Hearing John's shout, everyone turned their eyes to the huge MUTO in front of them.

Sure enough, with the blood light flickering, MUTO's originally gray-black body gradually turned red, looking like the iron red after the blood solidified.

More importantly, after the color of the body surface changed, everyone could faintly hear a sound like thunder.

"This is his heartbeat, he is recovering!"

It was still John. Sure enough, to be a slacker in the unit, he must have his own strengths.

And John's advantage is his natural keen observation.

With his shouts, everyone turned their eyes to MUTO's chest. Sure enough, at this moment, MUTO's originally motionless chest slowly began to rise and fall.

And with the heartbeat, MUTO's speed of absorbing the blood-colored light became faster and faster.

"Boss, hurry up and prepare to activate the final defense system, otherwise it will be too late!" John felt an uncontrollable panic attack on his heart, and he shouted anxiously.

Hearing John's shout, the person in charge finally made up his mind. He suddenly opened the control panel in front of him and slapped a red button on it.

"Half a minute to evacuate, final defense measures activated, prepare for electric shock, prepare for incineration!"

As the red button was pressed, a cold voice rang out throughout the outpost.

Seeing this, everyone did not dare to hesitate at all and quickly evacuated according to the previous training courses.

At the same time, various equipment surrounding Muto began to start.

The first to shine was the bright electric light. The powerful electric shock device was activated, and the electricity consumed by a large city for a month was instantly attacked by Muto.

The endless electric light turned into lightning and struck Muto!

Along with the electric light, there was also endless fire. Although there was no way to use nuclear energy to create high temperatures, after so many years of development, using thermite, humans have been able to create high temperatures of several thousand degrees.

Such high temperatures are enough to destroy all organic matter.

This is also the best way for humans to deal with monsters. When nuclear energy cannot cause damage and ordinary explosions cannot break the monsters' strong defense, humans choose to use natural means such as freezing, fire, lightning, etc. to deal with monsters.

Under the dual attack of thunder and lightning, MUTO seemed to be in hell. If it was really a normal MUTO, even if it would not die under such a double attack, it would at least be seriously injured.

But at this moment, MUTO, which was wrapped in the power of the abyss, was no longer the naturally born monster. After absorbing part of the power of the abyss, it was gradually transformed into a demon belonging to the abyss.

For demons, electricity and fire happened to be the power they were best at. This ordinary power without any extraordinary attributes naturally could not hurt demons.

Even these energies can become the food for the growth of demons.

The red light around MUTO suddenly expanded, and then all the electric light and flames suddenly disappeared.

Seeing this scene, the faces of everyone in the outpost turned extremely pale, and they knew that everything was over.

MUTO, the monster that can destroy a country, has awakened, and it is completely enraged by itself!

"John, notify the governments and senior officials of the relevant countries immediately!"

"What about you?!"

"I am the person in charge of this outpost, and I must live and die with the outpost!"

After saying this, the person in charge turned around and re-entered the command center. Although the last resort had been used, there were still many means in the outpost. Although it was difficult to hurt MUTO, it could temporarily stop its steps, at least it could buy more time for the people outside.

At this moment, time is life. One more second of evacuation time may save hundreds of lives.

Under the control of the person in charge, various artificial devices in the entire outpost began to start, and they closed frantically, trying to form a cage to restrict MUTO's actions.

And with the absorption of enough energy from flames and electric currents, the abyss power finally sank into MUTO's body.

The gray-black body of MUTO had turned blood-black at this moment, and his originally huge body of nearly 100 meters had expanded another circle.

The size of the MUTO reached a terrifying 120 meters, and at the same time, the skeleton outside its body was slightly deformed, with a bone spur deep behind it.

The bone spur was slightly bent, and then twisted to form an exoskeleton like a crown on his head.

At the same time, blood runes appeared in the air on his body. These blood runes seemed to have extremely special powers. Ordinary humans could not bear the destructive breath that was enough to drive people crazy and become crazy just by looking at them.

The person in charge who was controlling the machine, but when he looked up at the transformed MUTO, he covered his head and screamed wildly.

Fortunately, he was well-trained. Even if his heart and soul were torn apart, he still endured the severe pain and completed the final operation.

The powerful steel cage finally closed completely. This was the last resort of the outpost.

Even with the power of the monster, it would take some effort to completely break free from the cage.

Seeing this scene, the person in charge finally couldn't bear the pain of his soul being torn apart. He screamed miserably, and then he was like a fish that was hooked ashore. He slightly shook his body twice and then he couldn't move anymore.

At this moment, the transformed MUTO's eyes were blood red. He glanced at the huge steel cage that sealed him, and then a layer of blood-red flames suddenly ignited on his body, and there was also dark lightning in the flames.

The flames were fierce, the lightning was violent, and the steel that was strong enough to temporarily lock the monster softened under the burning of this layer of flames. Then MUTO gently broke free from the cage and walked out of the outpost where he had been for decades.

After he left, the blood-red flames were still burning in the same place.

The stiff body of the person in charge was not burned to ashes under the burning of the flames. On the contrary, the flames that brought destruction seemed like the fire of life at this moment.

The person in charge's body trembled and stood up under the burning of the flames, but at this moment, the person in charge no longer had the sense of responsibility he once had.

There was only a desire for flesh and blood in those blood-red eyes.

If any mercenaries in the world of Anaconda saw this person, they would definitely exclaim. The look in his eyes was the most classic look of zombies.

However, unlike the zombies that exuded the breath of death, the person in charge still had a look of wisdom in his eyes.

Obviously, under the influence of the power of the abyss, he became a being that was more powerful and stronger than the zombies.

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