Putting aside the temporarily peaceful chat group, Sulin turned his attention to his own divine domain.

Su Lin, who had just gone through Zhang Sanfeng's sacrifice, had extremely abundant divine power at the moment. He didn't need to worry about consumption for the time being, so he directly spent a lot of divine power to help his dependents reproduce.

This kind of promotion actually increases the chance of hitting the target. Basically, as long as the reproductive behavior is carried out at the right time, the female Sun and Moon people will have a high chance of becoming pregnant.

Since there is no priesthood in the direction of reproduction, this behavior is actually very cost-effective, but now Sulin is about to face a competition for quotas.

His biggest weakness now is the number of dependents in his divine domain and the strength of the dependents.

Although the senior high school students have basically not become demigods, they have more time to increase their dependents as they developed two years earlier than Su Lin.

Basically, the number of dependents of senior high school students is calculated in units of tens of thousands. Even if not many of them are high-level dependents, if there are too many ants, they may kill an elephant.

Of course, this kind of behavior of increasing reproduction is difficult to increase the number of one's own family members in a short period of time, even if there are born people of the sun and moon.

However, as a human race, the people of the sun and moon need to be at least 15 years old if they want to develop combat effectiveness. It is probably too late now.

Of course, he can also purchase low-level races for the Sun and Moon Saint Lord to transform, but now his divine domain is not large, and large-scale transformation will make the divine domain overcrowded.

And as a god, he also has to consider the issue of integration between the dependent clans.

A small amount of conversion is too cost-effective. A large amount of conversion will cause many problems, which will be more difficult to solve.

Therefore, instead of transforming more Familia, it is better to use divine power to let the Familia reproduce on their own.

Because the problem of the number of dependents could not be solved for the time being, Sulin put more hope in the divine realm's training system - martial arts.

As a high-level family, the people of the Sun and Moon have extremely strong cultivation potential. If given enough time, they can even cultivate to the legendary realm.

After Zhang Sanfeng's sacrifice, the number of secret books that Su Lin had accumulated could be described as massive.

If martial arts were strong enough, the people of the sun and moon might not be able to defeat one against a hundred.

"No matter how many you have, they are just like those fishmen before. They have a fatal weakness. No matter how many there are, they are just serving food!"

Su Lin muttered, choosing to load the martial arts into his divine domain.

As the martial arts was loaded, Su Lin felt as if the divine realm suddenly became fuller, as if a bottle of wine had finally been poured into an empty wine bottle.

"Is this the martial arts in the divine realm?"

With the vision of a god, he can directly see the avenue, but as an ordinary divine creature, he can only see part of the avenue. The effect is no different from Zhang Sanfeng's Eye of the Avenue.

At this moment, Sulin discovered that a complete avenue suddenly appeared in the divine realm.

This avenue represents martial arts.

The most important thing is that this martial arts path is complete in Sulin's eyes. He exited the divine realm and took a look at the avenues outside.

"They are exactly the same!" Su Lin was a little surprised.

What it means to be able to see the complete avenue, it means being able to condense the divine personality with it.

That is a godhead, not a priesthood. It is an existence that can make people become true gods.

It is not difficult to become a demigod and condense the priesthood. Using divinity to simulate part of the avenue is enough to condense the corresponding priesthood.

But it is not easy to become a true god. In addition to the astronomical numbers of divinity and divine power, the most important thing is to understand a complete avenue.

For ordinary gods, this is definitely not a simple matter, but now Sulin discovered that the martial arts in his divine domain are exactly the same as the real avenues in the outside world.

This is simply equivalent to sending the ticket to becoming a god to Su Lin. You must know that the omniscient nature of the gods will be greatly enhanced in your own divine domain.

Even if Su Lin imitates a cat and a tiger, he can still condense the martial arts godhead.

Moreover, martial arts is definitely not a weak godhead. It may not be able to support gods with great divine power, but it is absolutely fine with powerful divine powers.

There are several existences with great divine power in the entire main world, even ten can't be counted.

If Su Lin had such martial arts before awakening Golden Finger, he would definitely die of joy.

This means that as long as he relies on time to collect divinity and divine power, Sulin can become a god with powerful divine power.

But now, Su Lin was a little hesitant. Although martial arts was very powerful, Su Lin felt that he could do more.

"Forget it, divinity and divine power are not enough anyway. With the strength of martial arts, you need at least 50 points of divinity to condense the relevant priesthood, and I only have 11 points now."

"No, I now have 13 points of divinity. It seems that the divine realm has digested those demons."

Su Lin took a look at his attributes:

God: Surin

Priesthood: None

God’s name: God of the heavens

Divinity: 13

Divine power: 420

Divine Domain: 300 square kilometers

Believers: Lord of the Sun and Moon, Uchiha Shisui, People of the Sun and Moon

Magic: Yin and Yang

Divine Realm Cultivation System - Martial Arts

After some calculation, Sulin turned his gaze back into the divine realm.

With the loading of martial arts, the speed of cultivation of the people of the sun and moon in the divine domain instantly increased by more than ten times.

More than a year has passed since Su Lin obtained Wudang's skills.

But in a year, only a few dozen people of the Sun and Moon cultivated internal strength. The rest of the Sun and Moon people practiced the skills to strengthen their bodies and improve their physical fitness.

At this moment, just after loading the martial arts, a large number of Sun and Moon people began to have internal strength in their bodies.

Wudang skills: The growth rate of internal strength is medium, which can greatly increase vitality, moderately increase defense, moderately increase attack power, and slightly increase the ability to understand the rules.

After taking a look at the corresponding attributes of the Wudang skills, Su Lin frowned. Such skills are actually more suitable for the clan.

After all, it can greatly increase vitality, at least it can make the clan live longer. The longer the clan lives, the more faith power it can provide to the gods, and it can also bring more divinity after death. Of course, it can also better build the divine domain when it is alive.

It can be said that no god does not like the clan with long vitality.

But the increase in defense and attack power of Wudang skills is only medium.

Su Lin was about to compete with the seniors. What he needed was not only a family that lived long, but also a family that could fight.

After thinking for a while, Su Lin took out the secret books that Zhang Sanfeng had sacrificed and checked them one by one.

Su Lin really found a lot of good things in them.

Eight Desolations and Six Directions: High internal force growth rate, super increase in vitality, greatly increase in defense, and greatly increase in attack power.

Nine Yang Magic: Super internal force growth rate, high increase in vitality, super increase in defense, and greatly increase in attack power.

Tianshan Six Yang Palm: Super increase in vitality.

Lingbo Microstep: Super increase in dodge, high increase in speed, and medium increase in internal force.

"Master Zhang, have you emptied the Xiaoyao Sect's library?"

Su Lin sighed and gave these magic skills to his family.

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