After reading the message from the Red Queen, Hu Hai and Bibi Dong looked at each other, and their faces were a little ugly at the moment.

Although the Red Queen woke them up, that little bit of energy really couldn't nourish their dry bodies. At this moment, their combat effectiveness was really very limited.

Thinking of how strong the Chaos Exploration Team was when they entered the Chaos, but in the blink of an eye, only a warehouse full of mummies was left.

Even the Red Queen fell into a deep sleep at this moment. Although it can't be said that the whole army was annihilated, it was on the verge of annihilation.

It can be seen that both of them were a little disappointed.

"Okay, now is not the time to feel sorry for ourselves. The most important thing now is that we have found this world. Although it is only a small world, the energy inside is simply incredible." Hu Hai adjusted his mentality first. As the son of the emperor, he didn't need to join the exploration team.

But since he learned about the original destiny of the Qin Dynasty from other worlds, Hu Hai has been wrapped in huge guilt. This guilt is not because he violated his father's orders, nor because he killed his brothers and sisters.

It was because the powerful Qin Dynasty died because of his second generation.

This was simply the biggest irony of his ability. It was to prove his ability that he joined the exploration team.

Looking at Hu Hai who had returned to normal, Bibi Dong was silent for a while, and smiled: "From the information we have obtained so far, this world is rich in resources, and there are a lot of treasures, which contains great development value."

Both of them were a little excited at this moment.

What is the goal of the Chaos Exploration Team?

They risked their lives to explore the chaos, not just to find a world full of resources and treasures.

But the few worlds discovered before, even if they were civilized, did not have much reference value for the heavens.

And at this moment, in the violent chaos storm, they actually found this world.

This is simply unbelievable!

Thinking of this, both of them cast their eyes on the lucky rune printed on the Chaos Battleship.

"Sure enough, God bless you!"

The two sighed for a while, and at the same time fell into thought.

The Chaos Exploration Team had a corresponding plan for how to deal with different worlds after discovering them.

Whether it is peaceful establishment of diplomatic relations or forceful attack, whether it is buying off local forces to act as spokespersons or secretly infiltrating to collect intelligence, there are always relevant plans and programs.

However, no matter what the plan is, it has never been thought that the entire Chaos Battleship is completely on the verge of collapse.

The possibility of Hu Hai and Bibi Dong alone to implement these plans is close to zero.

So there is only one way before them, that is to enter the world and collect enough energy to reawaken teammates and Chaos Battleship.

"I'll go first!" Hu Hai said directly after a silence.

At this moment, their understanding of the world in front of them is almost zero. It is undoubtedly extremely dangerous to enter the world directly. After all, it is possible that the dominant race in this world is not human, or there is a great rejection of outsiders.

At that time, if they are not careful, they may become enemies with the world. If it is normal, they have enough props and technology to help them deal with these crises, but now they can only rely on themselves.

But after hearing Hu Hai's words, Bibi Dong smiled and said, "I don't think we should separate at this time. Although we can have two chances of success if we go in two groups, the success rate is much lower if we go alone."

"So, let's go together!"

Looking at Bibi Dong's beautiful face, Hu Hai was silent for a moment, and then his face suddenly lit up and smiled, "Okay, let's go together!"

It is not easy for the two of them to enter the world. After all, the entire Chaos Battleship has stopped working, and it is simply an impossible task to break through the world barrier.

But before, I don't know what force disturbed the world barrier, which caused some holes on the top of the barrier. As long as they seize the opportunity and take a little risk, they can enter the world.

The location of these holes was marked by the Red Queen. At this moment, standing on the holes, the expressions of the two people were a little solemn.

"It can affect the world barrier and the rules of time. The people in this world are very likely to have mastered the method of making a time machine!"

"So we must be careful!"

The two looked at each other, and then directly jumped into the smaller and smaller holes in the world barrier.

And just before the two entered the world,

Just when the Chaos Battleship encountered this world under the power of the Chaos Storm, the power of the Chaos Battleship affected the operation of all the rules of this world.

In the rule dimension beyond the material world, a small time machine was shuttling back and forth in the space-time tunnel, and behind this time machine, there seemed to be an egg with an unusual pattern.

It was like a car that was originally traveling on the highway suddenly caught up with a major earthquake. As the world rules trembled violently under the power of the Chaos Battleship, the small time machine that shuttled through time and space suddenly lost its track.

According to the original program setting, a gap suddenly cracked in the void on the earth, and then the time machine flew out directly from it and crashed into the plain.

"Have I arrived? Or what just happened?!"

Trunks was confused at the moment. The time machine that his mother said landed in this way was not the case. However, thinking that his mother had not conducted any experiments, it was natural that various accidents would occur.

However, looking at the dashboard that had begun to spin, Trunks could no longer tell what era he had landed in.

He could only pray that the time machine was not completely damaged, or that his mother was still there in this timeline, otherwise he would not repair the time machine.

After getting out of the time machine and burying it properly, Trunks floated in the air and began to sense the breath of the strong in this world.

But even if he searched the entire earth, he did not find any breath of the strong.

The existence with the strongest combat power was just an ordinary person with a combat power of more than ten or twenty.

And Piccolo, Son Goku, Krillin and others mentioned by his mother could not feel the slightest breath at all.

"Is there really a problem with my time travel?"

"Is this the past or the future? But how can I defeat the androids without enough power?!"

Thinking that if he couldn't go back in time, his mother might die at the hands of the androids, Trunks could no longer control his power and transformed into a Super Saiyan.

His momentum soared into the sky, stirring the entire sky as if it was constantly spinning.

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