Chapter 83 Female Evil Star

"What you said is true." Liu Qingsong looked very ugly.

“I believe that with Boss Liu’s connections, it will be easy to check this matter.” Shen Yun said, looking at Liu Qingsong, who was getting serious.

“Then you really didn’t recognize me last time you saw me?” Liu Qingsong asked with suspicion.

“I don’t know him. I had already expressed to Ms. Wang that I didn’t want to find a partner, so I didn’t even know who she was introducing.

 I believe Boss Liu can also understand that it is normal for a little girl to have an extreme reaction when she meets a gangster on the street. "

"What are you talking about? How can we say that our boss is a **** with his worth? I can only say that he is lucky to fall in love with you." Liu Qingsong hadn't said anything yet, and the subordinates next to him couldn't listen anymore.

"Yes, what is Boss Liu's worth? His business is so big, why is he acting like a gangster and letting me, a little girl, be brought here by force?" Shen Yun asked with a smile.

"Okay, don't play tricks on me here. I will let people investigate what the matter is. As for the matter of you sending me to the Public Security Bureau that day, and the matter of my hand, the two of us will have a good time. Let's settle the score." Liu Qingsong looked at Chen Yun and said.

"How do you want to calculate it?" Shen Yun raised his eyes and looked at Liu Qingsong, who was sitting next to him.

"It's very simple. Kneel down and apologize to me, and then heal my hand." Liu Qingsong said casually. Several people next to him immediately looked at Shen Yun, planning to do it if Shen Yun couldn't do it. Enforcement measures were taken.

Although the two of them have just reached an agreement on the Shen family's affairs, other matters have not yet been resolved.

“Boss Liu, are you planning to be tough?” Shen Yun looked at the movements of several people and sat there without moving.

“Whether you are soft or hard depends on your attitude. We are all civilized people, and we don’t want to argue with a little girl like you. But if you don’t drink a toast and you are punished with a drink, then don’t blame me for not being pity.”

"Boss Liu, if you want to bully someone, you probably have chosen the wrong person. Do you think these people want to stop me? If you don't want your right hand to be in such pain for the rest of the time, then let your people Let's do it. The children in your family must want to take your place." Shen Yun didn't care about his threats. After all, a businessman like this is not a fool.

"As expected, it was you who tampered with my hands. Tell me what you did to my hands." Liu Qingsong, who had been sitting there, couldn't help but stand up when he heard Chen Yun say this. The pain was so severe that even taking painkillers didn't help. It felt like my whole hand was being pricked by needles all the time. I took pictures and looked at both Chinese and Western medicine, and they all said there was nothing wrong with it. There were even some unreliable secrets. Refer him to a psychiatrist.

Shen Yun didn't expect that even a big boss would be confused when something happened. Even if he moved his hands, could he tell you how he moved them? Isn't this funny?

Sure enough, Liu Qingsong was only overwhelmed by anger for a few seconds, and immediately reflected after speaking, "What do you want?"

“This is how Boss Liu does business when discussing business with others.” Shen Yun glanced at the people surrounding him.

Liu Qingsong waved his hand, and the people next to him immediately stepped aside.

"It's okay now. Don't play tricks with me. I brought you here today. I also checked you. Although your family is not here, Baiyun County is not far away from the capital city. Some people are taking money. The people in charge are going to trouble your family." Liu Qingsong looked at Shen Yun like this and threatened him directly.

Chen Yun sneered. If it can hurt you in one place, it can hurt your whole body. It can also threaten people, so it relies on the strength of numbers. He stood up and walked towards Liu Qingsong. He looked at his perfect hand hanging on his chest and slapped him in the face.

"How's it going, Boss Liu, it doesn't hurt anymore." After the action was completed, Shen Yun controlled his spiritual energy.

Liu Qingsong felt that the biting pain disappeared in an instant. He moved his fingers in disbelief, and they moved freely, just like before.

“Sure enough, I guessed it right, it was you who did it.” Liu Qingsong put down his arm and immediately wanted to fall out.

Anyway, the two people just made a verbal agreement. As soon as they waved their hands, several people nearby gathered around again.

Shen Yun moved his ankles, looked at the people approaching, and directly kicked him. The few people next to him were not weak. They started fighting with Shen Yun. After a few moves, they all lay down. On the ground, people outside heard the sounds inside and rushed in directly.

Shen Yun was not afraid. Ten minutes later, the whole room was filled with people lying on the bed, and there was even a situation where people were overwhelming each other.

Shen Yun looked at the fainted people underground, and then looked at Liu Qingsong who had retreated to the base of the wall.

“How about it, Boss Liu, can you calm down and talk now?”

"What do you want?" Liu Qingsong originally thought that Shen Yun was just an ordinary college student, but he didn't know that he invited a female evil star back. As expected, the Ji family was uneasy and well-intentioned and wanted their own family property. If he really married This female evil star, will she and her children be doomed? The Liu family's property will be taken over by the Ji family. She really made a good calculation. Ji family, he will remember it. If nothing goes wrong today , there will be some good ones from them in the future.

"I don't want to do anything. Didn't you invite me here? I didn't come here myself." Shen Yun walked to the only chair that was still good and sat down directly. "By the way, I'm trying your hand to see if it feels better again."

After Shen Yun's reminder, Liu Qingsong felt that his hand, which had no pain just now, suddenly felt the needle pricking back.

"What on earth did you do to my hand?" Although Liu Qingsong had a lot of money, it didn't mean that he wouldn't be afraid. Looking at his man who was lying on the floor and not knowing whether he was alive or dead, he moved his palm. He had been in the shopping mall for so many years. For the first time, he felt that death was very close to him.

"Don't accuse me falsely. I didn't touch you. Everyone saw it just now. Your hand is healed. As for the problem now, it's your own problem."

"Auntie, can I call you Auntie? I won't trouble you anymore. Can you leave my house? I promise, I will definitely avoid you when I see you in the future." Liu Qingsong thought that he still had so much money that he had not spent. , compromised instantly.

 The speed is not like a big boss at all.

"Don't hide. I may ask Boss Liu for help in the future. If you hide from me, then who should I turn to?" Shen Yun said with a smile.

"No hiding, no hiding, can you leave now?" Liu Qingsong looked at Shen Yun's eyes and felt that she was going to come and hit him.

 (End of this chapter)

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