The Age of Universal Gods: My God is the Big Boss of the Heavens

Chapter 27 Demonstrating Divine Power in Front of the Sword Stone

The martial arts world of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber, which was originally full of disputes between good and evil and endless wars, was disturbed by a piece of news.

Zhang Cuishan, the fifth disciple of Zhang Sanfeng of the Wudang Sect, was going to marry Yin Susu, the daughter of the White-browed Eagle King of the Ming Cult, and the wedding would be held in a month.

"Good and evil cannot coexist, what exactly does Master Zhang think?!" Some righteous people shouted loudly.

"Humph, the daughter of the White-browed Eagle King is so beautiful, it must be his ten lifetimes of good deeds that he could like Zhang Cuishan!" Hearing the shouts of the righteous people, some evil heroes could not sit still.

The two sides actually fought after a disagreement.

Compared with these two people, more people are concerned about the whereabouts of the Dragon Slaying Sword.

Zhang Cuishan, Yin Susu and the Golden Lion King Xie Xun disappeared together, and now Zhang Cuishan and Yin Susu have returned at the same time, but the Golden Lion King is nowhere to be seen.

How could the martial arts world not think about this? After all, the name of the precious sword that slays the dragon and commands the world has been circulating in the martial arts world for a hundred years.

All of a sudden, all the major sects in the martial arts world had their own thoughts, and the whole martial arts world was alarmed.

The dust was flying at the foot of Wudang Mountain, which was originally uninhabited, and countless martial artists were gathering towards Wudang Mountain.

At this moment, in the Wudang Hall, Zhang Sanfeng was talking to the White-browed Eagle King with a calm face.

"Master Zhang, I respect you for helping the two children, and I am also very interested in Wudang and Mingjiao fighting against Yuan together. But you said that everyone in Mingjiao should change their beliefs and believe in the God of the Heavens, which makes me a little embarrassed!"

The White-browed Eagle King sighed, with a bit of helplessness on his face.

He was already very happy that his daughter came back, not to mention that his daughter was married to the fifth disciple of the martial arts legend Zhang Sanfeng, which was even more joyful.

In particular, Zhang Sanfeng ignored the distinction between good and evil and directly sent his disciples to invite the White-browed Eagle King and many high-level members of the Mingjiao to attend the wedding, which made him overjoyed.

But he didn't expect that Zhang Sanfeng wanted him to change his faith as soon as he arrived at Wudang, and even wanted everyone in the Mingjiao to believe in the gods of the heavens.

You should know that the Mingjiao originated in Persia and was originally a branch of Manichaeism, believing in fire and light.

It was precisely relying on this belief that the Mingjiao was able to set off waves of anti-Yuan waves in the Central Plains.

And now Zhang Sanfeng wants them to convert to other gods, which is simply a joke.

I guess if I put forward these words in front of other church members, I will be regarded as a traitor.

Seeing that the White-browed Eagle King Yin Tianzheng refused, Zhang Sanfeng was not angry. He just smiled gently and asked: "I wonder if the gods believed in by the Mingjiao have ever had miracles or have believers seen gods with their own eyes?!"

Yin Tianzheng shook his head. At his level, he can see the essence of faith and religion more clearly. Gods only live in people's hearts.

Zhang Sanfeng smiled and said, "In that case, if the God of the Heavens shows a miracle, is it possible for the Ming Cult to convert?!"

Yin Tianzheng was stunned, then said without comment, "It depends on what miracle it is. If it is a true God, we in the Ming Cult will naturally believe in it."

After hearing this, Zhang Sanfeng laughed and said, "Okay, in that case, I will hold a sacrifice while the wedding is going on. Then you will know the greatness of my God."

Seeing that Zhang Sanfeng did not seem to be joking, Yin Tianzheng thought for a while and replied solemnly, "I still have some face in the church. At that time, I estimate that many high-level people will come. As long as the miracle of the God of the Heavens can intimidate them, I am willing to do my best to promote conversion!"

After discussing the important matters, Zhang Sanfeng and Yin Tianzheng discussed the upcoming wedding and discussed martial arts. For a while, both the host and the guest were happy.

After sending Yin Tianzheng to rest, Zhang Sanfeng said excitedly in the chat group of the gods: "My disciple will get married in two days. I have made a plan to spread the faith of my god throughout the martial arts world!"

"Please help!"

"Same as you!"

Zhang Sanfeng roughly told the crowd about his plan, using the fame of the wedding and the Dragon Slaying Sword to gather the people in the martial arts world, and then hold a sacrifice. At that time, under the power of the God of the Heavens, it is estimated that no one will not convert.

"I really want to see it with my own eyes. Senior Zhang's plan is still very meaningful to me. I may also be able to call other ninja villages to hold a sacrifice!" Itachi said with some regret.

At this time, Su Lin, who had been watching their chat, thought about it and posted a message directly in the group: "Sensing the needs of believers, the chat group of the gods has opened the group live broadcast function. Everyone can explore and use it by themselves!"

"My God is mighty!"

"My God is wise!"

For a while, the three people in the group praised the God of the Heavens loudly.

Su Lin smiled, and then turned his eyes to Zhang Sanfeng. He wanted to see if Zhang Sanfeng's actions could make the world of The Heaven Sword and Dragon Saber closer to him.

In the next few days, Wudang Mountain was very lively.

Many disciples of Wudang Mountain were preparing for the wedding, and the solemn Wudang Mountain began to be covered with red and colorful decorations.

At the same time, many masters of the Ming Cult had already arrived at Wudang Mountain.

Due to the teachings of the God of Heaven and the instructions of Zhang Sanfeng, at this moment, Wudang disciples did not have any distinction between good and evil in the martial arts world.

Five scattered people, Green Winged Bat King, Yang Xiao and others gathered in Wudang Mountain, and it was very lively for a while.

Finally, on the day of the wedding, countless people in the martial arts world had gathered at the foot of Wudang Mountain.

Next to the sword-unlocking stone, looking at the martial arts people carrying swords and guns, Song Yuanqiao's face couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"Today, Wudang is holding a wedding. If you are here to celebrate, Wudang will welcome you. But please follow the Wudang rules and put down your weapons before the sword stone."

Some people in the martial arts world who really wanted to congratulate him naturally had no objection to this, but how could those who had ulterior motives rest assured with their weapons?

"My sword is a part of my body, how can I put it down!"

"That's right, I am practicing the great skill of the unity of man and sword. Do you want me to break the skill?"

"Zhang Zhenren is a legend in the martial arts world. Is he still worried about our weapons?!"

Song Yuanqiao sneered at the performances of those people in the martial arts world who had ulterior motives, but as a Wudang disciple, he naturally had to uphold the Wudang rules.

And those people in the martial arts world did not dare to really fight with Song Yuanqiao. After all, Zhang Sanfeng's reputation as a martial arts legend was earned through fighting. Even if he had not taken action for decades, the force that suppressed an era still made these people in the martial arts world feel uneasy.

There was a stalemate between the two sides, and at this moment a gentle voice sounded out of nowhere: "Yuanqiao, let them come up. Today is a great day for Wudang, so let's temporarily put aside the rules of unfurling swords!"

Hearing that voice that sounded out of nowhere, the people in the martial arts world looked at each other in surprise.

This place is more than ten miles away from the main hall of Wudang Mountain. It turns out that the sound can be transmitted so far. How profound is Zhang Sanfeng's skill? !

For a moment, even those who coveted the Dragon Slaying Sword couldn't help but ask themselves in their hearts, do they dare to take action in Wudang Mountain! ?

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