Chapter 67: Feeling embarrassed

"Chen Yun, right? Why are you sitting down? Do you have the consciousness of a patient? Captain Yan has been taken away and you can't be found." Shen Yun was sitting when several people came around from the side. .

Shen Yun was a little unable to open his eyes under the light, and the people opposite him looked at Shen Yun with a burst of output.

"I'm just going to have a rest and I'll be there in a while." Shen Yun looked at the nurse who came over and said helplessly.

"Okay, you must be tired after walking for such a long time as an injured person. They are grown men who don't care enough to help you. Let's go. We have brought a stretcher, so you might as well lie down on it." The nurse did not calm down. When Yun Duo got the chance to speak, he waved his hands, and the two people next to him came over carrying a stretcher.

"The situation here has not been resolved yet..." Shen Yun was about to say something when he was interrupted by the nurse on the side, "You are a girl's family, there are so many men in them, don't worry, just get on the stretcher."

It wasn't that Chen Yun couldn't get away, but he was afraid of hurting others, so he obeyed and got on the stretcher. His consciousness swept around the area. There was nothing too dangerous. There was just too much Yin energy, but he couldn't solve this problem now. , let’s go back and draw more symbols.

  She was put on a stretcher and carried into the car with peace of mind.

Once again, he returned to the hospital where he had just left for two days. When he arrived at a lighted place, Shen Yun saw that his body was covered with dirt after being thrown on the ground. The blood he vomited at that time was also stained on his clothes. He looked very embarrassed.

No wonder the nurse sister is trying so hard to get herself back, who is a little panicked when she sees her current state.

 Putting on a hospital gown, Shen Yun underwent a wave of examinations, and it was finally determined that two ribs were fractured and there was no damage to the internal organs.

Shen Yun didn't expect this result. She used spiritual energy to repair some of it there, but she didn't expect that the bone fracture had not been repaired yet. No wonder she felt a little painful when she came back.

"It's been a hundred days since you injured your muscles and bones. You can only take good care of your injury. I'll give you some medicine to take. In the next time, you should reduce your activities. You can't try dangerous things. If you break your ribs, then It's even more troublesome." The doctor looked at Shen Yun's confused look, and then thought about what the nurse said about the patient's lack of cooperation, so he simply coaxed and threatened him.

  Shen Yun was a little embarrassed. If he had found a place to enter the space and practiced some cultivation later, his injuries would have been healed.

However, looking at the doctors and nurses who were staring at him eagerly, Shen Yun nodded. He would be free when he left the hospital. He would not mess around with others.

 The doctor was relieved when he saw Shen Yun's cooperation. Fortunately, the special department was not like Yan Han, who were all disobedient.

The nurse gave Shen Yun the medicine, told him how to take it, and then went out.

Shen Yun looked at the old clothes he had changed into. Hey, after working for only a few days, he didn’t get his salary, so he scrapped two clothes.

Shen Yun took out the contents of his pocket and threw away the tattered and dirty clothes.

 Holding the yellow paper in his hand, Shen Yun still didn't dare to move after thinking about the three top-quality spiritual stones left in the space.

After checking that there was no surveillance equipment in the room, Shen Yun used the cover of the quilt to directly take out the complete collection of talismans collected by his ancestors from the space.

This book of talismans is several times thicker than Zhang Qing'an's own. It contains not only talismans but also formations.

There are also materials needed to make talismans and formations. Shen Yun briefly flipped through it, and his eyes were filled with unfamiliar patterns and introductions throughout the book.

Shen Yun turned to the formation section and looked carefully for the Tianguan Formation he had seen today.

 Having turned through more than half of the book, I saw a formation called Tianguan Formation.

 Shen Yun quickly looked at it carefully.

 The picture here is very imaginative to the one I drew on the paper today. It also says that the Tianguan Formation is used for praying, and the materials used are all auspicious items.

Chen Yun looked carefully and saw a line of small words below. If the base of the formation was made of evil things and an evil weapon was used as the formation eye, then the formation would have the completely opposite effect. Not only would it not be able to pray for blessings, but it would also produce a large amount of evil. It's very harmful.

 Shen Yun saw this and it was very consistent with today's situation.     Look carefully at the following content.

Originally, it was impossible for this formation to cultivate evil things so quickly, but suddenly, the ancient tomb that was borrowed as the base of the formation was discovered. So many people suddenly broke in, and a large amount of yang energy entered, causing the yin energy to Then it improves. Those few evil things became the climate in just a few days.

I guess the people who set up the formation didn't expect it to happen so quickly. After all, even if humans can't deal with these evil creatures, they can still be dealt with if they take a little effort and use heavy weapons to blow them up.

It was just a coincidence that these guys happened to be in the mood, and there was a breath of strangers outside. In addition, the mining of ancient tombs in the past few days somewhat destroyed the formation's suppression of them, causing them to break the coffin. And out.

I can only say that everything happened by chance today.

Shen Yun watched and sighed at what a coincidence he had discovered. If it had been a little later, something really big would have happened.

By the way, I seem to have forgotten something.

 Shen Yun took a closer look at the head again, and there was an evil weapon over there that was used as an eye of the formation!

 Shen Yun suddenly changed from a reclining position to a sitting position.

Evil weapons, think about what is said in the book. After the formation completes its function, the zombie kings produced here will take the evil weapons and start to do evil. There are four of them, and they were turned off by themselves, so it will be fine.

 The other graves are full of thousand-year-old corpses, and it’s doubtful whether there are any skeletons left.

 Before she came back, she used her spiritual consciousness to explore each one. All the Yin Qi inside was sucked dry by the four people here, and there was nothing there.

 Thinking that there would be no risk for the time being, Shen Yun breathed a sigh of relief.

“Sister nurse, can you contact the people in the West Village?” Shen Yun called the nurse directly.

"Well, if they have someone in the car, they should be able to contact them. I'll go over and try." The nurse did not give a definite answer.

Shen Yun was also relieved. It turned out that this was an internal hospital, and what he thought was indeed right.

 The nurse came over after a while and told Shen Yun that they had been contacted there.

"Wait a minute, I'll have a word with them." Shen Yun jumped out of bed.

"Be careful, it will break down soon." The nurse said nervously.

"It's okay." Shen Yun said and followed the people to the nurse's station.


"Hey, it's Shen Yun, right? I'm Zhang Qing'an. If you have anything to explain, just tell me directly." As soon as Shen Yun spoke, the other person responded.

"It's Teacher Zhang. I always feel that there is something wrong with this Tianguan Formation. You can have someone search around the ancient tomb to see if there is anything special." Shen Yun explained directly.

“You said this formation here is the Tianguan Formation?” Zhang Qingan confirmed again.

 (End of this chapter)

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