
Yun Yun emerged from the sea again.

In his hand was a splintered spear.

"Husband, finding a broken spear is better than nothing."

Yun Yun was a little depressed, this gain was far worse than yesterday.

Ye Huan laughed: "It's good to have something to gain, this is the daily life in the endless sea."

"How can you find a treasure as soon as you reach the bottom of the sea. If you don't return empty-handed, you will make money."

Ye Huan has been in the classroom for more than ten years.

Know the situation in the endless sea.

One or two hundred points a day is considered a good harvest.

The two of them went into the sea three times today and got more than 100 points, which is not bad.

This kind of harvest has surpassed at least half of the people in the novice area.

Some people who are unlucky have spent a whole day playing in the air force, and they have to pay fuel points.

If you don't lose, you earn.

As long as there is no danger in the endless sea, it is almost pure profit.

It's a pity that such a good thing doesn't exist.

The dangers of the Endless Sea are everywhere.

Yun Yun boarded the boat, and the two of them rested for a while, preparing to continue to go deeper.

Just as the ship was about to sail, suddenly the front was filled with thick fog.

The sea, which was endless just now, was suddenly shrouded in thick fog.

"Careful, is this?"

Ye Huan didn't know whether he was lucky or not.

This situation also happened to me.

Yun Yun looked at the front with a solemn face, shocked, and said to Ye Huan:

"Husband, in my world back then, it was only when I encountered this kind of fog that I was sent to this world."

Ye Huan said affirmatively:

"You are right, this is the fog of time and space. Once this kind of fog appears, it means that this place is connected to another time and space. It was the fog of time and space that was connected to your world in the first place, and it will send you here."

Ye Huan faintly felt the power of time and space from the mist, which further confirmed his guess.

The Endless Sea connects the heavens and worlds, and it is not too rare for the fog of time and space to appear, but it is not too many to be encountered by people.

After all, the endless sea is too big.

And the appearance of the fog of time and space is random, so not many people have actually seen it.

"I don't know which world this space-time fog is connected to."

There is no trace of where the fog of time and space appears, but there are some rules embedded in it.

Generally, the world connected to the novice area will not be too strong.

And the world connected by time and space fog in the depths of the endless sea will not be too weak.

If you can make a lot of money in it, not only can you get a lot of points, but your ranking on the Qianlong list will also be raised a little bit.

If he was alone, he would definitely run as far as he could.

Now that he has Yun Yun as a strong support by his side, he can definitely give it a go.

The fog of time and space expanded rapidly, and soon shrouded their ships in it.

"Come on, you don't have to make up your own mind."

Ye Huan smiled wryly.

With the speed of a third-class ship, it is impossible to escape the spread of the fog of time and space.

They come, the security!

"The time and space here is very chaotic, I can't find my direction!"

Yun Yun looked around as if facing an enemy.

There was silence all around, and the boats were drifting with the current.

Not long after, the fog gradually faded away, and a continent shrouded in fog appeared in front of the two of them.

"Husband, did we teleport to another area? There was no land in our position just now."

The two looked at the continent ahead.

"Instead of being teleported to other regions, we have been teleported to other worlds."

Ye Huan said in a deep voice.

"After leaving other worlds, why don't I feel any traces of spatial fluctuations."

Yun Yun looked bewildered. There will be space fluctuations when teleporting to other worlds.

"The fog of time and space involves time and space, it's too profound, and we can't understand it with our current cultivation."

"Sometimes, the fog of time and space can even transport people to different time periods in the same world."

Yun Yun listened to Ye Huan's words as if she was listening to a scripture.

It would be too scary to teleport to different time periods in the same world.

This is manipulating spacetime.

Simply manipulating space is not uncommon. The teleportation arrays and storage bags commonly used in various worlds all involve the laws of space.

When space is paired with time, it almost becomes another level of power.

It is completely different from the pure law of space.

"I know why the endless sea has been salvaged for so many years, but the treasures are still flowing."

"It is precisely because the fog of time and space often descends on the other worlds of the heavens, bringing treasures from other worlds to the Endless Sea, so the treasures in the Endless Sea have not decreased."

Ye Huan made a guess.

The Endless Sea has been salvaged for so many years, logically speaking.

Treasures will become less and less.

But according to Ye Huan's understanding, at least in the past thousand years, the treasures of the Endless Sea have not decreased.

At most, it is less than when the Endless Sea first arrived.

Now he finally found out why.

It turned out that the fog of time and space went to other worlds to gather wool.

After hearing Ye Huan's explanation, Yun Yun also deeply agreed.

Staring at the island ahead, she asked, "Shall we take a look?"

Ye Huan nodded: "It's all here, so go and have a look! The area shrouded in mist may be unusual."

Areas along the coast of the mainland were shrouded in fog.

The two steered the boat towards the fog-shrouded direction.

After a while, the boat came to the shore.

After the two stopped the ship, they landed on land.

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