This night was not easy for Harry and Ron. After all, although they were not punished too severely under Dumbledore's deliberate protection, they were still punished under Professor McGonagall's insistence.

However, as the most energetic adolescent boys, even if they were punished, they did not reduce their discussion of the new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor.

Or at this moment, the whole school is looking forward to Professor Tongtian's first class.

Especially after the brilliance of Professor Quirrell last year, all students are looking forward to the teaching of a professor who is at least competent.

They don't know that Tongtian is more than competent, he can almost be called one of the best teachers in the entire chaos.

In the entire Journey to the West world, even the ancestor Hongjun who taught the three thousand guests of Zixiao may not be comparable to Tongtian's ten thousand immortals in terms of the number of disciples.

Moreover, although the disciples of Master Tongtian suffered heavy losses in the Conferred Gods War, if it is purely based on strength, the disciples of Jiejiao can definitely beat Renjiao, Chanjiao and Buddhism in a one-on-three battle.

Unfortunately, the elders of the other party took action later, and these second-generation disciples naturally had to fail.

The school seemed to understand the expectations of many students. Dumbledore, contrary to his usual practice, held an open class that everyone could attend on the first day of school.

And the teacher of the open class was naturally Tongtian!

"Harry, Ron, you'd better hurry up, otherwise I won't wait for you. After all, it's Professor Tongtian's class. If you go late, I guess there won't even be a standing position!"

Hearing Hermione's anxious urging, Ron rarely refuted him. After all, this red-haired boy had an unusually good impression of Tongtian.

He even took the initiative to pull Harry to speed up the speed of washing, so that he could catch up and grab a front position in the open class.

But even so, when they arrived at the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, they found that this not-so-small classroom was already packed with people.

In addition to the first and second graders, there was actually a group of seventh and sixth graders sitting in front of the classroom.

"Don't these people have their own open classes?!"

Ron looked indignant as he looked for a seat in the classroom, complaining constantly.

"No way, because the open class for our age is the first to start. In addition to the students from our four colleges, there are naturally many people of other ages." Harry sighed, found a seat at the back of the classroom, and sat down temporarily.

Under Hermione's urging, although they could only sit in the back row, at least they still had a seat, so they didn't have to stand in the corridor of the classroom like most of their classmates.

Seeing that the classroom was about to sell tickets, a group of teachers suddenly walked into the classroom.

Looking at the crowded classroom, they couldn't help but frown, but then they could only find a corner at the back to stand and prepare to listen to the lecture.

Harry was a little surprised to see that professors at the dean level, such as Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape, came to listen to Teacher Tongtian's lecture.

But then, when an old man with white hair and beard but vigorous walked in from outside the classroom, he still caused a lot of exclamations.

Professor Dumbledore, the first person in the modern magic world, actually came to listen to Tongtian's open class? !

Such a scene seemed to completely arouse everyone's curiosity. What kind of power and charm does Professor Tongtian have?

Tongtian did not let everyone wait for a long time, or they came too early. Tongtian came to the classroom two minutes in advance according to the professional requirements of a teacher.

When he saw the densely packed students below and the professors who were about to be drowned in the students, Tongtian suddenly showed a smile on his face.

This scene reminded him of everything that happened in the Biyou Palace on Jin'ao Island.

This familiar scene made Tongtian feel much better. He couldn't help but smile and said, "It seems that it's my choice of professor, but I have to praise the atmosphere of Hogwarts School. The thirst for knowledge is all-round from the principal to the teacher."

Dumbledore shook his head and said, "In front of knowledge, we are all just humble students!"

Tongtian still smiled and said meaningfully, "Yes, you are all just humble students."

After that, Tongtian's body slowly floated up and said, "I'm very happy to see that my course is popular. Everyone has seen it yesterday. Today I will formally introduce myself again. My name is Tongtian, and you can call me professor!"

Tongtian did not give the students of Hogwarts the qualifications to call him teacher. In his opinion, the term professor in Western schools is still very subtle. Compared with teachers, professors only explain that the relationship between them is just the imparting and receiving of knowledge.

"Okay, it seems that before the formal lecture, we still need to solve the space problem!"

"Of course, you will find out in a while that space is not particularly important!"

While speaking, Tongtian directly took out a small stick from his arms. Looking at the stick that was more than one meter long, the old wand in Dumbledore's arms suddenly trembled.

"Is this stick Tongtian's wand?!"

Dumbledore guessed with some doubt. After such a long time of contact, it was the first time he saw Tongtian take out his wand.

But the next second, Dumbledore found that the stick in Tongtian's hand didn't seem to be a magic wand. He was holding the stick more like holding a sword.

Dumbledore naturally didn't know that his guess was right. The stick in Tongtian's hand was really related to the sword.

This stick was the scabbard of Tongtian's Qingping Sword.

After all, the level of the Heavenly Dao in this world was too low, and it couldn't bear the real power of the Qingping Sword at all, so Tongtian copied a scabbard, which contained a trace of the power of the Qingping Sword.

Tongtian took it out at this moment because it was difficult to do it with the power of the Heavenly Immortal level alone.

And Tongtian, holding the Qingping scabbard in his hand, can temporarily exert a more powerful power.

It must be said that Tongtian is indeed a man who values ​​his promises. In order to help these Hogwarts students really open up the way, Tongtian also took out one of the treasures he brought into this world.

"Actually I don't know magic, I use the power of the Great Dao. Today I will let you feel the feeling of the Great Dao, and today I will clear the way for you!"

While speaking, Tongtian had already swung the scabbard in his hand to completely break the surrounding space. The whole world seemed to be broken, or their worldview was about to be shattered by Tongtian!

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