Before confirming the clan, Su Lin met with the Sun and Moon Saint.

As a holy spirit, the Sun and Moon Saint has the hope of becoming Su Lin's subordinate god, so he has the qualifications to face Su Lin's body directly.

If other clans appear in the God's Domain in the future, Su Lin will not be able to come in person easily. After all, maintaining a sense of mystery is a very important means to maintain faith.

At this moment, the Sun and Moon Saint has just appeared in the God's Domain and is curiously looking at the surrounding environment.

Seeing Su Lin suddenly appear in front of him, the Sun and Moon Saint's eyes immediately flashed with blazing reverence and knelt down and shouted: "Great God of the Heavens, your most devout believer salutes you!"

"I bless you, my holy spirit!"

As he spoke, Su Lin gently stroked the top of the Sun and Moon Saint's head.

Gods have omniscience in their own God's Domain, especially the Sun and Moon Saint who believes in Su Lin wholeheartedly and unconditionally. With this touch, Su Lin has roughly figured out the true power of the Sun and Moon Saint.

The main power of the Sun and Moon Saint is called the power of the sun and the moon.

The sun and the moon represent light, life, and order, so the power of the sun and the moon of the Sun and Moon Saint also has corresponding power.

Under the cover of the power of the sun and the moon, the growth rate of plants in the divine domain will increase, the life span of the followers will be extended, and even the mineral deposits will slowly increase.

At the same time, the sun and the moon represent heat and cold respectively, and this transformation is done at will. In terms of attack alone, the Sun and Moon Saint is definitely not inferior to other epic heroes.

At the same time, due to the absolute lethality of the power of the sun and the moon to darkness, he, as the incarnation of the power of the sun and the moon, is simply a nightmare for dark creatures.

"No wonder even true gods cheer for cultivating a holy spirit. Any holy spirit is equivalent to adding a plug-in to the divine domain!"

A lot of information flashed through his mind. Su Lin nodded with satisfaction and then ordered: "Sun and Moon, my followers will enter the world next. Your task is to lead them and become their leader!"

Sun and Moon knelt on the ground and shouted: "Great God of the Heavens, I will make them your most devout believers!"

Su Lin didn't say much, and directly exited the divine domain and bought the family card he had long been eyeing on on the divine card shopping website.

Three-star species card-Goblin (ordinary): Get 1,000 adult goblins at one time. (Half male and half female)

Goblins are the lowest existence even among the lower-level followers. They have low combat effectiveness and slightly higher wisdom than beasts. In addition to the advantage in numbers, they have almost no advantages, and even the power of faith they provide is much less than that of other followers.

However, Su Lin, who is familiar with the history of the major pantheons, knows the special nature of goblins. They once established a huge empire that ruled several crystal wall systems - the Ancient Goblin Empire.

To some extent, the Ancient Goblin Empire is not even worse than the current ancient Eastern country. When it becomes powerful to a certain extent, they also begin to seek to make all the people become gods.

Unfortunately, compared with the successful ancient Eastern country, the Ancient Goblin Empire has much worse luck. The entire empire fell apart under the siege of the gods of the major pantheons, and even the goblin race was cursed by several gods with great divine power.

So far, the goblins, who were originally clever and good at creating various machines and even able to compete with gods, have become stupid and beast-like.

So to some extent, the essence of goblins is a high-level creature that is not inferior to humans. I believe that after the transformation of the Sun and Moon Saint, the Sun and Moon people obtained will definitely satisfy Su Lin.

Moreover, the price of goblin families is indeed cheap. One thousand goblins are just a little divine power, which can greatly save Su Lin's not-so-abundant funds.

After loading the goblin species card into the divine domain, a group of ragged goblins instantly appeared on the hills in the north of the divine domain.

These goblins were short and had a pair of long ears that looked like elves, but their eyes were dim, just like ordinary beasts.

Su Lin's mind moved, and the Sun and Moon Saint, who was slowly releasing power to transform the divine domain in the center of the divine domain, suddenly raised his head.

"Follow the divine command!"

Then he flashed and came to the group of goblins.

A thousand goblins were walking southward in a slightly dejected manner. When they saw the Sun and Moon Saint who suddenly appeared, they immediately stopped.

Looking at the ragged and skinny appearance of the goblins, the Sun and Moon Saint showed a kind smile on his face and said: "The gods of the heavens ordered me to welcome your arrival, lost children, congratulations on entering the kingdom of the gods!"

Unfortunately, the goblins seemed to not understand the words of the Sun and Moon Saint at all. They still looked at the Sun and Moon Saint with a vigilant face.

The Sun and Moon Saint scratched his head and said: "Forget it, transform first!"

After saying that, he didn't wait for the goblins to react, and the two environments of the sun and the moon behind him suddenly increased.

In an instant, he seemed to have really turned into the sun and the moon. The illusion of the sun and the moon kept rotating in front of the goblins, as if time was passing quickly.

Under the illumination of the power of the sun and the moon, the goblins fell into stupidity one by one, and then their appearance seemed to begin to gradually change.

Su Lin has been paying attention to the transformation of the Sun and Moon Saint at this moment. Looking from the perspective of the gods, he can see more things.

The rotation of the sun and the moon is like a reincarnation. It seems that the goblins are slowly changing, but in fact they are experiencing a reincarnation.

"No wonder it can transform all creatures, it's the power of reincarnation!"

Su Lin sighed. The power of reincarnation is a power that can only be controlled by gods with great divine power. Being able to use this power, the potential of the Sun and Moon Saint is much stronger than he imagined.

After watching for a while, Su Lin began to buy some basic tools and seeds for land reclamation. After all, starting from scratch is too slow.

The time difference between the God's Domain and the Main World is more than 300 times. It didn't take long before the goblins had completely turned into black-haired and yellow-skinned people.

Looking at the familiar appearance, Su Lin couldn't help but feel a little kind in his heart.

After the transformation, the newly born Sun and Moon people still have the memory of being goblins, but at this moment they have gotten rid of their ignorance and their eyes are shining with wisdom.

Under the leadership of the Sun and Moon Saint, these Sun and Moon people finally came to the plain in the center of the hills.

When they worshiped under the altar that the Sun and Moon Saint had built long ago, Su Yun immediately sensed the extra thousand lines of faith.

Family: Sun and Moon People

Number: 1000 (500 males, 500 females)

Attributes: Human blood, Huaxia Miao

Special attributes: Infrastructure speed increased by 100; Land harvest increased by 100

Faith: 1000 shallow believers

Looking at the attributes of the Sun and Moon People, Su Lin couldn't help but be a little surprised. The Sun and Moon People are definitely the top construction family, and it is estimated that they are not inferior to some of the true gods' families with logistics attributes.

Although they are only shallow believers now, this is already a good start. After all, this shows that the Sun and Moon People have a high degree of acceptance of faith.

Next, it is not difficult to improve their faith with a little operation.

After all the Sun and Moon People worshiped, Su Lin sent the prepared reclamation tools and basic seeds into the God's Domain.

Looking at the sudden increase of things on the altar, the Sun and Moon People were shocked.

And the Sun and Moon Saint Lord knelt down and shouted at the right time: "Thank you for the grace of the God of Heaven!"

Hearing the words of the Sun and Moon Saint Lord, many Sun and Moon People also knelt down.

In an instant, more than a dozen shallow believers were transformed into true believers. If this continues, it will not take long for all these followers to become true believers.

With the tools and seeds provided by Su Lin, the Sun and Moon people began to build villages step by step under the leadership of the Sun and Moon Saint, and slowly developed.

Seeing this, Su Lin stopped paying attention. He believed that with the leadership of the Sun and Moon Saint, coupled with the talents of the Sun and Moon people, the development of the God's Domain in the future would definitely be extraordinary.

After withdrawing from the God's Domain, Su Lin was still thinking about the problems of the God's Domain. With the existence of friends in the heavens, the various resources for the development of the God's Domain were not lacking. The main contradiction now was the size of the God's Domain.

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