Chapter 398

   "Alas, the family is unfortunate!"

  Mr. Jiao pounded his chest.

   Mrs. Jiao was stunned for a while, her whole body was like falling into an ice cave, and then she began to wipe her tears: "Shuyi, what is she doing this for?"

   "No matter what she did for a child, even if there are 10,000 reasons, all of them are her fault."

  Mr. Jiao made the final call.

  If they had known that this would be the case, they should have come earlier, and maybe they could have persuaded their daughter to stop the horse in time.

   It's just too late to say anything now.

   "It's all because we didn't discipline her well!"

   Madam Jiao cried, her shoulders shaking violently.

  Mr. Jiao sighed, a sense of powerlessness enveloped him, his mind was numb but he couldn't do anything, he could only light a cigarette in his hand and smoke it.

  The smoke was sucked into his nose, causing him to cough heavily for a while.

  Before this, he had quit smoking for a long time due to physical reasons.

   "One wrong step and one wrong step, and the way things have developed to this point are all made by Shuyi herself, no different from others."

   "Just pity us Xuan Xuan, what will he do in the future when such a thing happened."

   Mrs. Jiao has no masters.

  Mr. Jiao gritted his teeth and hated that iron was not steel: "Who let him have such a mother!"

   Mr. Jiao and his wife just finished their conversation.

   Lu Xuan in the room seemed to feel something, suddenly woke up from his sleep and started crying.

   Jiao Linyan, who was with him, was also woken up. He rubbed his eyes and pushed the door to come out. Seeing that his grandparents were still sitting face to face in the living room without resting, he was stunned for a moment.

   Then he said: "Grandpa and Grandma, Xuanxuan is crying and looking for her mother, no matter how hard you can coax it, what about Auntie? Has she fallen asleep?"

  Mr. Jiao and his wife couldn't bear to tell their children those bad things, so they answered vaguely.

   Mrs. Jiao wiped her eyes and quickly stood up: "I'll go in and see Xuan Xuan."



at the same time.

   Public Security Temporary Detention Unit.

Jiao Shuyi sat in the corner with her legs in her arms, her eyes were dazed. The more she thought about it, the more worried she became. She was worried about her future, what her family's Xuan Xuan would do, and her parents who were old and in poor health. How is it now...

   Mrs. Lu was locked up with her.

   She sat for a long time, and finally came back to her senses.

   "Shuyi, tell me the truth, the things they said just now were all the people sent by the old Jiang family and the guy named Ma Feng, was it a play?"

   "Everything they say is false, right?"

When    asked this, old lady Lu's eyes were full of hope.

   She really doesn't want to believe that her daughter-in-law has always lied to her, and she doesn't even want to believe that her eldest grandson has been miserable for the past six months.

   Jiao Shuyi snorted, doesn't she wish those things never happened?

   But it's too late to say anything now.

   Even if the public security comrade can't check other people's evidence, just relying on Ma Feng's mouth and the tape in his hand is enough to send her to the eighteenth hell.

  How did things get like this?

   Jiao Shuyi felt that everything in front of her was extremely absurd for a while, and the reality was like a dream. It would be great if someone could wake her up.

   She didn't speak, but the old lady Lu couldn't sit still. Her heart was pounding, and she asked her several times, but she didn't get a response.

   Mrs. Lu stood up and walked in front of Jiao Shuyi. She picked up the collar of her dress and said, "Are you dumb? I ask you what to say, you talk!"

   (end of this chapter)

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