The city has long been eroded by the sea, and there are ruins everywhere.

It seems to have been ransacked, and the complete building cannot be seen.

"Treasures will be buried under the building."

"It's a gigantic project to try to excavate."

"I'm afraid that the excavation will only be some ordinary gold and silver treasures, and the gains will outweigh the losses!"

Ye Huan looked at the ruined ancient city in front of him, and frowned slightly. After going to sea these days, he had his own evaluation of treasure hunting.

The eyes are picky a lot.

Points that can be easily picked up are naturally coveted.

If it's just for gold, silver and jewelry, it's not worth it.

"If there are treasures on this island, they should all be in this city."

"You might as well go and have a look. You can roughly see some clues. If it's just a mortal thing, it's not too late to leave."

Yun Yun suggested.


Ye Huan nodded, and the three of them entered the city from the top of the mountain.

Search along the streets of the city.

Not long after, Tan'er found several jade pendants on a collapsed building.

Immediately afterwards, Yun Yun also harvested a few antiques.

Ye Huan put them all into the storage ring.

A single thing is worthless, if the quantity is enough, it is not in vain to come.

Yun Yun picked up a plaque that fell on the ground, and saw the words on it clearly.

"Husband, this is a pawn shop!"

Yun Yun shook the plaque in her hand and transmitted sound to Ye Huan.

"The pawn shop didn't take anything away, maybe when this ancient city was destroyed, nothing was taken away."

Ye Huan also picked up some antiques under his feet.

If the time comes, things will definitely be taken away.

Now this situation shows that time is too late.

There shouldn't be much difference elsewhere.

"I think so too. Let's clear this area first. If there is still something in it, it will prove that the guess is correct."

The cloud rhyme arouses the power of the tide.

Soon, the ruins in this area were impacted by the current and drifted around.

The things under the cover appeared in front of everyone.

In addition to jewelry, jade, gold and silver, there are also some antiques.

Ye Huan put these items into the storage ring.

"The items in the pawn shop are all ordinary things. This should be just an ordinary island that was drawn into the endless sea from other worlds."

Ye Huan makes his own judgment.

"It should be like this, husband, shall we continue to dig?"

Everything is of little value, Yun Yun can't make up her mind.

Ye Huan thought for a while and said: "There is no need to dig a lot. Let's find the City Lord's Mansion and those big families and dig, and then we don't need to look for other places."


Just about to leave, Tan'er suddenly shouted: "My lord, there is a discovery here!"

Tan'er held a pearl in his hand, it was extremely small.

There is a slight spiritual fluctuation on it.

This is the first time an item containing aura has been found.

Ye Huan took the pearl in his hand, looked at it for a moment, and said happily, "It turned out to be a shark pearl!"

"Husband, what is a shark bead?"

Yun Yun wondered, during this time, they were trying to catch up on the knowledge of Endless Sea.

The time is still short, and many treasures are unknown.

Ye Huan explained: "The merman beads are formed from the tears of mermans. They can cure all poisons, strengthen the body, and even extend life. In the low-level world, they are extremely precious treasures."

After hearing Ye Huan's explanation, the two women learned a lot.

Unexpectedly, tears can turn into pearls.

"Husband, will this place be an extraordinary world?"

Yun Yun asked, finding items that contained spiritual energy meant that there might be other treasures.

"Even extraordinary, the level is very low. Let's go directly to the castle in the center of the city! If there are good things, they will be there."

Ye Huan put the Merman Pearl away, and soon, they came to the most magnificent building.

The building was relatively less damaged.

"There is a broken magic circle in operation?"

"This formation can absorb energy from the seawater, and the seawater of the Endless Sea is full of energy, so this formation can be preserved."

Ye Huan was greatly surprised.

The arrival of several people scared some marine creatures staying here to flee.

"If we don't come, this formation won't last long!"

The formation is already crumbling.

Yun Yun tore a hole, and the three of them entered the palace.

There are all kinds of gold and precious jade in the palace, and Ye Huan put them all into the storage ring.

"What a thin gauze!"

Tan'er held a piece of light and soft material and couldn't put it down.

"This is shark yarn!"

Ye Huan said with a smile, "The sharks are good at spinning, and skein yarn is a specialty of the sharks, and even princes and nobles covet it."

"Husband, take these skeins back to make clothes!"

Yun Yun also came over, women's nature of beauty can never be changed.

After some searching, everyone's faces were extremely excited.

Even though it's just a mortal thing, it can't hold up to a large amount.

"Husband, there is a basement here!"

Yun Yun's voice came.

Under the screen of the apse, there is an extremely small crack on the ground, which can't be noticed unless you look carefully.

"Open it!"

Ye Huan said.

"Okay, I'll come!"

Tan'er's supernatural powers circulated briefly, and the floor slowly disappeared in front of them.

A passage leading underground is revealed.

"Hiss! Tan'er's supernatural power is murder and arson, a must-have for home and travel!"

Ye Huan looked at Tan'er's supernatural powers, and his eyes became hot.

"Husband! Let's go down!"


Ye Huan led the way, followed by the two women, walking down the ladder to the basement.

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