The Age of Universal Gods: My God is the Big Boss of the Heavens

Chapter 131 The selection competition officially begins

Ying Zheng had never felt the existence of Daqin so clearly. After accommodating Ying Zheng, Daqin and Ying Zheng had become one.

The power of Daqin is the power of Ying Zheng. Daqin will not be destroyed, and Ying Zheng will not die!

Feeling the changes in himself, Ying Zheng turned around and knelt down to thank the statue of the God of Heaven in the Qin Palace.

The same thing happened to Chongzhen, but compared to Ying Zheng who used the Qinling Dragon Vein, Chongzhen, who had already destroyed the Qing Dynasty, directly used the Kunlun Dragon Vein.

The emperor-level true body he condensed presented a bright yellow dragon, overlooking the world and being one with the country!

"Inner Saint and Outer King!"

After awakening the emperor-level true body, they couldn't wait to expand their national strength.

With the various technical support of Wandering Earth in China, people's livelihood has entered a high-speed development. At this moment, if they want to quickly expand their national strength, they must expand their territory.

Of course, there is no trivial matter in a country. Even if the national strength of the two countries is invincible in their own world at this moment, any use of force against foreign countries requires various preparations.

Under the auspices of the two emperors, both the Qin and Ming dynasties have already tightened their springs and started preparing for the war of global unification.

However, Su Lin did not pay attention to these things at this moment, because the selection competition was about to officially begin.

At this moment, in the rest area of ​​the Void Fortress, many students have gathered together, and they will go to the official venue next.

Su Lin had learned a lot of relevant information about the selection competition from the principal before. Although the rules of the selection competition will change every year, the most core one has never changed, that is, competition.

In the competition, the best existence of a generation is selected. No matter what the competition method is, the most important thing is to rely on strength.

And Su Lin has absolute confidence in his own strength, so compared with those students who are still connecting with each other and wanting to form a group, his expression is extremely leisurely.

A ray of light flashed, and all the students participating in the selection competition had a flash in front of their eyes and then found that they had come to a magnificent small world.

This small world is not large, even a little smaller than some half-planes, but the world barrier is extremely tough, and such a tough world barrier is enough to allow the gods below the true gods to fight at will without breaking.

In the center of the small world stands a five-colored mountain. The bottom of the whole mountain is black iron, followed by bronze, and then silver. Above the silver is gold, and the top of the mountain is a diamond that sparkles with crystal clear light.

The mountain is pyramid-shaped, and each layer of different colors of the mountain is also placed on the throne of different materials.

At the top is a diamond chair that looks like a throne. The whole chair radiates a soul-stirring light. You don’t even need to touch it. You can tell that it is definitely a rare treasure just by looking at the appearance of the diamond chair.

Below the diamond chair are nine golden chairs that sparkle with golden light. The rich golden light surrounds the golden chairs, showing their nobility.

Below were dozens of silver chairs emitting a faint silver aura, and below the silver chairs were bronze-cast chairs with a strange color.

The black iron chairs at the bottom could no longer be called chairs, and looked more like stools without backrests.

Su Lin only took a glance and figured out that there were only 588 seats in total, and there were thousands of students participating in the selection competition. Obviously, some people didn't even have black iron chairs like benches.

No one announced the rules, but all the students reacted at the first time. They rushed to the mountain to find seats and sat down at the fastest speed.

In a moment of Su Lin's daze, the 588 seats on the scene were already full of people.

The students who were still standing would naturally not give up the throne that obviously had a special meaning, but now they didn't know the rules, so they didn't dare to grab it directly. For a while, they could only stare at the students sitting on the thrones with a fierce light in their eyes.

Su Lin was not in a hurry at this moment. After all, the selection competition was a national event, and it would definitely not be so simple to determine the ranking just by quick reaction.

Sure enough, after everyone quieted down, a dozen figures shrouded in divine light suddenly appeared on the world barrier of the small world.

As soon as these figures appeared, the vast divine power pressed on everyone. Except for Su Lin, everyone else bent down involuntarily.

"At least they are all true gods with medium divine power!"

Feeling the momentum of those figures, Su Lin couldn't help but smack his lips. At this moment, he was not afraid but eager to try. He felt that he was not weaker than those dozen guys.

The dozen true gods also noticed Su Lin. Seeing Su Lin who could resist the oppression of the true gods, they flashed a trace of interest in their eyes.

Then a stronger sense of oppression came. Although Su Lin still didn't feel too much pressure, he still bent down to take care of the face of the teachers.

Even so, the dozen true gods also felt a little horrified at this moment. You know, the power they used just now was enough to suppress a demigod, but Su Lin, a divine creature, only bent down vaguely.

It seems that this time the selection competition has really caught a big fish!

Everyone looked at each other, with a little bit of competition in their eyes. As representatives of various forces, they all came with the mission of selecting good seedlings.

But now is not the time to talk about this. A true god sitting in the middle of the crowd slowly emerged.

"I am a representative of the military. You can call me Instructor Tian. I am very pleased. It seems that the students of this class are very lively and can't wait. As the host of the selection, I declare that the selection has officially begun!"

After saying that, his figure slowly disappeared, and everyone looked on dumbfounded, waiting for the specific rules to follow.

After a long time, Instructor Tian saw that everyone was still not taking action, and his voice came out directly: "What are you waiting for? The trial has begun. Don't worry, this small world has been blessed by the powerful God of Life. You are among them. Even if you die, you can be resurrected later!”

"There are a total of 3,241 of you, but there are only 588 seats. The vast majority of people do not have seats. Let's fight and fight. I can tell you responsibly that the interests represented by each seat are not even decimals!" "

After saying that, Instructor Tian and the true gods disappeared directly, leaving only more than 3,000 contestants in the entire small world.


People who didn't have much confidence in their own strength at this moment had jumped up from their seats.

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