It has to be said that the students at Hogwarts have had a very hard time during this period, but their gains are undoubtedly huge.

Especially as people with outstanding qualifications such as Harry Potter, Hermione, and Draco regained their human form in the illusion, more and more students began to succeed.

A month later, Tongtian came to Dumbledore's office, and this time he asked for a public class for all.

Dumbledore didn't ask too much about this. At this moment, Dumbledore already had some guesses about the origin of Tongtian.

Although it's not very clear, judging from Tongtian's dedication to cultivating the little wizards at this moment, we know that Tongtian should be kind to the world.

Dumbledore even suspected that Tongtian was invited by the heaven of this world. After all, Dumbledore had been able to glimpse a corner of the future.

Although the magical world seems to be still prosperous at the moment, as time goes by, when the older generation of powerful magicians gradually pass away, the magical world will gradually decline.

Maybe in a few decades, a war will break out between wizards and Muggles, and Dumbledore will not be optimistic about wizards.

When the magical world disappears, only Muggle civilization will be left in this world. And based on Dumbledore's understanding of Muggle civilization, there is no limit to their demands for nature as they follow the path of science and technology.

And this small world can hardly support the consumption of countless people. Maybe Muggle civilization will decline in a few hundred years.

Although this is just Dumbledore's pessimistic view, he believes that this is very likely to be a development direction in the future.

Perhaps it was because Tiandao had glimpsed such a future, and in order to avoid the decline of the entire world, that he summoned Tongtian.

Although Dumbledore did not know that it was not Tiandao who summoned Tongtian, but Tongtian deceived Tiandao, this did not prevent Dumbledore from giving Tongtian more trust.

At least until Tong Tian truly showed his malice, Dumbledore didn't mind cooperating with his actions.

With the permission of the principal, the second open class of the whole school was held again.

But this time, based on the previous experience, the school chose the classroom in the hall.

Everyone arrived on time, and Tongtian didn't talk nonsense. After all, he preferred a time-saving environment to talking in the classroom.

Opening the illusion of heaven, everyone entered the illusion in an instant.

However, unlike the previous struggles and transformation into magical creatures, all the students can remain calm and composed at this moment, and most of them can still remain in human form when entering the illusion.

As for those who cannot maintain their human form, it does not mean that they have not passed Tongtian's training. On the contrary, being able to control their own image in the illusion shows that they have a deeper grasp of the rules of magic.

Tongtian's figure appeared in front of everyone at this moment, and he said with a hint of approval on his face: "Yes, at least you can all master the true power of your own blood!"

Then Tongtian smiled again and said: "If you can pass the test in one month, as a reward, I decided to give you some rewards!"

"Of course, it's not just the students, but also you teachers. This reward also involves you!"

Professor Snape sneered and asked directly: "I wonder what you can come up with as a reward for all of us?!"

Tongtian did not blame Snape. After all, he had spied on the way of heaven and saw Snape's fate. Although he was not moved by Snape's affection, he could understand Snape's behavior at the moment.

He smiled and said: "I can give you the future. If you are willing, I can show you your next destiny. Note that it is everyone's destiny. Believe me, the prediction I give will not be different from ordinary predictions." The teacher’s words are unclear, and I think you will get a list of predictions that are accurate to what will be breakfast tomorrow!”

After hearing Tongtian's words, everyone was silent. After such a long time, they had no doubt about Tongtian's ability. Naturally, they would not think that Tongtian did not have the ability to spy on destiny.

But when the opportunity to pry into their destiny was right in front of them, everyone hesitated.

What a temptation it is to peek into the future. They have been learning and making progress since they were born, all because of the fear of the future.

It is precisely because of the fear that they will be too stupid in the future that they study hard every day.

They work hard to practice magic because they are afraid that they will die tragically because of their weakness in the future.

It is precisely because they want to create their own future that they work hard to move themselves to a better place.

Once they know their future, they can adjust their pace accordingly to make themselves go faster, higher, and become stronger.

At this moment, such an opportunity is placed in front of them. It stands to reason that they should accept it with joy, but at this moment, they all hesitate.

After all, they seem to prefer the unpredictability of fate to knowing the future.

It is precisely because of the unknown that they have expectations for the future.

They will look forward to whether they can get better grades, they will look forward to whether they can find someone to love, and they will look forward to whether they will have a wonderful and interesting future.

If it is a prophecy with unclear words, these little wizards will probably accept it happily. After all, it is nothing for ordinary people to know such ambiguous words. On the contrary, it may be able to give them some guidance when making major choices in life.

But if this prophecy is too detailed, it will make people feel bored living in a fait accompli.

And it is this fear of boredom that makes all the little wizards hesitate at this moment.

Seeing this scene, Dumbledore's eyes flashed with a trace of relief.

He smiled and sent a message to Tongtian: "Professor Tongtian, if this is a test, I think the children should have passed it!"

Tongtian shook his head and did not send a message but directly said to everyone: "This is not a test, it is just a choice for you, but from the looks of you, I am afraid you are not very interested in knowing your own destiny!"

"In this case, I will give you another choice. I will not show you the fate of this world, but show you the fate of this world!"

After hearing Tongtian's words, others were fine. After all, these children had no interest in the fate of the world, but adults like Dumbledore and Snape felt that their breathing was a little faster.

To spy on the fate of a world, what a great power and what an opportunity it will be!

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