The Age Of Sailing: The Great Fusion Of The Heavens And The World

Chapter 13 The Foundation Of Power Has Been Established

This fruit is cyan, which is different from the color of the power fruit, so it must be another gifted fruit.

The rune is a detection rune, and I just got another one after using it up. This wave is not a loss.

As for the fragments, he didn't know what they were, and there was a mysterious aura of law on them.

A scripture should be a book of exercises.

The system beeps.

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a speed talent fruit. If you take the talent fruit, there is a chance to awaken the speed supernatural power."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining fragments of the law of strength, absorbing and comprehending part of the law of strength."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining the Nine Nether Soul Refining Technique (can be passed on to others), this technique is the top technique of the spirit class."

"Congratulations to the host for obtaining a primary detection symbol, which can detect the most important treasure within 20 kilometers of Fang Yuan."

"Hiss! Sure enough, the gift package this time is even richer than last time!"

Seeing the rewards in the gift bag, Ye Huan's heart trembled.

Just the Nine Nether Soul Refining Method, a soul-based exercise, is of inestimable value.

The soul is the most mysterious existence.

Soul exercises are generally more expensive than other types of exercises.

A strong soul can not only improve one's comprehension, but also better control one's own power, and accurately display one's own strength.

Not to mention there is also the soul attack secret method.

The more you get to the later stage of cultivation, the more obvious the effect of the powerful soul will be.

Physical talent in the early stage may be more important than soul.

But in the later stage, understanding is more important than physique.

When one's cultivation reaches a certain level, one needs to comprehend the world more, and the importance of comprehension is reflected.

If he could start cultivating his soul early, his starting point would be higher than that of ordinary people.

In the recycling system, the price of soul-type exercises is an astronomical figure.

It's not something a newcomer like him who just went to sea can afford.

Moreover, the exercises bought in the recycling system can only be practiced by oneself.

This in turn limits the development of those big families.

Otherwise, no matter how expensive the cultivation technique is, the big family can always afford it as long as they gather together.

After all, it is not too cost-effective for the entire force to practice one exercise.

But if you can only practice alone, then you have to think about it separately.

So even big families.

Only a very small number of sequence seeds have the opportunity to practice soul-type exercises.

Ordinary family members have no chance at all.

The exercises rewarded in the gift pack can be passed on to others.

For individuals, a practice is no different from buying it in the system mall.

But for forces, the difference is huge.

If everyone in a power spends points to learn the Nine Nether Soul Refining Art, the points needed are astronomical.

No force can afford it.

As more and more people were on board in the future.

With the Demon Emperor's Ancient Sutra and the Nine Nether Soul Refining Art, there are two exercises that can be passed on to the outside world.

It can be said that he now has a foundation of power.

No matter how many people are on board in the future, there is no need to buy exercises.

This would save him an astronomical amount of points.

Points can be used to purchase cultivation resources.

How could Ye Huan not be excited.

"Fragment of the Law of Force."

Look at the fragment in the gift bag that is filled with the breath of law.

This fragment seemed to be tailor-made for him.

Law is the foundation of enlightenment.

He already has supernatural powers, and supernatural powers and laws complement each other.

The advancement of supernatural powers does not only rely on power fruits.

You can also comprehend it yourself.

But it is extremely difficult.

With the law fragments, he can rely on the fragments to comprehend the law of power.

It is not impossible to prove the Dao with strength in the future.

Of course that is for the future.

He may not choose to prove the way with strength.

The more you comprehend the laws, the more comprehensive you are, the less your own shortcomings will be.

The stronger the opponent, the fewer shortcomings.

A short board may bring immeasurable crisis.

A real ceiling-level grandma will not have obvious shortcomings.

Ye Huan has a golden finger in his hand.

From the very beginning, his target was not anyone in this world.

It's about whether you can go to the end of the endless sea in the future to have a look.

This is his goal.

Ye Huan turned his attention to the fruit of speed talent again.

He has already awakened the supernatural power of strength, but he wonders if he can awaken the supernatural power of speed this time.

There is not much difference in size between strength fruit and speed fruit except for the color.

The conditions for awakening are also the same.

Under the premise of not knowing the awakening conditions.

Still have to rely on luck.

He didn't think much of it.

Put the Speed ​​Fruit directly into your mouth.

"Well, the taste is a bit different from the power fruit. It has a chilly taste, a bit like mint."

A coolness like a breeze washed over his whole body.

The body is cool.


This coolness flowed through the whole body, another heavy shackle of the body seemed to be opened, and the brain roared.

The feeling when I awakened my supernatural powers reappeared.

The body seemed to be reborn again.

That innate feeling came back.

"Am I awakening the supernatural power of speed again?"

Who said that the awakening of supernatural powers is extremely difficult, like winning the lottery?

Ye Huan simply doubts life.

Is it because he is a time traveler, so he has blessed the BUFF that must be awakened?

Otherwise, it is really difficult to explain his current situation.

This is no different from winning the lottery twice in a row on Blue Star.

Who else but insiders can do this?

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