Ye Huan shook his head and smiled.

The girls overestimated him.

He came into this world through birth.

From an early age, I had the thinking of an adult.

No matter which world you are in, it is always good to study hard~ yes.

It is with this kind of thinking that he can understand almost all kinds of knowledge in Endless Sea that he can come into contact with.

Coupled with the awakened golden finger and extraordinary luck, today is what it is.

"My lord, how long shall we stay here?"

Looking at the bustling city in front of them, the girls couldn't help but feel anxious.

"Stay for a day!"

"Look what you need to buy, let's buy all of them today."

In addition to the mange disease of the Adams family, there are also behind-the-scenes masterminds who attacked the Light and Shadow Clan.

They must improve their strength as soon as possible.

There is no need to worry about the Adams family attacking him in the city.

Fighting is strictly prohibited in the city, which is a convention of all parties.

Most of the powerhouses on this land went to the depths of the endless sea.

But this is still their root, and it is a place that no one can give up in their hearts.

Because of this, the cities of this world are surprisingly peaceful.

No matter how big the family is, they dare not do anything wrong in this area, so as not to cause disasters due to the family.

"One day is enough!"

When the girls knew that they were not enjoying themselves, Yun Yun asked, "Husband! Do you use points to buy things in this world?"

"You can use points or currency!"

Whether it is the East or the West, there are currencies jointly issued by major forces.

Points are worth too much.

1 point is equivalent to 1 kg of gold.

It's okay to buy training materials.

Ordinary people's lives are somewhat inconvenient.

Points cannot be dismantled.

Therefore, the major forces jointly issued currency, which is directly linked to points.

1 point can be exchanged for 1000 world coins.

"Ordinary people use currency a lot, and you can use points directly when you buy things.

Ye Huan accompanied the girls to a large shopping mall.

"My husband, let's buy some of these beautiful tableware."

"This perfume is made from sea anemone, it smells so good, buy some for spare.

"This dress is so beautiful!"

The girls were attracted by the dazzling array of products in the mall.

Living things are worthless.

The truly precious treasures are all related to cultivation.

In the recycling system, the recycling price is roughly 80% of the purchase price.

The remaining 20% ​​will give the merchants a certain profit margin.

Therefore, there are also cultivation materials in the mall.

In order to save points, some people choose to buy training materials in shopping malls, which can save about 10%.

The biggest difference between shopping malls and system shopping malls lies in the credit.

The treasures in the system mall are absolutely assured, but the mall is not necessarily.

Merchants also know where their foundation lies.

We will try our best to ensure the authenticity of the goods.

Even the rule of ten times compensation is very common in this world.

In regular shopping malls, it is generally difficult to buy fakes.

Small businesses and hawkers have no chance of gaining a foothold.

The profit margin of the 20% cap on cultivation resources is certain.

If the price is to be attractive, it must be 10% cheaper than in the system.

After removing the cost, the final profit margin is about half.

In this case, it is obvious to choose a shopping mall or a small stall.

Although the gross profit of shopping malls is low, it wins in stability and safety.

Almost every big family has opened their own shopping malls.

Ye Huan didn't plan to buy cultivation resources in the mall.

After shopping, the girls looked at the spoils with satisfaction.

A total of less than 10,000 points were spent.

As far as their income is concerned, it is a drop in the bucket.

Afterwards, Ye Huan took the girls to taste the delicacies of this world.

Early the next morning.

Everyone came to the mouth of the endless sea.

The novice area is equivalent to the inner sea.

The outlet of the sea and the outlet of the endless sea are not in the same location.

The mouth of the Endless Sea is bigger.

Many people who salvage in shallow seas return to land every few days.

At this time, the people who went out to the sea were densely packed.

"Husband! There are so many people! Much more people than the pier in the novice area."

Looking at the dense crowd, Yun Yun couldn't believe it.

Ye Huan explained with a smile:

"There are only 18-year-olds in the novice area, and the number of 18-year-olds is limited every year."

"The people who go to sea in the endless sea are the accumulated population over the years."

“This is the only outlet to the sea, and it’s normal to have a lot of people.

People in shallow seas will always return to land unless they go to the deep sea.

The population returning every day is an astronomical figure.

"According to this, isn't Qianhai's treasures destroyed?"

The girls were a little depressed.

No matter how many treasures are salvaged by so many people, they will all be scooped up, so there is no place for them.

"The closer you are to the land, the more times you salvage it, and the fewer treasures you have."

"The closer you are to the deep sea, the more treasures you have."

"The endless sea is much more dangerous than the novice area. There are many places that ordinary ship owners dare not go to. There will definitely be treasures."

What's more, the endless sea will bring supplies from other worlds from time to time.

It is an inexhaustible treasure.

Don't have to worry about being caught at all.

"Come on, let's go to sea first and then board the boat!"

Several people soared into the sky and flew into the sea.

After more than ten kilometers, there were fewer ships.

Ye Huan released the boat from the dock.

The ship landed on the sea.

With the sound of "Wow!", huge waves were stirred up, and waves of ripples scattered in all directions.

Tier 5 battleships are as conspicuous as the Rolls Royce in the previous life.

Ye Huan's ship was released and immediately attracted the attention of others.

"Shouldn't Tier 5 warships appear in the deep sea area?"

"Which big family is traveling?"

"The people on board are very young, they should be the sons of big families."

"A new voyage has begun!"

The boat rowed across the huge waves, leaving two walls of water, carrying them, and going at full speed.

Everyone stood on the bow of the boat.

"Endless Sea is much more lively than the rookie area, and you can see boats everywhere along the way."

The higher the level of the ship, the faster the speed. One by one surpassed others, leaving them far behind.

"It's too close to land now, and after a few days of driving, there will be fewer ships.

Facing the sea breeze, Ye Huan is used to life on a boat, but he is not used to being on land.

"Husband, let's go a little deeper and salvage."

"Well, don't compete with these people!"

Ye Huan's goal is very clear, and there are no other ships around, so he will start salvaging.

Competing with others for this position is just a waste of time.

The more dangerous the place, the more opportunities there are.

The deeper you go, the powerful sea monsters, pirate groups, and other major forces will appear.

Ordinary ships dare not go to such an area.

The base of ordinary ships is gone.

It is impossible to scoop up all the treasures in the endless sea.

Sailed for two days.

Originally, I could still encounter second-class ships.

In the current sea area, almost three-level ships are at the bottom, and occasionally four-pole ships can be seen.

Those boats saw Ye Huan from afar and started to hide.

In the endless sea, it is not uncommon to kill people and seize treasures.

There are no special circumstances.

When encountering a higher-level ship than oneself, they will dodge in advance.

Ye Huan has no intention of staying here.

Continue to go deeper into the sea...and...

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