Chapter 79 Lao Hei

Shen Yun stopped and didn't move, his consciousness looking directly towards the inconspicuous courtyard behind him with a crack in the door.

  A man was leaning weakly on a chair in the yard, and all the yin energy in his body overflowed outside the door.

That dark face with a hint of black and purple was extremely ugly. If it weren't for the faint rise and fall of his chest, one would have thought he was a dead person, the kind that would transform into a corpse after death.

After investigating clearly, there was only one person in the whole room. Shen Yun turned the car around and walked towards the house.

Seeing that there was no one around, Shen Yun knocked on the door symbolically, then opened the door and walked in.

"Who are you?" The man heard the noise and opened his eyes with difficulty to look over. His voice was hoarse and unpleasant, as if it had been squeezed out.

"It doesn't matter who I am, what's important is that you are about to die, and I am the one who can save you." Shen Yun's consciousness circled around the room and took it back directly. There was no trace of other Yin Qi in the room. , the biggest source of yin energy in the entire yard is the person in front of you.

"Save me? Do you know what's going on with me?" The man stared straight at Shen Yun. His eyes were so lifeless that it made people feel scared.

 Shen Yun stood aside comfortably and did not move.

"Don't you know what you've done yourself? If I'm not mistaken, you are Lao Hei. Did you work as a cook for the archaeological team in the West Village a few days ago?" Shen Yun looked back at him, carefully Look at the look on his face.

“What Xicun, why can’t I understand what you say? I’m just a sick person.

If you have good intentions, then save me. If you don’t have such good intentions, then leave.

You have also seen that my family has nothing, I am the only one, let me destroy myself here. "When Lao Hei heard Shen Yun talking about West Village, his expression didn't change much, but his eyes looked towards the door.

Originally, Shen Yun saw that there was a slight difference between this person and the portrait provided by the person on the archaeological team, and he could not judge yet. However, the strong Yin energy in his body, coupled with the expression and tone when speaking, although he tried his best to keep it consistent, When it comes to Nishimura, there is still a slight difference in tone.

"Don't be nervous. The teachers on the archaeological team all got a strange disease. They were afraid it was an infectious disease. They drew your portrait and asked people to look for you everywhere. I also happened to pass by here, and I just happened to be careless. I saw your face through the crack in the door. The people in the archaeological team are quite worried about you." Shen Yunfang softened his voice.

Hearing that the other party was from the archaeological team, Shen Yun's tense muscles relaxed as soon as he came in.

"I've never heard of the archaeological team. You must have mistaken the person. Leave my house quickly." Lao Hei looked at the girl in front of him and relaxed his vigilance.

Shen Yun originally wanted to do something, but when he heard her say this, he took the initiative and said, "Are you worried about spending money? Don't worry, the archaeological team will provide the money. I am also a student of Teacher Xu, so I can guarantee this. "

"No, no, I told you that you got the wrong person. Leave now. If you stay here any longer, I will call someone." The man roared and waved his hands, as if he was in a state of madness.

Shen Yun didn't say anything else. He pushed the car out of the small yard with a helpless expression and closed the door thoughtfully.

Out of the courtyard gate, Shen Yun put away his helpless expression and turned around and entered a dead end next to him.

With a thought in his mind, the bicycle disappeared directly on the spot. Shen Yun hid in a deserted corner, and his consciousness went directly to the small courtyard just now.

 Lao Hei in the yard was still sitting there without moving.

Shen Yun waited for a while before he slowly got up and walked into the house. Although he looked like he was about to die, he still walked quite steadily.

Shen Yunji saw him pull out a stack of newspapers from under the bed, and then opened it carefully. Shen Yunji noticed a photo inside. He stared at it for a long time, then carefully put it away.

After putting down the things, I noticed that the old black man with a dead look on his face had a little firmness on his face, and he turned around and walked outside.

Shen Yun watched the other party open the door and followed him directly. Although Shen Yun has no special training in this aspect, it is still very easy for a sixth-level Qi practitioner to follow an ordinary person.

The whole alley is full of twists and turns. If it weren't for the help of someone in front of him, Shen Yun would never have known that many cracks could be passed through.

Shen Yun didn't know where he was going, but the person who could let him drag his sick body out must be a very important person.

Although I don’t know if he is related to the person who dug up the evil weapon, but he looks like he is only about 50 years old, and he has a sinister look, but he does not go to the hospital. It is said that he is facing death calmly. He just entered the room to look at something. It looked like he was still concerned.

 Shen Yun decided to follow the past to find out.

  The gradually darkening night gave the people in front good cover.

Shen Yun didn't get close either. He just used his spiritual consciousness to watch where he was going, and then followed him.

 Walking in the courtyard, like a person who has just come off work, he is inconspicuous.

Lao Hei dragged his tired body around on the road for more than an hour. There were almost no pedestrians left, and he stopped in front of an inconspicuous house.

Shen Yun watched from a distance and saw him standing at the door and hesitating for a moment before raising his hand and knocking on the door slowly.

 “Who is it?” A bright female voice sounded in the room.

 “Girl, it’s me, your dad.” Lao Hei said slowly.

Shen Yun was slightly disappointed. She thought he was here to meet his online boss, but he didn't know that he was here to meet his daughter.

"Why are you here? Didn't you say you shouldn't come over if you have nothing to do?" The woman inside changed her tone when she heard the voice outside.

From a distance, Shen Yun could see the look of disgust on the face of the delicate woman under the dim light.

"I just came over to take a look at you. Don't worry, I won't come here again." Lao Hei looked at his daughter's attitude and said quickly.

“Xiuxiu, it’s our dad here, why don’t you invite someone to come in and sit down.” A gentle voice sounded from inside the room.

“Where are you sitting? You abandoned me when you were little, but now that you are older, you think of me.” After the woman finished speaking, she slammed the door.

 Shen Yun was quietly waiting for Lao Hei's next move from behind.

Unexpectedly, after a while, the door on the tube opened again.

A thin man came out, "Dad, Xiuxiu has this temper. She is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. Look, you have prepared some food for me. Let's sit down and have a drink somewhere." The man pointed to something not far away. .

Shen Yun was originally waiting for Lao Hei's next move, but he was stunned when he saw this man.

This gentle and lean man would never forget it even if he was a ghost. In his previous life, he was locked in a research room. After his spiritual energy was exhausted, he was the one who suggested to open the Dantian to have a look. He was also the one who did it, and that day was the time of his death.

 (End of this chapter)

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