At this moment, Yan Kaidian had a trace of doubt in his eyes as he stared closely at Su Lin's figure.

I just can't figure it out, why is this guy here? Are you still following the imperial envoy?

Could it be that I really made a mistake? He is not a commoner.

Thinking that the three people he had sent out to investigate this guy were now lying at home recuperating, one could tell that Su Lin was indeed very skilled.

On the other hand, Wu Yuancheng didn't notice the embarrassment caused by the intersection of their eyes.

His heart has always been on Ding Pingzhou. After all, the imperial envoy is meant to be supported.

"My lord, please come this way."

The two entered the inner hall, followed closely by Su Lin, followed by Yan Kaidian.

There was displeasure on his face. If he really made a mistake, wouldn't it be his own incompetence?

Wu Yuancheng placed Ding Pingzhou on the main seat, and he sat next to him. He looked solemn and unsmiling.

Instruct the servants, "Go and make a cup of good tea immediately!"

Ding Pingzhou was very dissatisfied. He pointed at Su Lin, "Where is my friend?"

Only then did Wu Yuancheng notice that Su Lin, who had been following him, was so unremarkable, and it was because of his dress.

But since the imperial envoy had spoken, he could only do as he was told: "Make a few more cups."

"Brother, please sit here." He actually pulled Su Lin to his seat.

This made Yan Kaidian feel uneasy. The imperial envoy actually valued Su Lin so much. Couldn't it be that the relationship between the two was extraordinary?

Then if he offended Su Lin, wouldn't he indirectly offend the imperial envoy?

When he first heard about the imperial envoy's arrival in Lanzhou, he specifically sought help from Governor Wu to meet him and take care of his own business.

It's over now.

His heart was so cold that even when he was serving tea, his hands were shaking so much that he almost fell down.

Wu Yuancheng did not notice Yan Kaidian's inner fluctuations. He began to report work to Ding Pingzhou and make some scene remarks.

Finally, I remembered the help I just mentioned.

The imperial envoy asked me for help? This is an opportunity given by God, you must seize it!

Thinking this way, Wu Yuancheng immediately said: "I wonder what kind of help Master Ding wants from his subordinates?"

Ding Pingzhou said bluntly: "Lend me three thousand taels."

At this moment, Yan Kaili and Wu Yuancheng were full of questions. The imperial envoy actually asked for a loan, and it was such a large amount.

He even wondered if the imperial envoy was using this excuse to test himself.

So he responded tactfully: "So much? It will take many years for my subordinates to save their salaries. If other officials in the government can contribute, it might be okay."

This was indeed a test by Ding Pingzhou, and Su Lin, who had been watching the excitement, noticed it.

"Isn't it right? There is a saying among the people that for three years to clear the magistrate, one hundred thousand snowflakes of silver. Your Yunlan County is the largest medicinal material market in the North. Even the army has to purchase from you before going to war. There won't be much difference. Bar?"

Wu Yuancheng suddenly broke into a cold sweat. Although this was said in a joking tone, it was scarier than a horror story.

While wiping his cold sweat, he explained: "Those are all rumors spread by unruly people. Wu is a clean official, so he lives on his death salary."

Ding Pingzhou didn't take this trick. He directly gave an order: "I don't care if you have it or not. I will give this brother three thousand taels immediately. I want to buy his things."

Yan Kaidian now understood, who was Su Lin? He is clearly a liar!

You cheated on your niece Qi Zhenzhen before, but now you are so bold as to deceive the imperial envoy?

Although he wanted to testify, but because of the imperial envoy's dignity, if he dared to speak out at this moment, it would definitely be an act of seeking death.

So I continued to watch from the sidelines.

"I wonder what the imperial envoy wants to buy? He actually needs so much money. This doesn't seem like the behavior of an upright official."

This allowed Wu Yuancheng to seize the loophole, and he took advantage of the victory and pursued it, "Of course, you have a high official position, so I will naturally obey."

Then, he ordered his servants to whisper greetings in his ears.

After a while, a plate of cash was brought up, which was three thousand taels.

"Sir, I managed to get this together with great difficulty. I wonder if I have a good eye for such a precious thing?"

Ding Pingzhou nodded, then looked at Su Lin, "Brother Su, please take out the bear and tiger skin."

Although Su Lin didn't understand what kind of medicine he was selling in his gourd, many flaws were exposed in just a moment. In official circles, people like him were simply given away for free.

But he still obeyed the arrangement, took out the bear and tiger skin, and unfolded it with Ding Wu.

"What a good thing!" Wu Yuancheng and Yan Kaidian both praised it.

"I wonder where you got this? Is this a bear skin or a tiger skin?" Wu Yuancheng kept asking questions.

It was Yan Kaidian who had more experience: "This is called a tiger bear. It is a beast that grows at the foot of Yunlan Mountain. It is huge and difficult to hunt, so its fur is extremely rare in the entire northern country. Three thousand taels is not a loss."

But Ding Pingzhou stood up and said as if he was showing off his wealth: "No, it's six thousand taels."

The two of them were stunned and didn't understand what the imperial envoy's intention was.

Su Lin was really not used to this kind of scene, and he couldn't get a word in at all.

Now that he got the money, he said goodbye to Ding Pingzhou, and they didn't stop him, as if they brought him here specially for a show.

"What exactly does he want to do?" Su Lin, who walked out of the prefect's mansion, was still puzzled.

"That's all. Now that we have the money, the trouble caused by meddling has been solved. Finding the spiritual grass is a top priority."

"By the way, system, has my reward arrived?"

The system mechanically replied: "Host, you have received 100 justice points for minding your own business. Do you want to exchange them for ten Fire Dragon Grasses?"

"Confirm the exchange!"

Instantly, a handful of herbs appeared in Su Lin's hand. Observing their appearance, they really looked like flames and exuded heat.

"Will this thing self-ignite?" He muttered to himself.

After seeing no response for a long time, he stuffed it into his arms.

Afterwards, looking at the large row of silver just taken out from the prefect's mansion on the ground, he felt very uncomfortable: "What kind of shitty prefect is this? He doesn't even know how to pay with silver notes."

"Host, you can choose to deposit it into the system bank, and you can choose to exchange it at the silver bank in various places on the map." The system prompted.

"Why didn't you say it earlier? Of course you can exchange it!"

"Host, your current account balance is 6,300 taels, and your wealth level is medium to low."


Soon after Su Lin left, in the prefect's mansion, Yan Kaidian finally couldn't hold it back, and he knelt on the spot.

Wu Yuancheng and Ding Pingzhou were puzzled: "What does Boss Yan mean?"

"Sir, since the imperial envoy entered the palace, I have something to say."

As a businessman, Yan Kaidian usually takes care of Wu Yuancheng, so the relationship between the two is naturally good.

"Boss Yan, just say it."

"I think Su Lin is a liar!"

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