Chapter 64 Colleagues, start copying guys

“Captain Yan, come and take a look.” Shen Yun called to the other three people.

Yan Han had just heard a few people discussing the formation and went back to the car. Shen Yun heard from a distance who he was calling to ask about the formation, but did not disturb him.

However, there will be new discoveries here, and I will definitely call people over to take a look.

As soon as several people heard Shen Yun's greeting, they ran over immediately.

 “Any new discoveries?” Yan Han asked.

“You just looked at the map I marked, right? There are a few unexcavated tombs here, right?” Shen Yun pointed to a few places to show them.

"If you have something to say, don't hold back. What time has it been? Don't delay things." Liu Hong urged on the side.

Shen Yun was speechless for a moment, and she endured the violent temper of an honest person.

"There is no other way. Who can be like you? You are old and heartless. You talk like spitting out guns. Even the quickest people can't understand you. If you have something to do, you should go and do it first. I will discuss it with Captain Yan." The key is. Sometimes, Shen Yun still behaves like an old man, and Shen Yun doesn't want to get used to it.

Liu Hong looked at the way Shen Yun looked at him. He wanted to say something, but suddenly he couldn't. The look in this girl's eyes was a bit evil.

Finally no one spoke, and Shen Yuncai continued, "I originally thought that these tombs were not dug out by Teacher Xu. But when I came here, I realized that this might not be an ancient tomb in the first place. Take a look and remove these tombs." Several tombs, this is just an ordinary tomb group.”

Shen Yun took out the drawing and covered a few points with his hands for Yanhan to see.

 It is indeed different from just now.

 Then he handed the drawing to another colleague next to him.

"It's indeed different, but how did you find out that this is not an ancient tomb?" Liu Hong could speak again without facing Shen Yun.

Shen Yun looked at Liu Hong, who insisted on asking for more details, and said word by word, "I have special powers, can I do it?"

The two people next to them looked at the grassy land under their feet, and then looked at Shen Yun. It was strange that she could join the special department. It turned out that she had special powers. Think about it, there were also several special talents in the department, and they usually stayed at the headquarters. , will not invite them out easily. Is this girl the same as these people?

Yan Han listened to Shen Yun's nonsense without saying anything. He looked at several different places that Shen Yun mentioned. Although the ground was already covered with grass, but he carefully compared it with other places, it was still a little different. The ones here were Grass grows for many years, and there is a thick layer of dead grass underneath in other places. Although there is some here, there is not much.

 Look again, there are no grave mounds or tombstones nearby. What else is unclear? The new tombs here may have been deliberately created by someone.

“Wang Xiaoliu, go back and ask someone to dig the grave.” Yan Han directly ordered.

"Wait a minute, don't be anxious yet." Shen Yun directly called out to the person who was about to leave, "Most of the Yin Qi has entered these tombs now, and we don't know what we will face when we dig them up. Woolen cloth.

 Let's find a way to solve the problem of yin energy first. "

After Shen Yun said this, Yanhan didn't react at all. The two people next to him immediately moved to the side, with expressions as if the ground would immediately stretch out a hand for them to grab.

“How to deal with Yin Qi? Brother Liu, you are a professional. Why don’t you tell me?” Wang Xiaoliu looked at Liu Hong expectantly.

"Using extremely yang things can restrain yin evil." Liu Hong thought for a while and said.

“Where are the extremely yang things?” Wang Xiaoliu asked curiously. Shen Yun also looked at Liu Hong expectantly. Although the two of them had their differences, as long as he brought out the most yang thing in this meeting, he could forgive him for his blunt words in the past.

Liu Hong thought about it for a long time, looked up at the sky, and pointed at the weak sun that was about to set, "That is the polar sun, and there are thunder and lightning.

By the way, the sun is going to set soon, and the extremely gloomy moment is coming. "

Shen Yun looked at him as if he hadn't said anything after talking for a long time, and immediately rolled his eyes. This special department thought they were all talented people, so how could he look at someone so funny?

  She knew that the extremely gloomy moment was coming, so she was anxious now.

Think about the Heavenly Thunder Talisman in your pocket. I don’t know if it is powerful enough to destroy all the yin energy.

"Boss, look at this. I'll go back and call for people. There is strength in numbers. We are all young guys. Let's find a few unmarried people to come over. We have enough yang energy and enough force value. There is nothing to be afraid of, right? I've been here so many times, it won't be a problem this time," Wang Xiaoliu seriously discussed with Yan Han.

"It's probably too late, so we all retreated." When the sun had just set, the vortex of Yin Qi that had just been slow suddenly poured into the ground here like a tornado.

Shen Yun just reminded that several other people also felt a cold wind blowing this way.

If you don’t know better, you might think it’s because the sun has set, the weather has changed, and the temperature has dropped.

Standing in the distance and looking at the strong wind on the side, several people were a little surprised and confused.

“Master Shen, isn’t there something coming out of here?” Wang Xiaoliu asked in a low voice, as if he was afraid of disturbing something.

Shen Yun was stunned for a moment by Master Shen's call. He glanced downwards with his consciousness, but there was no movement.

"It shouldn't happen, but it's been a long time, so I can't guarantee it," Shen Yun replied.

“Captain, make a decision quickly.” Wang Xiaoliu was as anxious as if his **** was on fire. He wanted to go back and ask the department bosses to come over and take a look.

“Bang.” As he spoke, the wind caused by the Yin Qi was so strong that the soil in those places was lifted up.

 Several people were startled.

"Hey, I really admire those archaeologists. Why did they stay here a few days ago? They are all real men." Wang Xiaoliu calmed down a lot when he saw this ordinary scene. Anyway, Master Shen said, Will the stuff underneath come out?

Shen Yun saw that all the Yin Qi around him seemed to be coming this way, and he scanned it again with his consciousness uneasily.

"Colleagues, if there are any bad guys, start robbing them. It's too late to run away now." After Shen Yun finished speaking, he threw out the four exorcism charms and nailed them directly to the four places over there.

Then several people heard the sound of banging and knocking.

 The soil underground can be clearly seen shaking up and down.

“Master, didn’t you say that everything would be fine for a while? What’s going on?” Liu Hong asked nervously.

"Daozhang Liu, this is your profession. You ask me, you are a Taoist priest, isn't catching ghosts something you are good at?" Shen Yun said, without stopping, he threw the quagmire technique directly, and then used wood The spell was used to quickly activate the surrounding plant roots, and forcefully drag the four things over there down.

 (End of this chapter)

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