of Yin Qi. Looking at the archaeologists around him who were tired but unaware of Yin Qi, he thought that in his previous life, he was washed away by a sudden burst of spiritual energy while working. Successful introduction of air into the body.

Sure enough, this job usually seems very safe, but sometimes it also involves dangers and opportunities.

Shen Yun sighed and carefully noted the location of the Yin Qi vortex.

Soon a few people arrived in front of the team leader. They were still old acquaintances, and this time it was Teacher Xu Zhang again.

The last time we met, he was still full of energy and strong, but now his face is pale and haggard, looking like he could faint at any time. According to his personality, he usually works by himself and other people, but this time But he can only sit here and direct others to work, which shows that his body has reached a certain limit.

"Teacher Xu, why don't you rest for a few days if you don't feel well?" Seeing an acquaintance, Shen Yun squatted down next to Xu Zhang's chair. A faint and subtle spiritual energy sent to Xu Zhang's body, dissipating a little of his body. Yin energy.

"Shen Yun, why did you come here with Captain Yan? Captain Yan is a snake catcher, so why did he become a police officer?" Xu Zhang saw two acquaintances, and his mind was full of doubts.

I think these two children are quite optimistic. They won't do anything illegal. They will be caught if they pretend to be police officers.

“Teacher, Captain Yan is here to tell you something. Let’s talk alone. Don’t worry, we haven’t done anything illegal.” Shen Yun said to Xu Zhang seriously.

Xu Zhang was also a very perceptive person. As soon as he heard this, he knew what it meant and immediately sent the people next to him far away.

"Tell me, what's the matter?" Xu Zhang didn't know why, but now he felt more comfortable and energetic.

“Teacher Xu, there are some things that we cannot talk about due to confidentiality reasons, but you can take a look at this material.” Yan Han handed the prepared things to Xu Zhang.

 Their special department handles affairs. If it's in the barren mountains and wild mountains, it can be done directly. For situations like this, they also have corresponding things.

“You want our people to withdraw, and we can’t come over until you finish the work.” Xu Zhang read the document and became irritable to the naked eye.

“Yes, Teacher Xu, this is also for work, please understand.” Yan Han said calmly.

"Excuse me, you don't understand anything. If this tomb is destroyed, do you know how much loss it will be?" Xu Zhang's voice rose because he was angry.

"Teacher, don't you still have me here? You, the other teachers, and the seniors should leave this place quickly. Look at how sick they all are. If you don't leave, they will all fall ill. This work can no longer be carried out." Shen Yun pointed to the person next to him and patiently persuaded Xu Zhang.

 (End of this chapter)

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